Director Gary Ross Passes On “Catching Fire”
Directory Gary Ross has announced that he won’t be staying on for the second installment of The Hunger Games movie series, “Catching Fire.”
“As a writer and a director, I simply don’t have the time I need to write and prep the movie I would have wanted to make because of the fixed and tight production schedule,” Ross said in a statement.
As for rumours that he was leaving due to a disagreement in pay, “Contrary to what has been reported, negotiations with Lionsgate have not been problematic.”
Lionsgate issued their own statement on Ross’ departure from the franchise, “We were really looking forward to making the movie with him. He did an incredible job on the first film and we are grateful for his work.”
“The Hunger Games” has taken in over $300 million since its opening on March 23rd.
The stars of the movie, Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth, have all signed on for the whole series, according to Lionsgate.