Reader Mailbag: Genres You Hate
In the April 2018 newsletter we asked our readers what book genres they hate.
Here are their responses:
Angela: I really can not tolerate Romance novels. To me they are a waste of time, and insult my intelligance. They elicit false hope to women especially, about what their life could be; ie: the perfect life!!! If I read Fiction, it’s Historical based on evidence. Elizabeth Chadwick, now there’s an author who knows how to write a story!
Polly:I love your newsletter!
I don’t like the Romance Genre or the subgenre of Literary Fiction (please just get to the point). I also will tune out of anything that is considered a “classic,” it just colors my perception and I end up not enjoying the book. I really like character driven books and Scandinavian Noir.
Keep up the great work and I look forward to the next edition.
Karole: The genres I never read are scifi and fantasy. I have tried at several stages in my life to read both. I used the 50 page rule. If I just couldn`t enjoy it by fifty pages , the book was relegated to the book resell bag with no regrets.
Dar: I absolutely cannot read horror/occult books since I have gotten older. In my teens, I loved them; however, now if I read (or even watch a movie), I have horrible nightmares and increased anxiety for 2 to 3 days.
I don’t care much for fantasy and sci fi. In my perception, the storylines can really get “wonky” and weird.
Lastly, I rarely read humor. My daughter says it’s because I’m way too serious. I just feel there are better books to spend my time with in an effort to gain knowledge while relasing.
Laurie: So I thought long and hard and…
If I truly hated a genre, one would think it would pop right into my head!!
That being said I want to mention an affectation that I find very annoying.
“Title of Book: A Novel”. Why do we need to be told it’s a novel in the title?
Katrina: Well, I never read Romance – except that my favorite book is Wuthering Heights so I don’t know if that counts. I also steer clear of Science Fiction unless it is recommended by a friend or has fabulous reviews. I don’t go out of my way to read Fantasy either but Harry Potter and the Inkspell trilogy are also two super favorites. And I just finished The Wild Robot Escapes by Peter Brown which is the sequel to The Wild Robot and both are wonderful. Also love the Mennyms by Sylvia Waugh -five in the series. and her trilogy (sci-fi) of Space Race, Earthborn and Who Goes Home? Not generally a fan of Historical fiction either but I devoured all eight books of the Outlander series. I mostly read and listen to Mystery and Crime fiction. I like to think that I will read anything that is good and that definitely includes juvenile and YA fiction. Right now I am finishing When I Was a Turkey by Joe Hutto and Brenda Guiberson which is riveting. And, though not a fan of graphic novels either, some certainly stand out like Marjane Satrapi, Tove Jansson, Ben Hatke and Luke Pearson.
Kercelia:,/strong> I don’t actually hate any genre when it comes to reading books because I really do love to read, but I find Sci-fi books to be tedious and mostly uninteresting. I enjoy watching Sci-fi movies and tv shows, but it is very hard to get through those books. Thank you for hearing me out.
Janet: Westerns and historical romance.
The westerns never have a female protagonist. Women are weak and can’t do anything. Men always seem to have superpowers. The Indians are always the bad guys. Blah, blah, blah………
Historical romance settings all seem to be about the lords and ladies or other shirttail royal relatives. To me this fascination is like being star struck. Just because someone is famous doesn’t mean the are special.
I ran into Jamie Farr in the Dayton OH airport once when we were both waiting at the baggage claim. I was thrilled since I was a big MASH fan. He was in town to play in a golf tournament. Just about everyone on the flight had got their luggage and Jamie and I were still waiting and started chatting. My luggage and his clubs didn’t make the flight. I knew from our chat that my boss was playing in the same tournament so I gave Jamie his number because he could help arrange for loaner clubs at the private course. My boss told me on Monday the tournament went off perfect and he got Jamie’s autograph. I never even though to ask for one.
Jan: As to the books I steer away from…..SciFi and romance. I’ve never been a fan of SciFi, although I did enjoy Star Trek! And romance…???? Well, the world just isn’t like that. All sweet, happy endings. It’s just my taste. I’m sure there are people who like them and that’s terrific! If we didn’t have diversity and choices think how boring our reading would be!
Chris: Thanks for the newsletter–lots of great information there for readers. It’s interesting to be asked which genre I don’t like reading and much more revealing, I think. I don’t care for the more modern science fiction. I don’t want to read about lasers and machinery and warfare in space. I want to read about people and how they interact in futuristic situations and so I find that earlier scifi writers are much more interesting to me–such as Philip K. Dick, Ray Bradbury, H. G. Wells and others who delve into the psychological aspects of how people handle themselves in strange, new lands and situations. In the end, it’s all about people…at least for me.
Donna: I find that I like every genre I’ve ever read. There are books within the genres that I do not like, but I have yet to find a genre that doesn’t have at least one book that I loved! [Actually, a lot more than that but maybe I don’t remember some genre where I only liked one]
I have always try to read at least one book in a section of the library from autobiographies to general fiction to SciFi to Zoology. And if I don’t like the first one, I always try a second just in case the first was the only dud in the bunch.
Likewise if I try an author and don’t like him/her, I will try a second book by the same author [if there is one] just in case the fizzle was limited to that one and only book. I’ve learned from experience that an author can have one bad book while having 50 great ones.
I enjoy your emails and look forward to reading them.
Sharon: I can’t get into sci fi. I’ve tried and it just doesn’t hold my attention. I can’t even get into the movies or TV shows.
Cheryle: I agree with you on the fantasy and sci-fi genre. I was given a fantasy book for Christmas and wanted to read it as it was a gift. I tried at least three times to get into it and it is back on the shelf. Don’t know that I can do it even if it was a gift.
Patti: I didn’t actually reply to last month’s question, because I just don’t read bios or auto bios. Never been my thing. And that takes me to this month’s question, ha! I guess you could say I’m a thriller snob. I totally get into my legal thrillers, police procedurals, courtroom dramas, spy and intrigue, and Mitch Rapp-esque sorts of books. Keep your sappy romance, young adult, graphic, sci fi (although I do admit to being a HUGE Stephen King fan in my youth), etc. Just give me a really good story with lots of action where the good guys conquer all in the end. Now, don’t confuse me with someone who is always looking for a happy ending – that’s not my style either. Just a really good plot and plenty of action!!!
Melinda:I really hate romance books. Now there’s a class called billionaire romance.
These books can really make me angry, a highly unusual situation for me. They just are so far from any reality and seem designed to make every woman feel inadequate.
I’ll tolerate romance as a secondary element in thriller, mystery, historical fiction, etc, but it’s usually a bit more realistic in those stories. The characters are involved in life and work, then romance, as it were, can be more strained, more realistic as compromise has to be made etc.
My other hated genre is all the angel crap. All the fallen seem to echo Jessica Rabbit: I’m not bad, I’m just drawn this way. Lol.
Kurt: I do not like reading romance genre style books. I’ve tried reading a few growing up, but I had trouble finishing them.
Sandi: Don’t care to read Sci Fi.
Kathryn: While I can’t say there’s any book that I’d use the word HATE with (okay, maybe there have been a few), I usually don’t pick up an autobiography/biography, I don’t read true crime and I don’t read Harlequin Romances.
April: I agree with you – fantasy is what I can’t stand. I also won’t read sci-fi, but I do enjoy sci-fi movies – and they are the only movies I watch, as I would much rather read than watch any movie.
Carole: The genre I really detest is Romance. They all seem to feature some completely incompetent female who cannot function without the help of a totally unrealistic male hero to guide them through life said hero also always beyond their reach. Gag me!
Carol-Ann: 1. Wow. Your newsletter turned me on to 4 new books written by 4 favorite authors. What a find! Can’t wait to start reading them.
2. Horror…I don’t know why. I love mystery, murder, gory psychopathic killers but horror just leaves me cold and if I accidently have one it’s really hard to read. (I have only ever NOT finished one book in my life, Rosemary’s Baby.)
Thanks for your newsletters.
Amanda: Zombies!!! I will read books in any other genre that I can think of. I will even read other types of books in the apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic genre: books about EMPs, books about pandemics, books about earthquakes or volcanoes, but don’t ask me to read about zombies!
John B: Hey Graeme, just wanted to drop you a line to say that I really look forward to your newsletter every month and that your website is just plain awesome, I use it all the time. Before I discovered your website I would always have to hunt around Amazon, Goodreads or Wikipedia to try and figure out the order of any author’s books.
As far as least favorite genres, I would have to say Romance for sure, or, like you also stated, any Sci-fi with Star Wars or Star Trek in the title…the movies are quite enough for me.
I hear what you are saying about hating Fantasy. I was really into the whole D&D, fantasy reading in high school, but now days I really have zero interest in wizards and orcs…That is until I recently stumbled upon a Goodreads discussion about favorite audiobook series and someone had mentioned Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series. The first novel “The Colour of Magic” came out in 1983, so I’m really not sure how I completely missed that in High School; probably too busy slogging through Tolkien’s Silmarillion. Ha! As you can see on your own website, Pratchett was prolific in the extreme, so I really hope the rest are as good as the Colour of Magic. Terry has a very satirical take on Fantasy novels in this series, I was bursting out in laughter through out the whole book. I think the best way I can describe it was that it was a cross between Monty Python and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I really think you should give it a shot.
lkalatimer: Genres that I do not read are fantasy and historical romance fiction. Just do not care for them. I do not normally like anything that is history related, so am sure that is why I do not like historical romance fiction. I do, however, love time travel books and they do have history in them, but in an interesting way. And of course, non-fiction would be on that list of muy non-reads also. As for a recommendation for this month, it is the Scott Pratt series of Justice. Read all three of them and loved them. First one was by far my favorite, Justice Redeemed. The next two were just slightly off excellent. They are full of mystery, thrills, law and murder. Has all of my favorite genres in one book. I am glad I took your recommendation for this author. I hope he writes more in this series. I may try his other series. I also read “The Widow” by Barton and loved it. I am now reading my last Harlen Coben book “”Hold Tight”. I found it on a back shelf and was so happy that I missed it. He has got to be one of my favorite authors. I wish he would write one a month. Enjoy your newsletter and cannot wait for each new one to come out. Thank you.
Awna: What genres of books do YOU hate or just have no interest in?
Happy Easter!!
I do not like any of the fantasy or sci-fi type books.
This is so funny because
1) My husband and son are sci-fi fanatics. In fact they named our dogs after Star Wars Ewoks: Chewbacca and Nibbet.
2) We have the last name Stark.
People ask us almost EVERY DAY (no joke) If we are House of Stark or if we have ever watched Game of Thrones (insert Eye Roll, lol)
If we are related to Tony Stark….if we have as much money as Stark Enterprises (again…Eye Roll)
However, The book Rules of Magic is pretty darn good! Almost finished with it and I am loving it.
Have a super week!
Awna Stark…who is NOT related to ANY Stark, famous or not 😉
Margaret: …Romance
…anything involving cruelty to children or animals
…stories with no plot
Martin: Sorry, not so much about genres as about changing or hiding true book types.
By that I mean:
1) Long series that are interesting to me, at least at first. One that fits this description is a very popular series about a female necromancer who dates vampires and werewolves. The first several books had rather interesting plots. They also had quite a bit of sex. This wasn’t my favorite part, but I could take it. Later books seemed to feature sex with multiple partners in many ways at almost every place. One had to search very diligently to find a trace of a plot.
2) Books that might very thinly veil their antagonists true identities. A science fiction adventure that somehow seems almost identical to the U.S. of today except for name changes and some different technology. And the hero/heroine is, of course, the brave person who destroys the evil government.
Again, sorry this was so long and probably sliding off-point. I enjoy your emails and use the site frequently.
PKITTY1: I really dislike alternative history. I find real history to be so interesting that I don’t see the point in reading about what would have happened if Nazi Germany had won World War II. Real history teaches us that they were scary enough and that we were lucky that the greatest generation fought hard enough to destroy their tyranny.
Nancy: I agree with you about Fantasy Books, just can’t get my head around all of that stuff.
I also am not a fan of pure Romance books. Sorry to say that a lot of my favorite genre, Mystery, comes with a romance included,
but I am willing to muddle through. No real interest in Sci Fi for the same reasons that I don’t like Fantasy.
Robert: Romance novels of any type.
Regina: I hate books with stalkers and/or torture (described). I love mysteries but not ones which describe horrible deaths. I do not like it when the bad guy goes on for several books (like in Nikki French’s book) Love the series but am sick of her stalking enemy. Get it over with already. I also hate submarine books. Weird what he like and don’t. I am a new subscriber and find my second newsletter fun.
Shanna: ROMANCE is my reader-repellent! I have no patience for the push-me/pull-you shenanigans of the characters as they fight their inevitable attraction.
Sandy: I do not read…… HORROR. I can’t even comtimplate reading a book like that. Just seeing a title is scary. Why would you put yourself through reading a book like that.
Sheila: I totally agree with you in that I do not like Sci-Fi or fantasy books, as you put it. I have been present when professional people gave talks on Star Wars costumes as well as someone who worked for George Lucas on various movies, and although I appreciated their creativity and experiences, I have no desire to read books or see movies with those genre themes.
I love reading mysteries, biographies of artists, musicians, etc. but cannot bring myself to even read Harry Potter style books. I know the positive is that it got children reading more, but I hope that also expanded their love of books in general.
Monica: One of the genres I don’t like is fantasy. I just can’t wrap my head around shift changers and such.
The other genre is Sci-fi. I don’t care about aliens. If they exist, they are way off and need to stay there.
I would probably have nightmares if I read these. I can see myself dreaming about an alien werewolf attacking me or something.
Kenica: I’m with you! I don’t like fantasy either, or science fiction, or the whole vampire trend. I need realism!
Vianna: Really dislike the mushy, gushy romance novels! Yuk! And do not care for Sci-Fi.
Joanne: I’m not a big fan of science fiction. Have no idea why, it just doesn’t do it for me. As a children’s librarian, I read plenty of science fiction books in my school collection. But, with adult science fiction I found the terminology disconcerting and the themes laborious. Just my opinion.
Liz: I was a bit disappointed to hear you don’t like traditional fantasy, I love them.
What I really hate, other than romance, is “general fiction” – that is, set in the modern world, with no magic, and no spies or detectives. Why would I want to read that, I live in that world already. And nothing interesting happens – no fights, no skulduggery. Yawn.
Happy April Fools/Easter!
Jane: Happy Easter
Just a thought…did you try Tad Williams(why use one word when twenty will do) series Otherworld? Got through the series, but still think he hit the mark way ahead of others in the virtual reality theme….and so much of what he talks about is now out there. Anyway have a great break!..and keep your wallet in your shoe!
Oh don’t like autobiographies…except Shirley MacLaine
Fran: I am not sure if it is a genre, but I hate what I call abstract books. These are books where the ‘hero’ of the book just goes through life. They never put anything into it and of course most things that happen are negative. They never seem to think of what might happen if they step in front of the bus. Gee, I got hurt. I went to a wild party and got drunk and darn, bad things happened to me. They take what they think is the easiest way because they can’t be bothered to put a little work into something and wonder why life is mean to them. They aren’t beaten down, they never got up in the first place. I generally dispose of them and from my memory also, the only one I can remember was “The Beet Queen”.
However, I just read “Only Child” by Rhiannon Navin, her first book, and could not put it down. It is about school shooting told from they eyes of a 6 year old and its effect on his family. Absolutely riviting!! That is all I will say. I felt she put herself in the mind of that 6 year old.
Elizabeth: I like you do not care for fantasy or science fiction. I love thrillers!
Karen: Hi, Just a quick not to say, I agree with you whole heartedly. I can not stand fantasy novels.
Maybe I just have no imagination, but give me a good mystery any day.
Doug: Hello Graeme, Easter greeting from Sidney, B.C. just read your latest newsletter very interesting, am going to try Flight attendant, I have to admit that I cant read women authors, I just dont find them believable, and I am NOT a chauvinist, I just dont like reading them. I have to find a book believable and hold my interest, Greg Isles is one of my favourites with 24 hrs one of the best, anyway Happy Easter to you and yours
Chris: “Love Stories” – Give me a break – read one, read them all!!
Deborah: Non-fiction is one genre I can’t stand. It’s just so boring to me. Once in a blue moon, I might read a biography but it’s very rare. I think the last one I read was about Morley Schafer (sp?) a 60 minutes correspondent. It had a CD in the back of the book with some of his reports on it. The other one I hate is LGBT. I don’t have a problem with people of that persuasion but I just don’t want to read about it. I’ll read books with multiple partners as long as there’s no same-sex action.
Other than those two genres, I’ll give anything a shot as long as it’s free. The only books I will consider paying for are any type of Mystery/Thriller, some Romance, and occasionally Chick-Lit or RomCom books. I have favorite authors in those and will get any books they write (regardless of genre other than the two I hate).
One other thing, with Kindle Unlimited, are you allowed to keep the books or do you have a certain amount of time to read it before it’s removed from your account? I’ve been hesitant to sign up for it because of the cost and because I’m not sure you get to keep the books. If I’m going to pay that much for KU, I definitely don’t want to borrow the books.
Deb: There are a few genres I don’t consider worthy of my precious reading time
(like you, Fantasy; Memoir because I doubt the veracity; Romance because they’re usually ‘sappy’)
but I will NOT read any Horror books. I like books that ‘stay with me’ after I’ve finished reading them, but not the way horror books do!
Barb: I am having a hard time understanding action books. I have read a lot of Patterson ,and he is just plain in it for the quick money. His endings are all very predictable and almost always the same. Then I went to Cornwell, and she is the same way. I have read all of hers, and I can’t say I am thrilled by her. Now I have started Lee Child, and he’s different,but not all that believable,always beating up 6 and 7 people and not ever getting hit. I guess I will stick with Karin Slaughter,as she always surprise s me with her off the norm endings,
I devour non-fiction – and often read many books about an individual to more fully learn about that person – recently read five books about the Duchess of Windsor and clearly was able to ascertain the writers’ agendas in the way they wrote the first chapter.
Of course, World War II and all the very many books written about the French during the war are on my reading list.
Thank you for this opportunity to share my thoughts.
Barbara: I just cannot read “Lusty Busties” where a woman meets a handsome man that sweeps her off her feet and “saves” her from something. We have all seen the covers of these books where this scene is portrayed.
Rick: I definitely do not like Romance & Horror, but there really isn’t anything else I won’t at least try. My most favourite are mystery & suspense.
I enjoy your newsletter every month and open it as soon as it arrives in my mailbox. I have told my reading friends about the site and I hope they are telling other friends. New authors, new books (at least new to me) and realizing that There are over 40 Spenser stories, keeps me coming back.
Thank you for all the hard work.
Sharon: I agree with you on the sci-fi books or fantasy. I just can’t read those. Also, anything super violent or scary or just plain “gross”.
I guess I like to read what makes me happy, what I can learn from – to become a better person…..encouragement, kindness, compassion – that’s where I “live” when I read.
I think I’ve mentioned this to you before, but my very favorite series is by Jan Karon – the Mitford series of books – I will treasure them forever. I even know people who have read the entire series multiple times!
I really enjoy your Newsletter each month!
Alexander G: I do not normally reply to your monthly newsletter, however, I have just read the last book in a trilogy by GREGG HURWITZ – the first book is “ORPHAN X” a thriller once you start reading – you are unable to stop.
I am a Speed Reader (completed the course in the British Army (Signals)) and have to revert to normal reading to enjoy a book at slow pace -so to speak.
Recommend you buy this trilogy in Hard Back to get the most out of these books. My wife brought me a KINDLE, however, I only use it on trips overseas.
Your monthly newsletter is most enjoyable and keep up the good work. (I also do not read Science Fiction or Fantasy e.g. Star Wars)
Barbara: Graeme: I read (actually got through!) the first 3 Game of Thrones books. It was the only time I regretted I didn’t own a Kindle, they are HUGE and heavy and I read them in hardcover. They were so big, I could not carry them around and I carry my “reading book” everywhere I go. I had to read them at home only. But I did it. I LIKE Dragons and fairies and such–done well. These? not so much. I read them more out of curiousity since I could not watch past the second episode of the TV Series and because I usually like the books better (I also could not get through Ready, Player One, but I am curious about the movie.) The trouble is, I finished book three and picked up Book 4 and they has ALL NEW CHARACTERS. Three books of little happening (yes, there was a Big Sea Battle and the Red Wedding but what PLOT advancement had there been–really–in THREE HUGE BOOKS?) Now new characters? I threw it down in disgust.
Later I read a little more George RR Martin (a collection of Wild Card stories) and I realized something about this author: he is terrible. He has no sense of pacing and a poor dull writing style. He writes like an old fashioned Science fiction hack writer from the 50’s–and that is NOT a compliment. I gather the TV show of Game of Thrones is pretty good (I will give it a try again sometime.) but don’t blame dragons and magic for the reason you didn’t like Game of Thrones. It really DOES suck!
Tom: Great letter, as usual. I don’t like fantasy either and rarely read much science fiction. I can’t remember reading a romance novel. The problem for me with science fiction is that it is all human. You can’t write about things that are unknown, and science fiction should resemble or introduce possibilities that are not based of this world. No matter how far out they become, there is always that human element. There are probably other genres that I would never read, but it is difficult to think of them because I have no experience with them.

to Barb: re: Action / thriller type books…try John Sandford’s Lucas Davenport or Virgil Flowers novels….!
to Deborah who asked about Kindle Unlimited books….
I’ve subscribed to it for years….I think its a great service.
You are allowed to have 10 KU titles at one time, but if you go over that, you must choose which book from the list you will “put back”. Usually if I’ve read a book, I have no problem with returning it. In a few cases I’ve purchased the book to have it “forever”.
No down side to subscribing to it, that I’m aware of!
Fantasy novels/Alternative history novels? See the Temeraire series by Naomi Novik.
I really love the first book in the series, “His Majesty’s Dragon” about a flying/ intelligent/ talking dragon called Temeraire.
The books are set in slightly pre-Regency England, during the 20+ year long war with Napoleon. It is an alternative history and very well done.
Novik mingles a believable vision of the slightly pre-Regency era with the difference that in that world, flying dragons, used in the war against Napoleon, are the norm.
The first two books of the nine book series are by far my favorites. That is: “His Majesty’s Dragon” and “Throne of Jade”…..excellent and truly believable fantasy that sticks closely to it’s historical era.
I highly recommend the first two, and then the remaining ones, which, while not as excellent as the beginning books, continue the story.
Highly recommended: The Chronicles of Brother Cadfael by Ellis Peters (21 books).
They don’t write books like these anymore!
Brother Cadfael is a former Crusader and sailor, who lived almost all his life “in the world”… retired as a monk in a monastery in England , close to his native land of Wales. Yes, there is at least one murder in each book, but none are particularly gruesome or in any way sadistic. More to the point is the warm heart and intelligence of Brother Cadfael, and his peace within himself and toward all the world….
Cadfael is the monastery herbalist and in the terms of our era, a pharmacist.
The books must be read to be truly understood for the little gem each one is.
For science fiction, I have to say I’m NOT a fan, unless there is a very strong human element to the story.
See Cherryh’s 5 book Chanur series: The Pride of Chanur, Chanur’s Venture, The Kif Strike Back, Chanur’s Homecoming, Chanur’s Legacy….
A great short series, about a group of space faring, sentient, and very “feeling” non humans….it has humor, romance (a bit) and some fighting but is not centered around wars, machinery, artificial intelligence and so on, as so many Science Fiction books do…..
(the third book in the series is “The Kif Strke Back”….Cherryh has said on her webpage, words to the effect: “never joke about what you want your next title of a book to be in front of your publisher”…..
Highly recommended, thoroughly enjoyable series.
I UNDERSTAND COMPLETELY why so many here “hate” Romance books…..just awful writing, for almost all of them, as well as truly unbelievable plots and characters.
Especially for those books set in the past, its just inconceivable, frankly, that any woman of that time could have / would have/ been allowed to (by law!) act as they do in these books!
BUT having said that, I still love the Georgette Heyer books, set (most of them) in Regency era England, BEFORE the Victorian era, a much freer era for women. Still, by our standards, the women are hedged around by laws and social customs that don’t allow anywhere near the freedom we have now.
Heyer really researched her books, studying old diaries, letters, etc…..she “invented” the genre of “Regency Romance” but is so much superior to all the rest of it!
I would recommend a low key, subtle book of Heyer’s called ” A
Civil Contract” about an arranged marriage, very highly.
I’d also recommend very much Heyer’s An Infamous Army: A Novel of Wellington, Waterloo, Love and War (Alastair-Audley Book 4) It does continue the story of two families, but much time is spent on a description of the Battle of Waterloo that really makes it come alive…
For one example: you don’t stop to realize, if you’ve ever even thought about it at all, that there was NO WAY for various parts of an army or any command to communicate with one another, for orders to be sent, or current situations known, in that time, which was long before telegraph, telephone or any of the means that exist now. Instead, “Riders”, usually staff officers, had to ride through the battle to take out orders and updates and then go back again to give out the responses, updates, and needs of the men too far away to be seen…..they risked their lives for every message.
Other Regency era books of Heyer’s I’d recommend include “Sylvester: or The Wicked Uncle”, “Frederica”, “Arabella”, and most of the other Regency era novels…..I don’t like her detective stories set in the then “modern” era of the 1920’s or so, and her books set in Medieval times are not up to her usual standard.