The Jimmy Fincher Saga is a series of young adult fantasy novels by American author James Dashner. When Jimmy Fincher discovers an old wooden door in the forest behind his house, his life is turned upside-down with strange portals to other worlds, conspiracies and villains he must save the world from.

The Jimmy Fincher series began in 2003 with the novel A Door in the Woods. The most recent novel in the series is War of the Black Curtain, published in 2005. Below is a list of James Dashner’s Jimmy Fincher books in order of when they were originally published:

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Publication Order of Jimmy Fincher Saga Books

A Door in the Woods(2003)Description / Buy at
A Gift of Ice(2004)Description / Buy at
The Tower of Air(2004)Description / Buy at
War of the Black Curtain(2005)Description / Buy at

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