August 2016 Newsletter
Usually I read a lot during the Summer but for whatever reason I’m just not feeling it this year. Not sure why that is – I think mostly I just want to capture up on TV shows and have been doing that.
I did read through a few more Gregg Hurwitz books in the Tim Rackley series. I think I have about 5 more Hurwitz books to go then I can move onto a new author.
However it’s quite interesting – because while I am almost forcing myself to read them despite enjoying them – I picked up Joseph Finders new book Guilty Minds and couldn’t put it down.
I ended up reading it in a day as it was one of those books that I love so much my entire life revolves around it. That’s actually the question of the month for this months mailbag – what was the last book you read where your entire life basically stopped, because you just HAD to finish reading it?
Each month we give away 2 prizes. 1st prize is a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate, and 2nd prize is a $25 Amazon gift certificate.
To win all you have to do is be a subscriber. Nothing more! When we go to hit “Publish” we take a list of all of our subscribers, throw them into a random draw and those are the winners.
Our $50 gift certificate winner is Ken from Alexandria, VA and our $25 gift certificate winner is Treva from Kansas City . Both of you have been e-mailed. If you haven’t received an e-mail check your junk mail folder!
Book Recommendations:
In this section I give 3 random book recommendations. They can be old books, they can be new. But either way – I recommend you read them if the type of genre they are in appeals to you. Last month in the reader mailbag, we asked people what authors they blindly buy. Based on that, we’re going to be listing books from some of those authors this month. Feel free to e-mail suggestions to
Sharp Objects: I’m sure the majority of you have read or at least heard of Gillian Flynns Gone Girl but have you read any of the other novels she has written? Flynn has 2 other full novels and Sharp Objects is my favourite – about a reporter who is fresh out of a psych hospital and has to go back to her home town to cover some murders. Flynn does an incredible job – you’ll feel like you were right there. See all of Flynns books here.
Still Life: August 30th will see the latest book in the Chief Inspector Armand Gamache book series, however why not go back to where it all began a decade ago with Still Life. In a small village called Three Pines which is so safe it doesn’t even have its own police force – an artist loved by everyone has been murdered. Gamache and his colleagues are on the case however. Here’s the entire Gamache book series.
Darkness Dawns: We just recently added the author Dianne Duvall to Duvall writes the multiple award winning Immortal Guardians series of books. Darkness Dawns is the first book in the series and if you like worlds featuring the likes of vampires and immortals and a strong female character, this book is for you. Here’s a link to all of Dianne Duvall’s novels.
August Book of the Month:
One of the most popular book series on is the Inspector Gamache series by Louise Penny and the latest novel in the series comes out at the end of August. In the latest book in the series, it’s all about an old map that is found stuffed into the walls of a bistro.
What begins as a curiosity becomes a heck of a lot more. From pre-reviews, Gamache fans are going to love this one!
Your Thoughts:
Last month I asked you to share a personal story/memory related to books. I got some great responses to that and thanks to everyone for sharing.
The feedback is posted later in the newsletter.
This months question is: what was the last book you just couldn’t put down?
I wrote about it earlier in the newsletter – but I just got the new novel by Joseph Finder – Guilty Minds. Finder is one of my favourite authors and his ability to capture you is amazing. I just couldn’t put it down – it literally consumed my life.
Heading out for a haircut? I brought my Kindle along in case I had to wait. Eating a meal? Reading it. In the bathroom? Reading it. No joke – I have a little shelf in my shower and I even read it while in the shower!
What was the last book you couldn’t put down?
E-mail us your feedback to or just reply to this e-mail, and we’ll pick the best comments and feature it in next months newsletter.
Reader Mailbag:
Thanks for all the feedback you sent in last month in regard to how you keep updated on the latest books coming out from your favourite authors.
Each month one random submitter wins a $25 gift certificate for Amazon. This months winner is Alison who wrote:
My fondest memory of books goes back to high school, an angsty time to say the least. I was in my senior year and up until then I only read what I had to or cheesy romance novels. I had a lovely English teacher-she was quite the lady. When we had to do a book report and I was lost as to what to read, she suggested Jane Eyre. I was aghast as all my friends were reading, “fun books.” I read it in a few nights and went on the read her next suggestion Wuthering Heights. I watched the movies when I could. I am 53 now and I still count those two books as my top favorites. I also always remember how a teacher took interest in a very shy girl and made her a life long reader. I am a teacher now and that is my number one reason for teaching, to bring a life long love of books to others. Thanks for asking.
For all the feedback, see the reader mailbag here.