Order of Mission Earth Books
Mission Earth is a series of science fiction novels by American author L. Ron Hubbard. In this series, Earth does not exist, or so many are led to believe. The powerful Voltarians, who rule an empire of 110 planets, are already among the humans. Discover a world where governments are driven by oil and controlled by drugs. Where global warming is getting hotter by the minute… and a scorching love affair could determine the fate of millions. A cosmic conspiracy is about to hit home and the intergalactic intrigue knows no bounds. The series is described as a “satirical science fiction adventure set in the far future.”
L. Ron Hubbard began his Mission Earth series in 1985 with the novel The Invaders Plan. The series ran for 10 novels, concluding in 1986 with The Doomed Planet. Below is a list of L. Ron Hubbard’s Mission Earth books in order of when they were originally published (which is teh same as their chronological order):
Publication Order of Mission Earth Books
The Invaders Plan | (1985) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Black Genesis | (1986) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Enemy Within | (1986) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
An Alien Affair | (1986) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Fortune of Fear | (1986) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Death Quest | (1986) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Voyage of Vengeance | (1986) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Disaster | (1986) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Villainy Victorious | (1986) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Doomed Planet | (1986) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
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Mission Earth Synopsis: Black Genesis is the second volume of L. Ron Hubbard’s Mission Earth series. Earth is the target of an alien invasion. However, the planet is being destroyed at a rate that will make it uninhabitable by the time the Volatarians are scheduled to arrive. Fleet officer Jettero Heller is sent on Mission Earth to arrest the pollution, not knowing that his mission threatens a plot to overthrow the 110-planet empire. Narrated by Soltan Gris, the alien killer sent to secretly sabotage the mission and to kill Heller at the appropriate moment, this is the saga of a doomed planet – Earth. Now, Heller and Gris travel 22 1/2 light years and arrive at the secret Earth base to begin their conflicting assignments. Unaware that he is about to encounter the forces of the most powerful man on Earth, Heller is soon caught up in the wrath of federal agencies, the war of Mafia families, the disputes of United Nations diplomats and their paramours, the stealth of assassins and the frustrations of the American educational system. From Afyon, Turkey to New York City, Heller is assaulted and befriended by assassins, thugs, champion wrestlers, drug addicts, anarchists, police, prostitutes, homosexuals, attorneys, cab drivers, ecologists, FBI and IRS agents in this non-stop, high-speed adventure.