The Nightmare Academy is a series of YA fantasy novels by American novelist Dean Lorey. The series follows Charlie Benjamin and his friends Theodore Dagget and Violet Sweet. The antagonists of the series are called the Named, who are the most powerful creatures of the Netherworld. The film rights of the first book in the series have been purchased by Universal, with the screenplay written by Lorey himself.

Dean Lorey began his Nightmare Academy series in 2007 with the novel Monster Hunters. Below is a list of Dean Lorey’s Nightmare Academy books in order of when they were originally published (which is also their chronological order):

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Publication Order of Nightmare Academy Books

Monster Hunters/Nightmare Academy(2007)Description / Buy at
Monster Madness/Monster Revenge(2008)Description / Buy at
Monster War(2009)Description / Buy at

Notes: Nightmare Academy is also known as Charlie’s Monsters as well as Monster Hunters. Monster Madness was also published as Monster Revenge.

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