November 2015 Newsletter
Welcome to the November Newsletter! We’re getting closer and closer to Christmas – and I miss the days of being a kid.
I miss opening up tons of Enid Blyton books that Santa had brought me while sitting in front of the fire. Although in saying that – I do enjoy pre-ordering a book 6 months in advance, forgetting all about it, then getting an e-mail notifying me that the new Mitch Rapp novel is sitting on my Kindle waiting for me.
Speaking of Mitch Rapp – I’ve been doing a blog on our sister site – re-reading every single Mitch Rapp novel then ranking them. If you’re a fan of Mitch Rapp be sure to check it out – although I do warn you there are spoilers. Here’s a link to it: Top Mitch Rapp Books.
Each month we give away 2 prizes. 1st prize is a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate, and 2nd prize is a $25 Amazon gift certificate. We were giving away our book of the month previously but if you’ve pre-ordered it or not a fan of that series then it’s not much use! It also means you don’t have to give out your address.
To win all you have to do is be a subscriber. Nothing more! When we go to hit “Publish” we take a list of all of our subscribers, throw them into a random draw and those are the winners.
Our $50 gift certificate winner is Glenda from Newfoundland, Canada and our $25 gift certificate winner is Fabrice from Belgium. Cool to see 2 non Americans win this time. Both of you have been e-mailed. If you haven’t received an e-mail check your junk mail folder!
November 2015 Book of the Month
No author has made a bigger dent in the last couple of years than Gillian Flynn. Dark Places, Shark Objects and of course Gone Girl have been just excellent thrillers.
We’re anxiously awaiting the release of her next novel – unfortunately no news yet and she’s apparently taking a break. However in the meantime, The GrownUp by Gillian Flynn has been released for the first time as a standalone short story.
New Content Added to
Another busy month at We get a lot of traffic around Christmas time with people looking for gifts for others – or people who received the first book in a series as a present, and are anxiously looking for the next ones in the series.
So we’ve been in overdrive adding content. Here’s the highlights of Octobers latest:
Fantasy author Brian McClellan & his series: Powder Mage
Historial mystery author Donis Casey & her Alafair Tucker Mysteries
Fantasy writer Django Wexler: Shadow Campaigns & Forbidden Library
Fantasy author Mark Lawrence: Red Queen’s War & Broken Empire
Historical fiction novelist Robert Low: Kingdom Trilogy & Oathsworn
The great English-Irish author Carol Drinkwater
Richard A. Knaak and his fantasy series Dragonrealm
John Forrester and the Blacklight Chronicles
YA Fantasy Author Mande Matthews and her Shadowlight Saga series
Bailey Cates & her series Home Crafting Mysteries & Magical Baking Mysteries
UK author Tim Severin
Your Thoughts:
Last month we asked for your thoughts on book series you had given up. We received a ton of e-mails and a portion of them are below. Thank you to everyone for commenting! Interestingly – the majority of e-mails were people saying they’ve stuck with a book series forever – even if it has turned bad.
This month – If You Like ______, You’ll Love ______. Pretty simple – if you like Alex Cross, you’ll love Harry Bosch. That sort of thing. Let’s get some book recommendations just in time for those Christmas lists!
If possible – make the “Like” author a more notable one, and the “Love one” a slightly more obscure one. And try and provide reasons!
Two examples from me:
If you like Mitch Rapp or Jack Reacher, you’ll love Sam Capra. I’m a big fan of the “lone wolf badass” type of novels and have read so many – but none come close to the greatness that is Jeff Abbotts Sam Capra books and I recommend them constantly. Read more about the series here.
If you like Harlan Coben, you’ll love Linwood Barclay. Barclay is bigger more in the UK and Canada than USA. His standalone novels are the best mystery thrillers I have ever read. Go out and buy No Time for Goodbye by Linwood Barclay now and thank me later. Here’s a list of all of Linwoods novels. Stay away from the Zack Walker series!
E-mail us your feedback(100 words or less) to or just reply to this e-mail, and we’ll pick the best comments and feature it in next months newsletter.
(See the newsletter archives for the feedback we received)
10 Notable Books Coming Out In November 2015!
Here are some of the more notable books coming out in November. This is based on how popular the character or author are at our website:
Gillian Flynn: The Grownup
Stephen King: The Bazaar of Bad Dreams
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series: Old School
Will Robie Series: The Guilty
Pendergast Series: Crimson Shore
Robert Galbraith: Career of Evil
Harry Bosch Series: The Crossing
Stephanie Plum Series: Tricky Twenty-Two
Nora Roberts New Trilogy: Stars Fortune
The Mortality Doctrine Book #3: The Game of Lives
Thanks For Reading!
I really appreciate everyone who reads this, e-mails me feedback and participates in the monthly mailbag.
It’s been great doing this as I’ve got to correspond with many of you over e-mail and really enjoyed it. Books are my passion and it’s great chatting with everyone about books. I’ve also picked up some new books based on your recommendations – and with this months mailbag topic I expect I’ll be ordering more soon!
Remember & check out for all your order of book needs