Order of Phryne Fisher Books
Miss Phryne Fisher (pronounced “fry-nee”) is the main character in a series of historical mystery novels by Australian novelist Kerry Greenwood. Phryne Fisher is an aristocratic woman sleuth straight out of the roaring twenties, complete with the look of a woman of the time period. However, she is no ordinary woman; she can fly a plane and drives a Hispano-Suiza. The series is set in St. Kilda, Melbourne, Australia.
Kerry Greenwood debuted her Honourable Phryne Fisher character in 1989 with the novel Cocaine Blues (which was also published as Death by Misadventure). The series is currently ongoing, and Greenwood has said that she will continue writing Phryne Fisher mysteries as long as people want to read them. Below is a list of Kerry Greenwood’s Phryne Fisher books in order of when they were first published:
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Publication Order of Phryne Fisher Books
Publication Order of Phryne Fisher Collections
A Question of Death: An Illustrated Phryne Fisher Treasury | (2007) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
The Lady with the Gun Asks the Questions | (2022) | Description / Buy at Amazon.com |
Note: Cocaine Blues is also known as Death by Misadventure.
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Phryne Fisher Synopsis: A Question of Death: An Illustrated Phryne Fisher Treasury is an anthology feautring Kerry Greenwood’s Phryne Fisher character. She has a Lulu bob, green eyes, Cupid Bow’s lips and diamante garters, making her an elegate and irrepressible sleuth from the 1920s. The collection not only includes Phryne Fisher stories, but a listing of her favourites shoes, hats, cocktail recipes and tips on how to discourage unwanted admirers. The collection contains illustrations by Beth Norling.
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