Welcome to our newsletter archive section.

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Order Of Books Newsletter Archives:

Every month we also offer a reader mailbag where we pick a topic, and readers let us know their thoughts. Here are those:

Reader Mailbag:

11 Responses to “Newsletter Archives”

  1. Robert Rayford: 3 years ago

    Enjoy books by John Sandford, Lee Child, Louise Penny, John Verdon, Kate Flora, Nelson DeMille, Michael Connelly, Steve Gannon


  2. Neil Fox: 3 years ago

    Is it possible to search these Newsletter Archives for books or authors?


    • Graeme: 3 years ago

      Hey Neil – sorry not 100% sure what you mean in regard to what you’re searching for or what you’re looking for.


      • Neil Fox: 3 years ago

        Just want to search for your comments on book you’ve read. For example are all the books in a series such as the “Gray Man” good or are some better than others.


        • Graeme: 3 years ago

          Ah okay – I’ll look into that and see if there’s anything I can do. The search is pretty intensive with all authors/series so not 100% sure about being able to do that at this time.

          Feel free to e-mail me though site@orderofbooks.com and I can answer 🙂 I just recently started re-reading the Gray Man series. I loved #1 and #2. In my original readthrough I remember not enjoying #3 – Ballistic – too much. On this readthrough I actually really hated it haha, and haven’t returned to the re-read since. In saying that I do remember loving the rest of the books so I think just one weak one in the bunch.


  3. April Joy Ping: 4 years ago

    Just hoping everything is okay in your world. Missing the mid-month newsletter and wanted to let you know I noticed and I care.


    • Graeme: 4 years ago

      Thanks April. Just very behind this month. Hoping to find the time today 🙂


  4. Anne McKenzie: 5 years ago

    Books by Wilber Smith


  5. Anne McKenzie: 5 years ago

    I am thoroughly enjoying books by Wilber Smith. The small library had a sale on his books just before they were closed for Covid-19, So happy to have his easy read books through the terrible pandemic. Keep well everyone and keep reading BOOKS


  6. Robert W Condon: 5 years ago

    were can I get a book as to building the tastic rfid thief with photos as well were to buy all parts please
    Is the a book list of a man called RYAN WATON ELETRONICS


  7. Mongoose218: 9 years ago

    I guess everyone knows there is a new John Sandford book about his main character, Davenport……its based around the presidential elections, and I thought it was very good. It got me re -reading some of the former Sandford’s……

    The Patrick O’Brien series set during the Napoleonic wars (which lasted over 20 years) is first rate, the FIRST book of the series starts out slow, but PLEASE stick with it, they are just incredible, and honestly you feel like you are living in that time and place, on fighting ships!


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