There are a lot of other great websites I read when it comes to books. Sometimes it’s just when I want a book recommendation and other times it’s to keep updated on the latest book news.

If you are a webmaster and have a quality book related website you want linked here, send an e-mail to

Here are a list of other great book websites you should check out:

  • GoodReads: Good Reads is a community website where you can sign up and post reviews on books, and then get recommendations on books from people you know. It’s a great community and a great way to find new books to read, as well as keep updated on what friends are reading.
  • Books In Order: Our sister site, more mobile friendly and straight to the point.
  • Fantastic Fiction: Fantastic Fiction is a great website to read for fiction readers. It makes it very easy to keep updated on authors you like, and find recommendations. They’ll offer a section on _______ recommends for example, where the blank is the author, and what he recommends. I found “Power Down” by Ben Coes thanks to a Vince Flynn recommendation, for example. They also have information like “Visitors to this page also looked at these authors”, so it’s easy to find other authors in the style of book you are interested in. Fantastic website.
  • Eerie Books: Eerie Books is a great Horror Books store which is in Texas and ran by a friend of mine. Their website also has some great horror book & movie recommendations too, and is well worth checking out if you are a fan of the horror genre. They also offer their own horror book club and have monthly meetings

8 Responses to “Links / Other Great Book Websites”

  1. John Rankin: 2 years ago

    You wanted to know what got me started in reading. My father used to read the Sunday comics to my brother and I using accents and facial interpretations of the character to enhance the experience. My favorite memory of my father’s reading to us was his reading a chapter of Twain’s TOM SAWYER entitled “Peter and the Pain Killer”. To this day, every time I think of this I see him sitting in the red leather chair in our living room with the book in his lap, reading to us. I think he got as much fun out of reading to us as we did hearing him read. I am 77 years old now, and that memory is as fresh as if I were back in our living room 70 years ago.


    • Graeme: 2 years ago

      Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.

      All responses will be listed in the November 2022 newsletter or on the website. Five random contributors will win a $25 gift certificate for Amazon as well – good luck! They’ll be e-mailed just before the newsletter is released and mentioned in the newsletter.

      Love this memory thank you so much for sharing it John 🙂


  2. JohnN: 8 years ago

    where do we sign up for the newsletter?


    • Graeme: 8 years ago

      Hi John,

      If you’re on a computer there’s a link in the sidebar unfortunately that’s not on mobile yet due to an issue we’re getting sorted. In the meantime send a blank e-mail to and you’ll get subscribed that way


  3. Ann Contella: 8 years ago

    Hi Graeme – I’d like to offer a suggestion. Author and character searching would be much easier if they were identified by a letter instead of a page number. For example, there are about 45 character search pages, numbered. Replacing the page numbers with something like Aa – Am, An – Az, Ba – Bm, and so on (or some other division). That way, users wouldn’t have to guess which page Jack Reacher might be on, for example. Thanks for considering this!


    • Graeme: 8 years ago

      Hi Ann – yeah I’d love to do that and it’s on my to do list for sure. The problem is with our database and how we have originally titled articles – it’s a lot of work as they’re all titled “Order of Jack Reacher Books”. Note the “Order of” part. So we have to adjust that. We’ll get it done eventually just not sure when 🙂


      • Ann Contella: 8 years ago

        If there’s anything I can do to help, please let me know! I’m not working right now, and would love something to keep me busy (besides reading).


  4. Not1knowsme: 10 years ago

    Where do we sign up for the newsletter please? Thank you.


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