Anne Rice’s Erotic Trilogy To Be Re-Released
Long before E.L. James had ever written a page of the Fifty Shades trilogy, Anne Rice had published a trilogy of erotic tales called the Sleeping Beauty trilogy. Now, with the popularity of James’ novels, the trilogy Rice published under the pen name A.N. Roquelaure will be re-released.
The Sleeping Beauty series is a look at the classic fairy tale with an erotic twist. Unfortunately for Anne, the series didn’t catch fire like E.L. James’ books did thirty years later.
“In the ’80s when these books were published, people really didn’t want to talk about them,” Rice said. “It was viewed as an outrageous thing to do. The gays were the only people speaking about sexual liberation.”
“Women have just as much right to pornography as men do, and I’m talking about literary porn, erotica,” she said. “If a woman wants to read about being overwhelmed by a pirate, that’s her right.”
The books are titled The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, Beauty’s Release and Beauty’s Punishment. They are scheduled to be re-released on Thursday.