Jason Striker, Master of Martial Arts is a series of action-adventure novels by Piers Anthony and Roberto Fuentes. The series follows Jason Striker, master of all martial arts – including karate, kung-fu and aikido. Despite the fact that he’s able to destroy even the most skilled of opponents, Striker is a man of peace and his school is a school of defense. Expect more blood and guts than from your average Piers Anthony novel.

The Jason Striker series began in 1974 with the novel Kiai!. The series would end in 1976 with Curse of the Ninja, making the series six books long. Below is a list of Piers Anthony and Roberto Fuentes’ Jason Striker Martial Arts books in order of when they were originally released:

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Publication Order of Jason Striker Books

(By: Piers Anthony, Roberto Fuentes)

Kiai!(1974)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Mistress of Death(1974)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Bamboo Bloodbath(1974)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Ninja's Revenge(1975)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Amazon Slaughter(1976)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Curse of the Ninja(1976)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

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