Order of Malazan Empire Books
The Malazan Empire is a series of fantasy novels by Canadian novelist Ian C. Esselmont. The series is part of the Malaz world along with the Malazan Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson. The series expands on occurrences in Erikson’s series, and uses some of the same characters.
Ian C. Esslemont began his Malazan Empire series in 2004 with the novel Night of Knives. The series concluded in 2014 with the novel Assail. There is also a trilogy called Path to Ascendancy, beginning with Dancer’s Lament in 2016. Below is a list of Ian C. Esselmont’s Malazan Empire books in order of when they were originally published:
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Publication Order of Malazan Empire Books
Night of Knives | (2004) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Return of the Crimson Guard | (2008) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Stonewielder | (2010) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Orb Sceptre Throne | (2012) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Blood and Bone | (2012) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Assail | (2013) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Forge of the High Mage | (2023) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Publication Order of Path to Ascendancy Books
Dancer's Lament | (2016) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Deadhouse Landing | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Kellanved's Reach | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Forge of the High Mage | (2023) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
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Malazan Empire Synopsis: Return of the Crimson Guard is the second novel of the Malazan Empire by Ian C. Esslemont. The return of the mercenary company, the Crimson Guard, does not come at an ideal time for a Malazan Empire exhausted by warfare and weakened by betrayals and rivalries. Indeed, there are those who wonder whether the Empress Laseen might not be losing her grip on power as she faces increasing unrest as conquered kingdoms and principalities sense freedom once more. Into the seething cauldron of Quon Tali – the Empire’s heartland – marches the Guard. With their return comes the memory of the Empire – and yet all is not well with the Guard itself. Elements within its elite, the Avowed, have set their sights on far greater power. There are ancient entities who also seek to further their own arcane ends. And what of the swordsman called Traveller who, with his companion Ereko, has gone in search of a confrontation from which none have ever returned? As the Guard prepares to wage war, so Laseen’s own generals and mages, the ‘Old Hands’, grow impatient at what they see as her mismanagement of the Empire. But could Laseen have outwitted them all? Could she be using the uprisings to draw out and finally eliminate these last irksome survivors from the days of her illustrious predecesor, Kellanved?

hi i`m just wanting to know when the Jhistal will be available. by amazon it says they dont know if this book will be released.
thanks for any info .
From research it was apparently canceled by the publisher. Not sure about future plans for it. I found a post a year ago saying it was coming out in March of this year but obviously it did not.