Chick Palahniuk Announces Three New Books
Chuck Palahniuk has announced both titles and release dates for his next three books.
First, he is following his novel Damned up with a sequel entitled Doomed. Here’s how he describes the upcoming novel in his own words:
The next novel will follow Madison back to earth as a ghost, doomed to haunting her parents for a year. In flashback we see her earlier childhood, including the death of the kitten whose dead body subsequently clogged the plumbing of the Beverly-Wilshire Hotel. That death is not Madison’s doing, but another death is. Whether it’s murder or self-defense, as a ten-year-old Madison kills someone horrifically, and that’s the most-likely reason why she was damned in the first place. We also begin to recognize a centuries-long conspiracy engineered to train and test Maddy for her role as the savior of all spiritual beings.
Nope, nothing subtle, here.
Oh, I forgot to mention it but the world ends in this next book.
Doomed will be hitting shelves October 8th. One year later, he will release a comic/erotic thriller, entitled Beautiful You. He describes it as a mash-up of mommy porn, chick lit and fantasy – like if Ira Levin had a baby with Jean Auel.
He also has a short story collection coming out in 2015. This collection will contain many of the stories he has published in Playboy, plus new ones.