The Hunger Games “Challenged” By ALA
For the second consecutive year, The Hunger Games books have been labelled among the most “challenged” books by the American Library Association.
A challenge means “a formal, written complaint filed with a library or school requesting that a book or other material be restricted or removed because of its content or appropriateness.”
Complaints said that the book was “sexually explicit” and “unsuitable for the age group.” Suzanne Collins has acknowledged that the books aren’t for everyone, “people were concerned about the level of violence in the books. That’s not unreasonable. They are violent. It’s a war trilogy.”
Collins declined further comment through spokeswoman Tracy van Straaten of publisher Scholastic Inc. Van Straaten said Scholastic also would have no comment.
Collins’ million-selling novels ranked No. 3 on the association’s list, rising from No. 5 last year.