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Welcome to the February 2017 Newsletter! I’m currently writing this from Toronto airport. Just about to head off to Las Vegas for the weekend and just got back a day ago from New Orleans. Been a busy time but I love traveling because it gives me time to read.

I spent the time wrapping up the John Wells series by Alex Berenson on the New Orleans trip – of course a new book just came out 2 days ago so I’ll tackle that on this flight.

Was a busy month website wise. We added printable lists and a lot more content to our new site We’ve got lots more cool features coming to that one.

Thanks for all the feedback in regard to the upcoming book section and my removal of that. I got a few e-mails from people stating they used it – just didn’t click on it. I’m going to consider bringing it back soon. Thanks also for all the feedback in regard to audiobook options etc. Long time subscribers will know that I’m planning on launching an audio book site eventually. Very excited for that as I can see it’s such a passionate subject for people.

Alright we’re just about to board so I’m going to hit “Send” on this one and then I’m off. Have a good month! Any feedback I’ll respond to when I’m back.

Each month we give away 2 prizes. 1st prize is a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate, and 2nd prize is a $25 Amazon gift certificate.

To win all you have to do is be a subscriber. Nothing more! When we go to hit “Publish” we take a list of all of our subscribers, throw them into a random draw and those are the winners.

Our $50 gift certificate winner is Wendy from Tonawanda, NY and our $25 gift certificate winner is Julie from Arlington, IL Both of you will be e-mailed when I get to Vegas and can access my desktop.


Book Recommendations:

In this section I give 4-5 random book recommendations. They can be old books, they can be new. But either way – I recommend you read them if the type of genre they are in appeals to you. Feel free to e-mail suggestions to as many of the suggestions each month are from our readers. If you wish to add a description for the book around the same size as the ones below that’d be great too!

Cold Blooded by Bernard Lee DeLeo: Bernard Lee DeLeo is a tremendous author with a wide variety of different series but probably his most popular is the Cold Blooded series featuring Nick McCarty. It’s also refreshing reading these type of action and suspense books with the “most dangerous assassin the world” that are also packed full of humour. DeLeo is an incredible author and these are his best work I’d say.

The Founding by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles: If you’re like me, the best thing about reading a book in a series is knowing there are many more books in that series to read. Well you’ll be kept busy with the Morland Dynasty series which began with The Founding back in 1980 and are still going strong. These are historical fiction novels and both educational AND entertaining. If you’re looking for something new to read, I’d recommend checking them out.

Naked in Death by J.D. Robb: Speaking of long-running series, the 44th novel in the “In Death” series by J.D. Robb hits bookshelves this month. Go all the way back to the first novel in the series. It’s 2058 in NYC and police lieutenant Eve Dallas is on the hunt for a ruthless killer. Not sure how well it stands the test of time but I really enjoyed reading this one years ago. A bit rough around the edges but was cool to imagine the future and was a good story. Read more about the In Death series here.

A Test of Wills by Charles Todd: I always like an “author” that’s made up of multiple authors and Charles Todd is a mother and son team which writes the incredible Inspector Ian Rutledge series. These are just amazing books and incredibly popular among our readers and I wanted to share this series this month. The first novel in the series is a Test of Wills and it’s an award nominated book with some incredible writing. Read more about Charles Todd.

February 2017 Book Of The Month

Gunmetal Gray by Mark Greaney.

A personal choice here. I’m a sucker for the “lone badass” genre of books and one of my all time favourites is the Court “Gray Man” Gentry series of novels.

The next one, 6th in the series, is Gunmetal Gray and it comes out this month. The last book saw what was essentially a 5 book long storyline wrap up so I’m very curious to see how it goes. If you’ve never read these books but like this type of book, click here and get The Gray Man immediately!

Your Thoughts:

Last month I asked about book related gifts you got over Christmas. The reader mailbag is later in the newsletter.

This month I am asking a nice simple one – how do you get new books? A new book by an author you like comes out – did you pre-order it? For Kindle or in Hardcover? From book store or internet? Or do you wait and get it from the library? Or wait and get it from a friend or even the paperback edition?

Always curious how people get ahold of new books. Me personally I am practically 100% Kindle right now. As soon as a book is announced I pre-order it even though it’s 6 months in advance. Sometimes I’ll question “What if I die before then” but there’s something exciting about pre-ordering a book, forgetting all about it, then seeing it pop up on my Kindle one day.

My dad went blind over the past year so for him I went the audio book. Bloody hell some of those are expensive! In this day with everyone reading on Kindles(myself included) though I always find it fun to buy people actual books.

E-mail us your feedback to or just reply to this e-mail, and we’ll pick the best comments and feature it in next months newsletter.

Reader Mailbag!

Read it here.

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