How Your Child Can Become The Next J.K. Rowling
Ever wonder if your child could be the next J.K. Rowling? If you’re in the United States, perhaps your child’s creativity is being stifled by the U.S. school system. A new book entitled The Truly Alive Child: For Those Who Seek A Grander Vision For Our Children looks at how you as a parent can circumvent that.
“Because today’s schools focus on standardized curriculums and rote memorization, there is no room in the classroom for creativity,” says author Simon Paul Harrison. “We should be deeply concerned about the long-term impact this will have on society. Our school systems are methodically stifling the natural creativity of our children, which has a profound impact on their problem-solving skills as well as their ability to innovate when they become adults. Where will the next J.K. Rowling, John Lennon, or Pablo Picasso come from if this continues?”
If you want to stop the stunting of your child’s creativity, you may want to look into reading The Truly Alive Child: For Those Who Seek A Grander Vision For Our Children by Simon Paul Harrison.