Reader Mailbag: Books / Book Series You Re-Read
In the September 2018 Newsletter we asked our readers what books our book series they re-read.
Here are the responses:
Pam: Although I’ve read a number of series and enjoyed them, I’ve had no desire to re-read any of them. I have WAY too many books on my to-read list to go back and start re-reading a series. Favorites are: Harry Bosch by Michael Connelly, Kinsey Millhone by Sue Grafton and Tess Monaghan by Laura Lippman.
Enjoy your monthly newsletter and the recommendations! Keep up the great job.
Jody: I don’t usually re-read any books but my partner does. I would bet he’s read all of the books by Louis L’Amore dozens of times. I started sending him the Alan Lewrie series by Dewey Lambdin, based on your recommendation. He loves them. I think they will be his new Louis L’Amore.
Ayesha: I’m always going back to the original Conan stories (I have several old paperbacks found years ago in second hand bookstores, as well as some more modern re-print collections). There’s lots of books I return to every now and then, but right now I’m almost finished re-reading Terry Brooks’ High Druid of Shannara trilogy (and intending to someday go back and read ALL the Shannara books, starting again at the beginning…)
Linda: Hi! Depending on my mood, anything in Lackey’s Valdemar series, Harkness’s Book of Life series, or one of my all-time favorite books, “Dune”, the book that got me hooked on Sci-fi.
Vicki: The two highest series on my list are classics – the Narnia books by C.S. Lewis and the Lord of the Ring books by Lewis’ friend J.R.R. Tolkien. Those books shaped my idea of great fantasy books.
For a modern series, I enjoy re-reading J.D. Robb’s In Death series. I’ve read almost every book Nora Roberts has written, and enjoy the future twist and unusual personality of Eve Dallas. And at some point in their lives most women have dreamed of meeting a Roarke. Robb/Roberts usually gives these books good plot twists and keep the reader engaged. I have found the ones that focus more on the mystery and less on the personal tend to be better.
The last series I’ll recommend is Jacqueline Winspear’s Maisie Dobbs series. These are quiet books, but Maisie’s cases in the 1930’s to (currently) 1940 continue to delve into people and their prejudices and loves. They often show how the past war, then the coming war still affect people even during the most mundane life. The books are psychological detective mysteries.
If you look at my bookshelves, you’ll see many more complete or near complete series collections – Jim Butcher’s Harry Dresden series, Marcia Muller’s Sharon McCone series, Lois McMasters Bujold’s series (any of them), Douglas Preston and Lincoln Childs’ Pendergast series, Anne McCaffrey’s Dragons of Pern series, Margaret Maron’s Deborah Knott series, Dorothy Sayers’ Peter Whimsey series, Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House series, J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter… You get the picture – there are many more.
The problem is keeping up with them as new ones are released. (Which reminds me, the latest Monk by Anne Perry is sitting on my TBR shelf calling my name and the new In Death arrived today.)
Tom: Hi, Graeme…
Good question. Since I am always behind in my expectations for reading, I still have dozens of books and PB’s I need to get through. Then there is the occasional trip to the library which often results in bringing home several books to read. And then there is the Internet, where it seems almost everyday I run across some book or article that I want to read. So I have lists of books and can’t remember going back and rereading much of anything unless it was a short article I wanted to understand better. I have several books that I might reference for info, but they are not fiction. So the battle continues with the choice of so many books and somewhat limited time to read them.
Norma: I couldn’t believe it when you said you were not immediately taken with the Harry Bosch series! “Really????” I said to myself….well…I was an immediate admirer of Harry and continue to be! And what’s not to enjoy about the tv series based on the books and starring Titus Welliver! Even my husband who is “into” historical non-fiction, got involved in Harry’s stories! I do hope you read a few more to check out the character.
Another series I would/do re-read are the Myron Bolitar series by Harlan Coban. As forHarlan Coban’s stand-alones….I’m not sure if I like them or not…a bit uneven in my like/didn’t care for that one list.
And, what’s not to like about Jack Reacher series by Lee Child??????
Sylvia: Hi
I have re-read several books from various series- I get part way through realize I have read and say well do not remember ending- I like Alex Delaware series Sue Grafton’s Kinsey Mill hone have reread some of those. Have not read any series throughtwice jus toccasional books. I like to rtead Read while someone lese is driving. Whenever I get a chance one summer I read all day every day sitting outside iNArizona Guess I enjoy the heat.
Sybil: You asked us what we were re-reading? WELL!! I have been captivated yet again by our Dashing Dexter. I’ve gone skipping blithely down the Dark path with my favorite blood splatter analyst and sadly I’m almost at the end. Now maybe I can get something else done because I just can’t let him have all these wonderful adventures without me.
Sue: I thoroughly enjoy your newsletters. I am sorry to say that I am one that has seldom reread a book. Fahrenheit 451 and 84 Charing Crossroads are two that come to mind. My problem is that there are so many books to read, I don’t take time to read any again. Right now I am trying to catch up on the Prey series. I started with Hidden Prey, #15, and followed through to Twisted Prey, #28. Now I went back to Rules of Prey, #1, and have read through #8, leaving #9-14. I love this series and have read all the Virgil Flowers books. My other favorite authors are Child, Connelly, Baldacci, Jance, Woods, Crais. I also love the series that Donna Leon writes. I think every day is National Book day…at least in my life.
Sandy: I love your monthly letters, actually wait for them before I make out my must read list for the month!
Some of your suggestions are already on my read that list!
The Art of Racing in the Rain,
Having had two golden retrievers, and a super fan of Formula One, I loved the familiarity of it all! Great wonderful warm story.
I’ve read it a copy of times and given to friends for a wonderful read!
Unwanted Guest Shari LaPena
Devoured it! one day!!! what a trip! Can’t wait for her next book! She is fantastic!
Now to your monthly question What books do I revisit!
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt
So full of the history of Savannah , the old south and mysteries of the people who made up the culture that I savored each page! The murder and subsequent trial ran through it and brought the author along for the ride, and its colorful characters added to the whole feel of the book. The original premise of the book was to be a travel guide, but it certainly turned into much more than that! A great read.
The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson
Set at the Worlds Fair in Chicago in 1893 this is the true story of the fair itself and the first serial killer who stalks the women at the fair and goes totally unnoticed~
It is a mixture of magic, murder and madness. Greatly written and yes non fiction!! Read it twice, may read again soon, gets better each time!
Kurt Wallander Series by Henning Mankell
An author I will sorely miss, his creativity and angst he brought out through Kurt Wallander was excellent. I’ve read the whole series and re read my favorites when I have a chance!
Once again, thanks for your letter and ideas each month!
Ruth: A favorite series of mine to re-read is Mercedes Lackey’s Collegium Chronicles. The main character is Mags, a young boy chosen by a Companion (a horse-like creature) and his adventures at the Collegium, a school for talented young people. The world she creates and the characters (human and animal) are magical in many ways. It is a true lose-yourself-in-the story type of series. she has recently published a new series featuring an adult Mags that promises to be just as entertaining.She is a very prolific author and writes many books set in the same universe, often in groups of three or four book sets.
Another series I have read and re-read is S. M. Sirling’s Emberverse: Dies the Fire, etc. This is a post-apocalyptic series that starts with a truly world ending EMP-type of event and follows the the redevelopment of civilization. It is one of the more hopeful of this type of book. Something truly world ending occurs and the remaining people take what they have left and build up from there rather than descending into total anarchy and chaos.
Roz: My mother introduced me to Georgette Heyer when I was about 13 years old. I am now 74 and revisited her Regency Novels many many times over the years. The historical books are sometimes hard to get though and I occasionally dive into the crime series but every now and again and little dose of sweet romance does the trick. I am also hooked on J. D. Robb and her futuristic Eve Dallas and billionaire husband Roarke. Can’t wait for each new novel and have just bought the most recent at the airport.
Rick: Glad you have gotten around to the Harry Bosch series. I have read all the books over the years and always enjoyed them … some more than others of course. One of my favourites was the Last Coyote, which is #4 I believe. Regardless I hope you stick with the series and enjoy it as much as I have.
I’m also a real fan of the ‘Gamache’ series since I discovered it 3 years ago on a recommendation from my daughter. I have, again, read them all and can’t wait for each new episode … there is a new one coming in November, I think .. Kingdom of the Blind. I find the characters well defined and interesting. They generally move along well through the well developed plots
Regina: Interesting you should ask that Graham! I’ve been noticing as I get my older that I am wanting to reread books that I read in my 20’s. Right now I’m reading C.S. Lewis’ Space Trilogy. I have reread all of the Narnia series, and re-reading these has spurred me on to read more of his writing. He has other fiction like Screwtape Letters and the Great Divorce. He writes great satire and his imagination is nearly unequaled!
Some other things I’ve reread are the Wrinkle In Time Trilogy (I did this way before the movie came out) and I’m considering reading the first book again so I can compare the movie to it. I’d like to reread the Twilight series again, because my favorite parts are where Myers goes back and tells the history of some of the “long lived” characters. I have also reread The Host by Myers; I loved that book! I’m also thinking about re-reading Christie’s, And Then There Were None; absolutely the best “who done it” I’ve ever read!
Anyway, now that I’m in my 50’s (ouch!) I don’t retain stories like I used to. When I was younger I never dreamed I’d need to reread anything in order to remember it, but sadly it’s true.
Keep up the news letter and the other good work you do!
Rebecca: I love going back and revisiting series but the two series I visit more often are the Shadowhunter series and Harry Potter! It feels like visiting old friends and I always find something I missed or had forgotten about.
Ray: Yes! National Read-A-Book Day! I wore my tee shirt that says, “Don’t read tee-shirts, read books”. I saw a comic strip that showed somebody had just bought a Smart TV, turned it on and it said, “Read A Book”. Hi Graeme, always great to receive your news letter. Sorry about the “bug” you caught. Hope you’re feeling good now. When I feel something like that coming on I have a shot of scotch every evening for at least two weeks, usually longer. The “bug” never gets me.
Sci-Fi, eh? You might try, “Hyperion” by Dan Simmons.(1989)
Speaking of Bosch, my wife and I were at a Spokane Symphony concert a while back and Tchaikovsky was playing. After the concert the lady sitting next to me commented on how good it was. I said, “Yes, Tchaikovsky never disappoints, just like
Michael Connelly books”. I’ve read all of his books and am reading them again. Thanks for reminding me of Alex Dellaware
I need to read them again. As we speak, I’m reading Lapena’s “Stranger In The House”. Book series I’m reading over again are from Dan Brown, Steve Berry, Michael Connelly, Daniel Silva, and Alex Berenson.
For book recommendations, Graeme, I think you would like the Dept. Q series by Jussi Adler-Olsen, and for quick reads with always surprise endings, try Thomas H. Cook, and some great music, try Richard Wagner’s “Liebestod” from Tristan un Isolde.
Rick G: I enjoy your newsletter, but have yet to contribute. But I have to mention two series that I revisit again and again. The first is the Patrick O’Brian series of Napoleonic sea adventures, featuring swashbuckling and incredibly lucky Captain Jack Aubrey and his surgeon/spy friend and companion, Stephen Maturin. A long time mystery and science fiction fan, I was frequently advised to try this series. Equally frequently, I would respond “why would I be interested in seagoing historical fiction?”
Until I tried it.
Simply the best descriptive prose, the most exciting and direct plots, and characterizations of people so true and so likable that I feel really depressed when I finish a book, and don’t have those folks to hang out with any more. Until the next book.
I have read through the series of some 20 books, I think, at least four times thus far. And have recommended it to all my reader friends (most of who respond as I did, years ago, unfortunately for them).
The second series is not really a series at all, though it is now called the Asian Saga by James Clavell. Shogun, Tai Pan, and Noble House are the books I refer to, though the AS has grown to include two others. The first concerns the English’s first foray into Japan, the second the founding of the Crown Colony of Hong Kong, and the third the carrying on of the descendents of the characters of the second book into contemporary times. These books are excellent examples of the best historical fiction can be. Playing largely on the archetype of the “devious oriental mind”, the books are filled with plots and counterplots as each character schemes to succeed in achieving his or her goals and plans at the expense of any and all other characters. The books feature protagonists so powerful and strong willed that they reach out and grasp destiny by the throat, forcing life to conform to their wishes. And each includes a romance touchingly believable and tearjerkingly tragic.
There are more series that I love (Longmire and The Expanse series come to mind), but these two I have returned to repeatedly over the years.
Raley: My answer is simple. All things James Herriot
Patty P: In answer to your query: The In Death series by J. D. Robb.
Love the newsletter!
Nancy G: Series I have read multiple times (& should read again soon) are: Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings (which wins with about 24 reads), & some books from my youth which I loved, The Freddy the Pig books.
A series I’m sure will be added to this list when I’ve actually completed it is Lockwood & Co. by Jonathon Stroud.
Madge: The book that I go back to and read the end over and over again is Tell Me Your Dreams by Sidney Sheldon.
It is a Psychological thriller and so good, you cannot put it down and the end gives you shivers if you catch it!
Try it if you can get it.
Lorraine: I have read Under The Tuscan Sun 4 times, given to a lot of friends, family as gifts. Don’t get me started on how they screwed up with the movie! 🙂
I’ve read all the Pat Conroy books multiple times, and yes also gifted them. A great Author, I miss dearly.
Shel Silverstein sits on the table next to my chair, easy pick up for a quick smile! Can’t keep count of how many sets of these books that have been gifted. If I’m lucky enough to make it to Heaven I better take these with me as the Big Guy (I’m sure) could use a chuckle more often 🙂
Lanny: In the past year I discovered the James Lee Burke “Dave Robicheaux” series. These are books I’m definitely going to keep and read over (and maybe over). Best books I’ve EVER read and I read a LOT. When you read these books your senses are wide awake. You smell, taste & feel Louisiana without ever leaving your chair. Amazing series. Thank you Mr. Burke!
Joy: I am an avid reader and love all kinds of stories. However, I have read this book several times and have found something new each time. It is by Daphne du Maurier and is THE SCAPEGOAT.
I guess i am drawn to this storyline because I have a twin sister and she is my Doppelganger. I read it to see if this situation could really happen and was surprised at my conclusion.
Karole: Please forgive me for still wanting to answer last month`s question. My husband`s illness just didn`t leave time to answer. But , I would LOVE to be a book researcher. I enjoy searching answers about most topics.
Now this month`s question. I never reread books, even my fav`s. I keep a diary of every book I`ve read . Rereading my notes satisfies any longing to revisit a book. I also have a fanatical desire to read a series in order. You are most helpful in this cause. Y`all do a great service for serious readers. Thanks.
Kathleen: As an old s/f fan, I have read Frank Herbert’s Dune books and Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series multiple times. Also Mary Stewart’s Merlin books. And I am always rereading Rex Stout’s Nero Wolfe books. Don’t get me started on single books. A Night To Remember and Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee and To Kill A Mockingbird and Swan Song and…the list just goes on and on. You will find many of my favorites on the Great American Read list.
Jeffrey: I started to try and put these in some kind of order of preference, but failed miserably, so they are just a list. I have read each of these books at least three times and some of them six to ten times.
1. All of the Clive Cussler Fiction Books with limitations
· My favorite series is the Oregon Files
· I do not re-read the Dirk Pitt Books after he introduced Pitt’s “Children,” although I have read them all once. In order to have had children by Summer, Pitt would have had to rape her while she was unconscious as there was no other chance. This would be totally outside his character. I realize the author was trying to revitalize a waning series, but he chose the wrong way.
· I do not usually re-read the Fargo series.
· Speaking of later Pitt books, did anyone else notice the villain who died and then came back to life?
2. All of the Wayne Stinnett Books.
3. Lee Child’s Jack Reacher books. There are two books in the series that I will not re-read, but that is a personal preference because I do not like the subject matter.
4. All of Tony Hillerman’s Chee Books. I miss that man. His daughter is trying to keep up the series, but she is just not his equal.
5. David Baldacci’s Camel Club and Will Robie Series
6. Ted Bell’s Alex Hawke Series
7. Jana DeLeon’s Miss Fortune Series. Into each life some comedy must fall.
8. Thomas Perry’s Jane Whitefield Series.
Margaret: Hope you are feeling healthier now. Thanks for re-reading the Bosch series. I am a 70 y.o retired occupational therapist, grandmother now living on social security. I have not purchased a book in a long while because I use my tax dollars via wi-fi to download audio books from my public library. The books you referred to were narrated by wonderful persons who can make the audio book even more exciting. While reading, I am often multi-tasking—laundry, cooking, knitting, playing FarmVille on Facebook, gardening, driving (I put it on speaker no-hands), flying somewhere or just sitting and relaxing.
JBS: I have several series to which I return, as if visiting with an old friend. Here’s two I particularly enjoy:
Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files
Who knew a guy living on a farm and working in a barn could turn those childhood scary monsters under the bed or hiding in the closet into a living breathing believable world?! Who knew there were THREE kinds of vampires? And Santa Claus? – let’s just say he isn’t the jolly old elf you thought he was. Marvelous travel from the world and time we know into a universe of the imagination turned into reality. Only problem is that now that Mr. Butcher is “into” graphic novels, he’s slowed the pace of the next “grown-up” book coming to publication… but so very well worth the wait!
Dana Stabenow’s “Kate Shugak” series
They say there are only 2 reasons to relocate to Alaska: Running away from something or running toward something. Well, run toward this author’s Kate Shugak series! In addition to her description of real-life in Alaska, you will be swept up in the murder and mystery, all the while absorbing local landscape and culture and wondering what the Aunties are gossiping about over in the corner and imagining what it would be like sharing one’s existence with a wolf-dog, and for those who think Alaska might be too cold for romance … two words … Trooper Jim!
Eamon: Hi!☺! I would go back to the God is an Englishman series of stories by DR Delderfield, the Courtney stories by Wilbur Smith and Winds of War by Herman Wouk.Just saying! Take care,Eamon Cowman
Donald: I have re-read every series by L. E. Modesitt Jr. (spell singer, recluse and imager). And elemental masters by Mercedes Lackey.
Janice: My favorite series of all I’ve read is The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I felt lost beyond belief when I finished the third book.
Elizabeth: Agatha Christie is my ‘go to’ read- again & again
Jane: I love the Bess Crawford series by Charles Todd. I have read this series several times, usually when I know a new one is coming out. I love the time period and all the history. Someday I would love to go to England and France and explore the locations of these books!
Don: Greetings – I do love reading your site – and I totally agree with you – regarding Bosch…after I got past the first 2 or 3 – they did improve. Of course – Clive Cussler’s Dirk Pitt, Oregon, Numa etc…are some of the best…on my3rd time thru.
Stewart Woods -Stone Barrington is a great series – my wife is on her 3 or 4th thru..and she tells me not to forget Ed Eagle, Polly Barker etc.
Keep up the GREAT work – Oh by the way – I’m 84 – NEVER EVER did any personal reading (alway businiess stuff) until about 10 or so years ago when I bought first edition KINDLE – It changed my world completely
Fran: I love love love the Joe Pickett series by CJ Box. His books takes me to the mountains of Wyoming and the scenery I can picture as if I’m there.
Also love love love the Jack Reacher series by Lee Childs.
Diane G: You asked which book series I’ve gone back
To and I would have to say my absolute favourite
One is written by Estelle Ryan. The Genevieve series.
She did her research on the artists she writes about
I’m waiting anxiously for her next book to be published
She has written 12 in the series. Everyone that I have
Recommended the series to have loved them! I
Noticed you haven’t gotten her added to your list. I feel
She is a must read!
Debbie: the Harry Potter series is one I enjoy going back to every few years to listen to again. I also love the Clan of the Cave Bear series. Those two series I love to listen to in their entirety. If I am just killing time and want to visit familiar characters – any of the “In Death” books by JD Robb are always a good re-visit or any of the Virgin River by Robyn Carr novels if I just want a love story. Both of these series are like coming home again – just for a quick visit.
Darlene: First, I so enjoy your newsletter…..thanks 🙂
Not too long ago I reread The Dog Stars by Peter Heller. It’s still one of the most original, interesting, moving books I’ve ever read. The first time I read it I was blown away by it’s originality. His second book, eagerly awaited, not so much.
It’s past time for another reread of Watership Down……..I used to read it almost every year but now it’s been so many years that I need to find it again!
Just as a PS, I’ve recently started reading on my fone; I find it’s easier to hold in bed at night and much easier to read from when I know I’ll be sitting somewhere, waiting to be called for an appt. I find I’m getting books I’ve never heard of before, and being wonderfully surprised by some of them. A new world has been opened up for me; instead of reading the very latest, I’m now discovering many authors I’ve never heard of before……and some of them are brilliant. For example, The Sweet By and By by Todd Johnson………anything by B B Griffith or Tony Bertauski……..Soul Catcher by Michael C White……some books I get are just fun and some are not worth reading ! BUT it’s a whole new world.
Thanks again for the great newsletter; I look forward to it each month.
PS: Almost forgot: Time and Again……by Finney!!! I reread this several months ago and was still charmed by it. Probably one of the first time-travel novels, at least of which I read. A bit dated now but not enough to ruin the story… has some interesting twists. I imagine you’ve read it; if not give it a try. I still love it!
Carolyn: Hi. I was so happy to see The Art of Racing in the Rain on your list. I first read it from the library, bought it, loaned it to friends and reread it , to always keep on my book shelve to be picked up again when I need it. A tender, beautiful read.
On a totally different note, another fav of mine is A Constellation of Vital Phenomenon by Anthony Marra and A Gentleman in Moscow with its quirky , charming and rich characters.
Corinne: Holy. Cow. I could write pages and pages on this topic, as there are many series which I love and re-read often. For instance, Anne McCaffery’s Dragonriders of Pern books I have re-read every few years since I was a child and discovered the first book in a library book sale. (And I am 53 now!) ANY book by Robin Hobb I will immediately buy, re-read whichever series it is part of and tack it onto the end. James Herriot’s vet story books I have read endless times as well. The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon several times. Also from childhood but I which still re-read today is the Anne of Green Gables books, which I have in a box set from when I was like 12. A couple newer favorite series are the Red Rising series by Pierce Brown, the Rho Agenda books by Richard Phillips, the Wool series by Huge Howey, and The Passage series by Justin Cronin. I have read each of these at least twice and look forward to more readings of them.
I don’t think most of these are in your favorite genre(s) as they are sci-fi/fantasy types mostly. But I’ve never seen you mention Wilbur Smith. Have you read any of his books? He is an absolutely fantastic adventure story writer. Most of his books are set in Africa, in any century from the 1600’s until today. And he has an ancient Egyptian series as well which is pretty good, although the latest book I have in it is a little over the top trying too hard to build on past successes. But I can highly recommend the Courtney family histories which are some ridiculous amount of books long, but my favorites are the three books set in early sea-faring days: Birds of Prey, Monsoon, and Blue Horizon. Also his stand-alone book, Hungry as the Sea, which is not about Africa but about a guy who runs a big salvage tug in the ocean. I have read those four books often.
As for stand-alone re-reads, I’ve read Ender’s Game probably 10 times. Mists of Avalon probably 5-7 times. Eifelheim (Michael Flynn) at least 5 times. The King Must Die and Bull From the Sea are two books in a single volume by Mary Renault which I have read probably 5-6 times as well. And Ladies of the Club by Helen Hoover Santmyer is an enormous book which is nominally about the lives of girls who meet in college and form a ladies club, and follows them throughout their entire lives, but in the bigger scope it is full of history and politics from 1868-1932. Very interesting and I have read that thing (all 1433 pages) maybe 6 times thus far. I was going to try and give it to the library book sale a few years ago but could not bring myself to part with it.
Well, I will stop there before I DO go on for days about this subject. But an interesting side question you might have for the reader question of the month would be: Is there any book or series which you used to love but when you revisited it, did not live up to your remembered enjoyment of the book or series?
Thanks as always for the thought and effort you put into the newsletter every month! I use your site all the time when I need a series order for my digital books especially, since I can’t make them stay in order on my devices, unlike real books on my book shelves. 🙂
Ceceilia: Books to re-read! I read the trilogy of the Mutiny Bounty several times as a youngster at my grandmother’s house. She never minded me sitting and reading all day like my mother did. Luckily I stumbled across the three books in one volume at our local free library in the Pybus Public Market in Wenatchee, WA where I live. I was so excited; it was like finding a gold nugget.
My husband thinks I have way too many books. Sure, I do. Some I keep and some I keep to give away at the various free libraries in town, or to friends whose taste in books I’m familiar with enough to recommend books.
Thanks for the chance to share,
Christine: I am heavy into the “Harry Bosch” series right now and love them.
Some of my favorite nonfiction books are “Enola Gay” by Gordon Thomas & Max Witts. Never knew what a tremendous undertaking that.
Another favorite nonfiction is The Story of a Real Life Horse Whisper by Monty Roberts – fabulous reading.
Thank you for your valuable “book” info.
Chris: Dear Graeme, thanks for another interesting and informative newsletter. As far as this month’s question: I never reread books at all until I started the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. All the books in the series (8 main ones, several novellas in between) are so big and so rich with historical detail that I discover something new on each rereading. Many other people have said the same thing, so I know it’s not just quirky old me. Rereading this series doesn’t keep me from reading many other books, but it does give me something to pick up when I can’t find just the right book at the moment.
Alan: in no particular order:
the Ann Cleeves series, Vera Stanhope and the Shetland series….also her earlier books, the Inspector Ramsey series and others.
the Tony Hillerman Navajo series, but NOT the follow on books by his daughter!
bgh: I have been reading all my life (at 74 that’s a long time). Being very shy I could hide in my book and be anywhere I wanted to be. Usually found hiding in the Library at High School with a book in my hand.
I have read all of the George, Baldacci, McCaffrey, Asimov, along with hundreds of other authors, books of all genres. But when I need to just settle in and read a book that is quiet and comforting I read Albert Payson Terhune. He wrote books about his Collies. The first is Lad, A Dog. These books are filled with suspense, adventure, a little heartbreak and a lot of love. I have read the series at least three times over my life and will try to read them again.
Easy way to get kids to read, most all kids love dogs! Thank you for your recommendations and keep up the good work!
Brenda D: The books I revisit are the Cedar Cove series by Debbie Macomber. I’ve watched the tv mini series a few times and am reason the books a second time.
I plan on reading the Edilean series by Jude Deveraux. I purchased the first book of that series.
I have purchased the Crystal Creek series to read over, and I am planning on reading again the Fortunes of Texas series.
I also purchased the series Welcome to Tyler which I am going to read again, Lord willing. I am reading two series currently, Cedar Cove series (with the original covers), and the Heather Creek series from Guideposts.
Diane G: Good morning, i love your email, btw! I have read the Harry Bosch series as well as the Lincoln Lawyer Series, which brings a new and very dynamic character to the Bosch series, since Harry becomes part of this Lincoln Lawyer series! Spoiler alert……., they are related!
I am reading a forensic anthropologist series now, which is quasi fiction but based on the real life experiences of Dr. Bill Bass, (the body farm). I am learning so much from these books. (10 in series). Anyway, enough said, have a great weekend.
Carmel H: First time I’ve done this but the topic of “re-reading” ? I just couldn’t resist. I have three favourites: The Brother Cadfael series by Ellis Peters; The Falco series by Lindsey Davis; and the Corinna Chapman series by Kerry Greenwood. Of course I built them up one by one, and have now re-read them many, many times. The characters have become “real people” and I reread at least once a year, going from go to whoa in order. The Greenwood ones are the most recently collected, and appeal partly because based in Australia. Cadfael started off many years ago, as did Falco. Strangely enough, I’m not very keen on Greenwood’s other books, although I have read a couple. I did, however, enjoy the TV series based on them, shown on our ABC.
I have been a “Bookworm” since first starting to read at about the age of 5, and still have a series of “Abbey” books by J.J. Oxenham, started off by a birthday gift at 8 from a dear Aunt. As I moved from the N.T. to S.A. a few years ago, I sat down and re-read them for fun. As they follow the main characters from about 15 to married with children, and bring in more and more loved ones, they are still great to read, although they would be considered old fashioned by youngsters today. (I’m now 76 and still a bookworm.)
Many thanks for your monthly emails.