March 2017 Newsletter
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Welcome to March! Hope you all had a good February and got lots of reading done.
I didn’t unfortunately. One of those months where I end up deciding to go through my backlog of TV shows and movies and reading fell by the wayside. I only read 2 books all month!
One thing I did do however was watch the new Jack Reacher: Never Go Back movie. Now I hated the first one but it wasn’t because of Cruise. It was more because I just thought it was a really bad and stupid movie. Cruise is so unlike Reacher that I never even considered it as a “Reacher movie” after the first few minutes.
My dislike of it was so strong I’m not even sure why I watched this one. However I watched it and I have to say I absolutely LOVED it. It’s very very loosely based on the Reacher books but not really so you don’t have be a Reacher fan to enjoy it.
I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. Lots of great dialogue and great performances by Cruise and Smulders. If you’ve been avoiding it I’d recommend giving it a chance.
That will also be the topic of this months reader mailbag – more on that below.
Each month we give away 2 prizes. 1st prize is a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate, and 2nd prize is a $25 Amazon gift certificate.
To win all you have to do is be a subscriber. Nothing more! When we go to hit “Publish” we take a list of all of our subscribers, throw them into a random draw and those are the winners.
Our $50 gift certificate winner is Marilyn from Manistee, MI and our $25 gift certificate winner is Marsha from Worcester, MA. Both of you will be e-mailed when I get to Vegas and can access my desktop.
Book Recommendations:
In this section I give 4-5 random book recommendations. They can be old books, they can be new. But either way – I recommend you read them if the type of genre they are in appeals to you. Feel free to e-mail suggestions to as many of the suggestions each month are from our readers. If you wish to add a description for the book around the same size as the ones below that’d be great too!
Black Flagged Alpha by Steven Konkoly: Konkoly is a former Marine who writes techno-thriller novels. He has a lot of great books but probably his best series is the Black Flagged series which begins with Black Flagged Alpha. It features Daniel Petrovich who graduated from the DoD experimental Black Flag program. He’s dragged on for one more mission but everything goes wrong and now he’s being tracked by a CIA agent out to kill, and the focus of an FBI manhunt. Read more about it.
Shogun by James Clavell: The first book in Clavells Asian Saga series in chronological order although the 3rd in publication order. Just an incredible novel set in Japan in 1600. One thing Clavell does best is develop characters and he creates amazing characters here. An absolutely beautiful book, extremely well written and one I’d highly recommend checking out. Read more about it.
Murder with Peacocks by Donna Andrews: The first novel in the Meg Langslow series by Donna. If you’re a fan of mysteries then you’ll want to read this series. Donna is a multiple award winner of the Agatha and has won various others. In the first one in the series Meg has quite the busy Summer as she goes from being maid of honour at three different weddings to trying to solve a murder. These are enthralling mysteries with a goo sense of humour in them and they just get better the more they go along. Read more.
March 2017 Book of the Month:
One of our most popular authors is the political thriller writer Joel C. Rosenberg and our book of the month is Without Warning by him.
Joel is an incredible author and very intelligent and he’s going back to the J.B. Collins series of books which burst into the scene in 2015. This will be the third book in the series Without Warning. The president is about to deliver a State of the Union address stating that the Islamic State is all but over. However he’s told that he’s dead wrong by the NYT foreign correspondent who believes an attack on America is imminent.
For more details on Rosenberg and the book, click here.
Your Thoughts:
Last month I asked how you went about getting new books. The reader mailbag is later in the newsletter.
This month I wanted to ask What are the best Books into Movies/TV conversions you’ve read and watched?
By that I mean where you’ve read and thoroughly enjoyed the book, then saw the movie and really enjoyed that too. Maybe the movie took a different path but it was still excellent, or maybe it stayed true to the book and you really enjoyed it. Either way you think back and are able to praise both the book and the movie.
There’s a lot of good ones but for me two of my favourites are The Firm and The Runaway Jury both written by John Grisham. The Firm stayed pretty true to the book and while the Runaway Jury had a major topic change it was still an amazing movie.
I also really enjoyed Absolute Power by David Baldacci. I remember finishing reading that and realizing there was a movie and rushing out to rent it that very night at Blockbuster. The movie was very satisfying.
I know a lot of our readers hated Gone Girl but man – I loved both the book and the movie. I thought they were both incredible.
What about you? And I only want to hear of the best – NOT the worst. That’ll be next months mailbag!
E-mail us your feedback to or just reply to this e-mail, and we’ll pick the best comments and feature it in next months newsletter.
Reader Mailbag:
For this months reader mailbag, click here.

The two that I think followed the book most closely are Lord of the Flies and To Kill a Mockingbird.