Order of Sarah Roberts Books
Sarah Roberts is the protagonist in a series of thriller novels by Canadian novelist Jonas Saul. Sarah Roberts is an 18 year-old who has blackouts, and when she wakes up, she finds notes in her hand writing that seem to detail future events that only she can stop. She also suffers from trichotillomania – an impulse disorder where the person has the compulsion to pull one’s hair out.
Jonas Saul began his Sarah Roberts series in 2010 with his own debut novel, Dark Visions. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of Jonas Saul’s Sarah Roberts’ books in order of when they were first released (which is the same as their chronological order):
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Publication Order of Sarah Roberts Books
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Sarah Roberts Synopsis: Dark Visions by Jonas Saul is the first Sarah Roberts Thriller novel. Sarah is an 18 year-old girl who suffers from blackouts where she has written down “dark visions” of the future that only she can put a stop to. Along with her automatic writing, she also suffers from trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder). Sarah gets a message about a kidnapping and how she can stop it. She has done this before. These notes are very specific and she is confident she can pull it off. Things take a bad turn when she’s spotted by the kidnappers and people are killed. Sarah is seen at the crime scene by witnesses, and police get their hands on her notebook filled with prophecies of various accidents and crimes. Now that the police are onto her, she must fight for her life. She has no one she can trust and a kidnapping ring is curious as to why she knows their operation. Meanwhile, her parents think she’s sleeping over at a friend’s house.
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