Reader Mailbag: Blindly Buy List
We all have favourite authors. Authors whose books we blindly buy year in, year out.
I decided to pose the question to our readers: who is on YOUR blindly buy list? Without even having to read the book description…
And I will warn you – we got a LOT of amazing feedback. Over 5,000 words are within this article!
So here is a link to in case you want to head there and start looking any of these authors up.
Pam B: I’ve been blindly buying books since I first discovered Amazon several years ago – and sadly I sometimes buy books by the cover which is almost as bad as blindly buying because of the author – some of my authors are as follow:
Ellery Adams, Ann Aguirre, Susan Wittin gAlbert, Donna Andrews, Ilona Andrews, Mary Kay Andrews, Nancy Atherton, M C Beaton, Rhys Bowen, C J Box, Patricia Briggs, Rita Mae Brown, Jim Butcher, Gail Garriger, Lee Child, Laura Childs (scrapbooking not tea shoppe) Michael Connelly, John Conroe, Deborah Crombie, Clive Cussler, Mary Daheim, Linda Fairstein, Monica Ferris, Dick (Felix) Francis, Debora Geary, Alec Grecian, WEB Griffin, Kevin Hearne, Betty Hechtman, Robin Hobb, Faith Hunter, Stephen Hunter, J. A. Jance, Craig Johnson, Mercedes Lackey, Victoria Laurie, Sharyn McCrumb, Steve McHugh, Leslie Meier, Marcia Muller, Shirley Rousseau Murphy, Katherine Hall Page, Sara Paretsky, Terry Pratchett, Kathy Reichs, John Ringo, David Rosenfelt, John Sanford, John Scalzi, Maggie Sefton, Wilbur Smith, Leann Sweeney, Victoria Thompson, and Jeff Wheeler.
I am sitting here in my “computer” room, in my house surrounded by shelves and shelves of books remembering authors long gone whose books were on my blindly buy list and how much I enjoyed them and miss them when they are gone.
i can still remember discovering the you could actually buy books in stores – in a small town in Kansas that wasn’t easy to do. Libraries were all well and good, but their tastes and mine do not always coincide. Then there were mail order books and book clubs that suckered me in to their pitches for “cheap” books. I guess if you are addicted to something, books are certainly a good choice. Then Amazon was brought into my world by a cousin followed by the amazing digital world and now while i still have hard copies of books, my shelves have been extended outrageously by the digital world. I do confess there are many more authors out there that were on my blindly buy list, but times and tastes do change. Everyone once in a while a former old favorite rears its head and I’m off the races again.
I do enjoy your website. Being one of those who blindly buy, doesn’t mean that every once in a while a book will fly under the radar and I’ll discover it on your website or some other wondrous location on the web.
Before I go, I just want to add that I finished my first newsletter and wanted to add a word about audiobooks. I didn’t think I liked to be read to, although as a teacher, I enjoyed reading to all ages of students to help get them hooked on books, but I didn’t really listen to audiobooks. I have friends and relatives who love them, especially when traveling. I don’t really care for them because they are too theatrical, and while I’m sure it’s not true, seem to take longer to read. What I discovered when I first got a Kindle Fire was that the Text-to-Voice option suits me right down to the ground. I turn it on and “read” to my heart’s content as I travel from home to wherever my destination is that day. I don’t do it when in the company of others, but I miss it then. I get caught up on many books that would still be waiting otherwise. I am recently retired and have returned to the world of hand crafts – knitting and the like, and can read while I create. That is another example of technology paving the way for other venues. For those who need a theatrical bent to their reading – great – but for me, long live Text-to-Voice.
Alan: Hi, wanted to reach out to Jerry and Aldora and to Peggy, who all wrote about how they love audiobooks…..
I should explain that for YEARS I rented cassettes of audiobooks at my local used book store…..then I found out I could also order them, reasonably……then of course they began to come out on CD’s which last literally forever, don’t unwind and fall apart like cassettes do!
I would listen on my errands around town in the car, and to and from work……it made the time speed by… local library also carried them, but I soon found out they tended to buy the abridged ones, which after a few bad experiences I swore I’d never use again!
Now, there is, formerly independent, now owned by Amazon. Go to Amazon to look into this, they have a HUGE selection of books on CD, and the thing is, though you do have to buy them, they run specials and give extra “points” toward CDs that it is not nearly as expensive as you’d first think!!!
Very few of their books are abridged and if they are, they tell you up front.
The other thing I’d recommend for anyone with bad eyesight is a Kindle, especially the new Kindle Paperwhite which is easiest on the eyes (it really is, I can’t explain it, but go to Amazon, look up Kindle Paperwhites, and you’ll see)…….The thing is, with ANY Kindle, and I”m now on my third as they’ve advanced over the years, you can set the size of the font or word size to what is best for your vision…..THE largest font is bigger than the size of the print in a large print book.
I’d highly recommend and a Kindle Paperwhite to anyone with vision problems who still enjoys reading!
Ann: Hi Graeme –
Great question! My favorite author is Lawrence Block. The last time you and I wrote, you mentioned that he was on your “to read” list. I say move him to the top!
Crime fiction has always been my favorite genre, but somehow I’d missed Block. I was reading an interview with Chuck Palahniuk, and they asked which authors he liked to read. Block was one of them, and I believe Donald Westlake was another. I got a book of short stories by Block; I enjoyed them all, and there were a couple of standouts. How Would You Like It was one in particular. Then I got Hit Man. I was hooked. From that point on, he was my blindly buy guy. He recently announced a new Keller novella (to be released in 9 days!).
Barb: It is so hard to decide which are my favorites – there are lots, but here are a few –
Nelson DeMille – especially his earlier ones
Alex Berenson
Mark Greaney – Gray Man series
Lee Child
Michael Connlley
Vince Flynn
Brad Thor
Daniel Silva
Robert Crais
Jeff Abbott
Brett Battles – Jonathan Quinn series
W.E.B Griffin – the series – ‘Men at War’, ‘Honor Bound’ and ‘The Presidential Agent’.
I am always on the hunt for new authors, especially debut novels. I belong to 6 libraries, an constantly keep a long ‘on hold’ list.
I really appreciate your new ‘Recommendation’ column, it will help to add to my discovery list.
Bill: The authors I blindly buy are for different reasons and have read all of their books.
Stuart Woods I would love to live the life of Stone Barrington
John Sandford Virgil Flowers and Lucas Davenport
Ted Bell Alexander Hawke
Brad Thor Scot Harvath
Carl Hiaasen and Dave Barry the Miami Herald chose the best
Robert Crais Elvis Cole and Joe Pike
Michael Connelly Hieronymus Bosch
Lee Child Jack Reacher is a one of a kind
James Lee Burke one of the most detailed writers of our time
Clive Cussler used to blindly buy but now more choosy—Dirk Pitt was always one of my favorite characters
There were four additional I used to blindly buy:
Stephen J Cannell—but sadly he passed away
Vince Flynn—but sadly he passed away—Kyle Mills finished his last book, and seems to be continuing the “Mitch Rapp” series.
Robert B Parker—but sadly he passed away. I am not sure, but I think some of his series are continuing with other writers.
Randy Wayne White—but the last two books were not very good, especially the last one—it seems like someone else wrote the last book for sure—not up to his previous books, even the ones he wrote as Randy Stryker are better than the last two. In fact, the last book should be rewritten, and I could make a lot of suggestions. So I removed him from my blindly buy. I am wondering if his publisher limited the number of pages for some kind of cost savings or set a publishing deadline. “Cuba Straits” should have been his most detailed and lengthy book based on his past experiences in Cuba, but it sadly came up very disappointing.
Years ago I read every book by Ernest Hemingway, John D MacDonald and Alistair MacLean—some more than once. Nine years ago I started keeping a record on a spreadsheet of the books I have read from the middle of 2007 on. I am currently on number 612.
I have read “Atlas Shrugged” three times and listened to the CD set at age 63 once on a drive across the United States from Oregon to Key West, Florida (4,000 miles). I added it on my spreadsheet, because I read it so many times but only counted it once. My girlfriend (a few years later became my wife) and I read it the first time in high school at seventeen. I read it again at age 33 and at 52. I may read it again sometime.
Thanks for the opportunity to weigh in with my opinion. Thanks for the work in “Order of Books.”
Brenda: Here’s a list of authors whose books I buy or reserve at the library, without even reading the blurb!
Belinda Bauer
Sharon Bolton
Michael Connelly
John Hart
Lee Child
Karin Slaughter
Lisa Gardner
Harry Bingham
John Sandford (if it’s Lucas or Virgil)
Angela Marsons
Louise Penny
Steve Hamilton
Tana French
Craig Johnson
Carole: The top of my blindly buy list is Dean Koontz; he just keeps getting better with every book and his latest cost me a night of sleep as I couldn’t quit reading. Also on my list are Stephen King, Lee Child, M.C Beaton ( the MacBeth series), J.A. Jance, and Jonathan Kellerman. I have recently discovered an older author, Anthony Trollope, so whenever I spot one of his books I grab it.
Christine A.: Michael Connelly is my absolute favorite author. The Harry Bosch stories are incredible. I was given his 2 latest books, ” The Crossing” and “The Burning Room” that I am saving until I am absolutely desperate for something wonderful to read.
Christine M.: These are the authors I’ve been pre-ordering lately:
Nathan Lowell – my most addictive science fiction and fantasy writer.
Todd Borg – his Tahoe mysteries are always a one-day getaway, whenever they come out.
Kim Stanley Robinson – ANY science fiction by him is great.
Spencer Quinn – love those Chet and Bernie stories.
Sara Rosett – Murder on Location series
Sharon Lee – Liaden Universe. Can’t get enough of it.
Kristine Kathryn Rusch – Anniversary Day series
PS: Sarah R. Shaber – if the publisher didn’t charge so much for Kindle I’d buy these but as it is I have to wait for the library to get them.Also, I can’t find her on Order of Books. Would you please add her? Her series are wonderful.
Clark: Several authors I buy without pause ….. James Carlos Blake, Greg Isles and Joe Lansdale ……..
Corinne: There is only one author – Robin Hobb. I am simply in love with the world she has created.
If she were still alive Anne McCaffery would also be there.
Lots of favorite authors but book descriptions must be read for all of the rest! 🙂
Deborah: I didn’t answer the audiobook question last month because until a few weeks ago I’d never actually listened to an audiobook. I recently began listening to my first one, Fateful by Cheri Schmidt, narrated by Tristan Hunt. It’s much as I suspected it would be one person using multiple accents to convey the different characters voices. It’s good, but I believe it could be much better if it also utilized the format of BookTrack. BookTrack has the text of the book and a soundtrack like a movie, so if it’s raining, you hear the rain drops hitting the ground. If someone is chasing a character, you hear footsteps slapping the pavement.
When I’m just listening to someone read the text, no matter how good they are, my mind tends to wander. However, when I’m reading along and hearing the sounds of the action in the background in draws me in and keeps me enthralled as the best movies or TV shows do. THAT’S what I want in an audiobook! Now if I just knew how to do it, I’d make billions!! LOL
Dennis: Joanna Penn, Steve Vincent , Murray McDonald, Brad thor, Alex lukeman, Steve berry,Scott mariani,tom Abrahams , Russell Blake , Steven konkoly, gayle lynds….just to name a few!!
Diana: Janet Evanovich
Diane: Hello Graeme,
I guess I have two authors that I blindly buy. They are Julie Garwood and Johanna Lindsey. Both of them write fairly infrequently, so I’m super excited to see them publish a new one. James Patterson’s Alex Cross series is another one. Other than that I usually look at the reviews before purchase. Thanks for an awesome site!
Dlynn: Lee Child (Reacher novels only)
Michael Connelly (Harry Bosch series only)
Carol O’Connell (Mallory Series)
Sarah Paretsky
Sue Grafton
Dennis LeHane
Donna Leon
Andrea Camilleri (Montalbano series )
Laura Lippman
Louise Penny (Gamache series only)
Maurizio de Giovanni (Commisario Ricciardi series)
I do too often “blindly buy” but only rarely from this list do I have regrets.
Doris: Jonothan Moeller. ANY one of his series is an instant buy.
Melissa: Specifically – what authors are on your “blindly buy” list? James Lee Burke! I feel the sunrises and smell the fish smells of the land he writes about. I gobble it up and then go back and savor. I make bookmarks on my tablet and then at the end I go back and read them again. I look up the historical facts he writes about and learn so much. I always think I’ll just cry if he doesn’t write another story real fast. I want him to have a long life!
Thank you for your website-it is how I find books I love. It is the most reliable way to find a new (to me) authors.
Eileen: Steve Berry, Daniel Silva
Andrea Camilleri
Colin Cotterill
Alan Bradley
Louise Rennison
Lisa Lutz
Robin Hobb
Robin McKinley
Connie Willis
Frank Tuttle
Mark Schweizer
Sharon Creech
Rebecca Stead
Jennifer Stevenson
Adam Gopnik
Nicholson Baker
Carol O’Connell
Rosemary Kirstein
Robert Rankin
Jasper Fforde
Wen Spencer (the Elfholm books only)
Shanna Swendson
And if they were still alive:
Terry Pratchett
Stuart Kaminsky’s Rostnikov and Lieberman mysteries
Georges Simenon’s Maigret mysteries
Diana Wynne Jones
Eva Ibbottson
Agatha Christie
Evelyn: How could one not “blindly buy” Sue Grafton? I patiently (not) wait for each
letter and pre order. One of my aging fears is that she will not be alphabet finished
before I am. LOL. Thank heaven her next will be “Y!” I may make it yet.
Thanks for the order of books, I am being introduced to new authors as a result of your informative newsletters.
Frank: Hi: I was intrigued with your favorite author list and the specific criteria – buying the author’s next book, sight unseen.
Here is my list in rank order from 1st to 10th
Michael Connelly, John Sanford, John Lescroart, Les Roberts, Sue Grafton, Lee Chilld, P.J. Parrish, Steve Hamilton,
Faye Kellerman and Stuart Woods.
Fredericka: Deborah Crombie
Jacqueline Winspear
Louise Penny
Elizabeth George
Susan Wittig Albert
There are more, I’m sure, but this is off the top of my noggin for now.
Gerry: My Blindly Buy author is Daniel Silva. I stop myself from indulging in the clichés of hyperbole such as “spellbinding” and the like, but suffice to say his treatment of the espionage thriller genre is first-rate and his writing style qualifies him as one of the Great Authors of all time.
Gil: I used to read John Grisham, until they cast Tom Cruise who is about 5′ 6″ as Reacher, who in turn is 6′ 6″ or thereabouts. I like Linwood Barclay, Harlan Coben, Stephen Leather, Robert Crais, and Val Diarmid. Val Diarmid is the only female crime writer I read. Duncan Falconer was in SBS a long time after me, Andy McNab was in the British SAS and I was in the NZ SAS. I was also a D/Sgt in the NZ Police.
I’ve written about 25 novels published in the US and NZ, and hundreds of short stories published in the UK, US, NZ and SA. I read 3/4 books a week, usually the genre I’m writing at the time.
Pattie: My blindly buy or reserve at the library authors are James Rollins and Clive Cussler. They are often compared to each other and write very exciting adventure books with a touch of real facts. My first book by James Rollins was Deep Fathom and it hooked me to all of his writings!
Jack: Daniel Silva – once a year in July for the greatest spy novelist working [and a pretty good art restorer as well]
Jackie: Love David Baldacci. John Grisham. Diane Capri. Lauren Royal. Really too many to choose. Love them all.
Janet: Hi Graeme,
Here’s my list:
James Patterson – just picked up 14th of the Murder book series
Stuart Woods –
Catherine Coulter – waiting for Nemesis
John Lescroart
Fern Michaels – Sister Hood Series as well as 90% of the others
Philip Margolin
Lee Child – just got Make Me
Jeffery Deaver
Jennifer Estep – need to go get Bitter Bite
Victoria Laurie
Heather Graham
Faye Kellerman – waiting on Theory of Death
David Baldacci
Harlan Coben – just picked up The Stranger
Carrie Vaughn
But there are more if I see which series it is before I get it.
If you liked The Dresen files series, try Victoria Laurie’s Psychic Eye Mystery series.
Joan: The series or authors that I blindly buy are Nesbo books, department Q series, inspector Erlandur series (Iceland). Believe I’ve read them all, at least those books translated into English.
Joe: Blindly buy?
Anything by Michael Connelly, but especially Harry Bosch novels. He’s on a mission.
Craig Johnson
I’m only familiar with his Longmire books (are there others?). He captures the human condition perfectly for me.
Daniel DaSilva
Sandford’s Virgil Flowers novels. Perhaps any of his later work, I’m still deciding. The earlier stuff (Prey series) is so-so mixed with the occasional awesome.
Joy: I always buy the books un reviewed and not yet recommended of these authors-I would read them even if they wrote a book about mud!
C J Box
Sandra Brown
Wilbur smith
Brad Taylor
Lee Child
Brad Thor
Craig Johnson
they write well written stories that keep me reading to see what happens next.
Judi: John Connolly
Jussi Adler-Olsen
Preston & Child
Robert Galbraith
Carol O’Connell
Judy: Authors I blindly buy–Elizabeth George, Daniel silva, c j box, Karin slaughter, David baldacchino, Harlen coben, Michael Connelly
That’s just some and I am always looking for new authors to try. I hope that you have read and recommended A Man Called Ove. It was one of the best books I have read in a long while and have told everyone I know to read it.
Julia: Carl Hiaasen; Ken Follett; Diana Gabaldon; Christopher Moore; Laurence Shames. I know I will enjoy what I am about to read.
It was a sad day when I had to remove John Irving from that list.
Katrina: My blindly buy authors are:
Stephen White (before he ended his series)
Harlan Coben (stand alones)
Robert Crais (stand alones)
James Patterson (Cross and Women’s Murder Club)
Larry: Lee Child is on my “Blindly Buy” list. It is always entertaining when Reacher sticks his nose in where it doesn’t belong, and re-arranges someone else’s nose where IT doesn’t belong.
Sue Grafton is on the list. All of her fans wonder what she’ll do after she writes the “Z” mystery. Maybe she’ll go to “AA”, but hopefully she’ll continue to get Kinsey Millhone into trouble.
Phillip Margolin is also on the list. Even though most of his books are stand-alone, almost all of them include some of the same Portland, OR, area legal practitioners. And they are all excellent mysteries.
If I see John Sandford ‘s name on the cover, and if it is either a “Prey” or a Virgil Flowers (“..that Fuckin’ Flowers”) novel, it’s in my library.
And, of course, James Patterson’s Alex Cross is an automatic buy, as well.
Although I disagree with the anti-wealthy and general political philosophy of James Lee Burke, I continue to work my way through his Dave Robicheaux series (in order, please).
When they were still alive, Tom Clancy and Robert B. Parker (the Spenser series) were also “blind buys”.
Loretta: John Sandford. Always pre-order!
Lynne: The authors I blindly buy are Craig Johnson, Lee Child, David Baldacci and James Lee Burke Robicheaux series.
Mary C: I “blindly buy” Susan Albert Wittig and Rita Mae Brown.
Mary K: Blindly buys. Anything by:
Donna Leon
Diana Gabaldon
Ben Aaronovitch
Estelle Ryan
Mark Douglas-Home
Patricia Finney
Felix Francis
Robert Galbraith
Anne Hillerman
Philip Kerr
Merilyn: Authors with books I blindly buy are: John Sanford, Sue Grafton, Michael Connelly, Ian Rankin, Peter Robinson, James Lee Burke, to name a few.
Mark: My Blindly Buy list includes Lee Child (like you), James Rollings, Boyd Morrison, John Grisham, Brad Metzger, Michael Connelly, Steve Akten, Stephen King, Lincoln Child and Douglas Preston (both their collaborations and stand alone), Patricia Cornwall, Dan Brown, Dale Brown, Stephen Berry, Stephen Coonts and Clive Cussler. I still have most of these here at home, because I can hardly stand to part with them, and several are signed by the authors. In the last twenty year to twenty-five years, my favorite read has been “Amazonia”, by James Rollins. It was the most entertaining read that I think I have ever had for a stand alone novel. Then three book series “Live Free or Die”, “The Hot Gate” and “The Citadel”, by John Ringo was one of the most outstanding series that I have read. The ongoing sagas of Lee Childs’ Jack Reacher books and Douglas Prestons’ & Lincoln Childs’ Pendergast books are the greatest ones that I look forward to each year. For me it is a toss up as to which of these is the best so i’ll say it is a tie.
Nadyne: I’ve got five favorites whose works I will purchase without a second thought: Elizabeth George; Louise Penny; John Sandford; Elin Hilderbrand; and Karin Slaughter. I love their writing style, their plot lines, and I feel like their characters are personal friends of mine….Nadyne.
Nanci: Although I do take the majority of books I read out of the library these days (I have thousands at home and I’m running out of room – and money, hahaha), I absolutely have a “Blindly Buy” list:
Stephen King, Harlen Coben, Lisa Gardner, John Grisham, Tess Gerritsen, Linwood Barclay, Gary A. Braunbeck, Chelsea Cain, Karin Slaughter, and Sue Grafton.
Nancy: Of course, Louise Penny with the wonderful Inspector Gamache; Anne Perry with any of her series; oh, William Kent Krueger is always on speed dial. That is just the tip of the iceberg. No wonder I am always broke and my books are crowding me out of home.
Paula: John Connolly, Lee child and Michael Connelly I always pre order
Patricia: Since I am English and from the Cotswolds, of course its M. C. Beaton.but a couple more are JJMarric (John Creasy) and his Inspector Gideon of Scotland Yard, W.J Burley with Wycliffe of Cornwell, and Robert Barnard.All English of course. Love your site, has made my logging of books I read soooooooooooooooooooo easy.
Peter: Thanks so much for your web site and e-mails. I have been searching for book lists for years and here they are.
My go to authors (as well as some of yours that I have or will get to) are:
Ian Hamilton – Ava Lee books ***
Lawrence Block – Bernie Rhodenbarr
Alan Bradley – Flavia de Luce
Bill Bryson
Andrea Camilleri – Inspector Montalbano ***
Michael Connelly –
John Dunning
Barry Eisler
Vince Flynn – Mitch Rapp
Carl Hiaasen
Stephen Hunter
Donna Leon – Guido Brunetti ***
Adrian Magson
Barry Maitland – Kolla & Brock
Alexander Mccall Smith – Isabel Dalhousie
Daniel Silva – Gabriel Allon
Xiaolong, Qui – Inspector Chen ***
Thanks again for your effort and hard work.
P Kitty: The first two authors (Child and Rollins) have never let me down.
I pre-order the following authors blindly:
Lee Child
James Rollins
M. William Phelps
Michael Connelly
Craig Johnson
Charles Todd
Louise Penny
Daniel Silva
Phil Rickman
Steve Martini
John Gilstrap
Preston and Child
Dean Koontz
Stephen King
John Connolly
Some I pre-order,sometimes cancel and go to the library:
James Patterson
John Sandford
David Baldacci
Joe Hill
Pittacus Lore
Michael Koryta
Thomas Perry
Alex Berenson
Pam: On my blindly buy/request list: Sue Grafton (I’ll miss Kinsey Millhone when Grafton retires), Michael Connelly (love Harry Bosch and Mickey Haller), and Laura Lippman (Tess Monaghan series is addictive). Also have been a fan of Jennifer Weiner and Susan Isaacs. I realized as I’m writing this that the mystery genre is definitely my bag!
Reta: I will always buy a book by Dee Henderson or Terri Blackstock site unseen or review unread….
Rhea: There are several authors that I would blindly buy their new books, though some are within a series. Anything Denise Grover Swank writes ends up on my wish list, as well as Harlan Coben’s stand-alone books, Lisa Unger, LIsa Gardner, Kay Hooper and Karin Slaughter. I have to have James Patterson’s Women’s Murder Club, Alex Cross and Michael Bennett series books, and Iris Johansen’s Eve Duncan series books, Allison Brennan is one of my favorite authors and her Lucy Kincaid series is my favorite. When I catch up on that one, I will start her other series. When I need a laugh, it’s Janet Evanovich and her Stephanie Plum series to the rescue.
Risky: barry eisler, richard k morgan, robert fate
Rosemary: My new “favorite” author is Thrity Umnigar. Have read “The Story Hour” and “The Space Between Us” and loved both! She is an awesome author!
Rudy: David Baldacci is on my blindly buy list. Just finished his latest “The Last Mile”. I really could not put this one down. Came as a 7 day book from the local library but it took me just hours to complete and then I took it to my neighbor as a “you won’t want to put this one down. One of his best books and I have read then all. Enjoy hearing from you each month.
Sandra B: Your efforts in putting out the newsletter and website are appreciated; it’s always nice to read what others enjoy.
My blindly read list includes Lee Child, Brad Thor, John Lescroart, Brad Meltzer & David Baldacci (all from the library), Alexandra Stoddard (purchase), Susan Branch (purchased from her website). I’ve been a fan of Stoddard and Branch for decades and consider them “comfort reads”. Included in my “comfort read” list is Gladys Taber whose books I stumble upon, happily, in thrift stores.
When I purchase a book it’s usually from the thrift store and I use my county library a lot. (The county library and deputy sheriff’s department are the only things I receive for paying county tax dollars.) Just inside the door, the county library has a ‘newly purchased’ bookcase and I find good reads there as well.
Audio books have been a favorite for decades and used not only for travel but for entertainment at home. I’m a big fan of multi-tasking and it’s easy to pop in an audio book while I’m spinning yarn, knitting, quilting, churning butter, etc.
Unless a book is a ‘keeper’, they’re recycled at the library (sold with proceeds helping library) or given away on my blog.
Sandra K: Here is my “Blindly Buy” list:
Jo Nesbo
Jussi Alder Olsen
Karin Fossum
Erik Larsen
Michael Connelly
Lars Kepler
Arnaldur Indradson
Nele Neahaus
Owen Laukkanen
Herman Koch
Dennis Lehane
Liane Moriarty
Jonathan Kellerman
Camilia Lackeberg
Sara Blaedel
Hakan Nesser
Patricia Cornwell
Wow, with such a large list there is rarely a month when I am not happily reading the next best book!!
sewcrafty: On my blindly buy book list are:
Stephen King
Joe Hill
James Lee Burke
Jonathan Maberry: Joe Ledger Series – I just finished Kill Switch on Audio and it was the best yet in the series – I can’t recommend this highly enough. The narrator Ray Porter, owns Joe Ledger and whenever I hear him reading something else I have to take a bit to adjust to it not being Joe.
Sandy: Linwood Barclay,Harlan Corben,Lee Child (would like to meet Jack Reacher), Joseph Finder,Newly added Mark Greaney(gray man series,Greg Hurwitz, Louise Penny I would love to visit Three Pines Canada—-meetRuth and her duck, stay in the bed and breakfast and go to the book store.
Have a great month reading!
Susanne: Iris johansen especially eve Duncan series, lee child, James Patterson, Debbie macomber and
Patricia cornewell! This is my blond ally list!!
Teresa: Blindly buying. …Rita Mae Brown and Sneeky Pie, Robert Parker ( no matter who is writing them, Janet Eveonivich with Stephanie Plum, Carolyn Hanes abt Sarah Booth Delaney. These are just a few. Thanks, Teresa Coleman
tet: Lee Child, Jim Butcher
Janet: Without hesitation: Dana Stabenow’s Kate Shugak series!
Put aside all you ever saw or thought you knew about Alaska from those Alaskan reality series and read about the Real Alaska through Dana’s lead character and her diverse lifestyle experiences and relationships. Be sure to read in order, because each subsequent book in the series builds on the plot and characters of the previous one. 20 in the series … so far … with an outcry and begging from fans for book 21!
I love your web site , thank you for the hard work that goes into it. My favorites are,
Margaret Coel, C.J. Box, Preston&Child, the Pendergast series.
Fran: First, I enjoy your newsletters a lot. I find new authors or re-connect with authors that I loved.
As to the authors on my “blindly buy” listing, are – Lee Childs, Nevada Barr, and Lisa Scottoline. Although three different styles (action, national parks and lawyers) they are still my favorite mystery writers. James Patterson and Dean Koontz used to be on my blindly buy list but lately I have to actually check out the book description (and reviews by others) before I decide its something I want to read.
Again, thanks so much for opening my reading views.

Yay and a shout-out to Sandra B. for mentioning Gladys Taber!
I may not be precisely “on topic” but have needed to say this for some time. Years ago a friend suggested the Jack Reacher series to me and everything she said was a total turnoff according to how I usually chose books I’d enjoy! I was HOOKED with the very first one and devoured all that followed UNTIL the decision was made (which I shall never comprehend) to make Tom Cruise the visual representation of Jack Reacher! Since then I have been unable to pick up another in the series…SAD.
Hello, readers.My name is Owaldo Reyes and i wanted to start this conversation by saying that ” i love books in order . com ” I am an avid reader and book collector.I also have an online book selling business that is doing amazingly well.I wanted to ask some readers if they are familiar with the author MARK SULLIVAN ? He has co written a few bestsellers with my favorite writer JAMES PATTERSON. The PRIVATE series.I also would like to say that MARK SULLIVAN is the author of one of the best book series today.I don’t understand why the very gifted writer is not being recognized for his amazing series.The ROBIN MONARCH series ? I purchased the first book in the series ,ROGUE and i was hooked.This series is awesome .The characters are just unbelievable .The story line is just fantastic.I have already purchased the last two books in the series and i can’t wait for book 4 in the series to come out.My friends if you have not checked out the series ,you are missing out ,big time.This series is one of the best series i have read ,it is definitely on my best read series list.Please check it out.