Thanks for all the feedback you sent in last month in regard to how you keep updated on the latest books coming out from your favourite authors. Here’s the feedback below…

Ann: How do I track my favourite authors?

I follow some of them online and they send out alerts to my email account when they have a new book coming
I faithfully check my local library website at the start of each month. They have a link titled “New Features & Items” where they show all the items purchased in the previous month. Not only do I see when my favourite authors have new books out but I get to check out interesting titles and discover new authors! Definitely a win win situation.

Thanks for all your work on the site. I absolutely love it. I also loved discovering you are originally from Scotland as that is my story as well. The big question is Rangers or Celtic? But let’s not go there. 🙂

April: I keep a list of all my authors on my iPhone, with a date of their upcoming or most recently published book (since most authors publish about once a year, it helps me know when to start looking for the upcoming book). Then I know what to look for at a bookstore.
I try and read all of an author’s books in order, so your website has become a lifesaver for me whenever I start a new series.
Just finished a FANTASTIC series by Estelle Ryan featuring Dr. Genevieve Lenard, an autistic woman who is part of an investigative team. I encourage you to recommend her to people – second only to Daniel Silva for fabulous characters you really care about. She currently has 9 books in the series.

Art: I know when new books are coming out by being on my favorite authors email list and following ‘forthcoming books’ information provided by my library.

Becky: I get emails from my favorite authors. Follow them in Facebook. And randomly check the library for those authors.

I got tired of spending so much money on books that I would read once so I use the library as much as possible.

Barb: WOW!!!! I just finished going thru the ‘blindly buy’ list. The list will provide another avenue for finding new authors that I have not yet discovered – Thank you – what a resource.
How do I keep up with new releases – I use the Barnes & Nobel ‘What’s new/coming’ section, the Amazon ‘What others purchased’ option when I go there to read the reviews on books that I have discovered, the authors that offer short comments on the covers of books I am reading, and the Wowbrary service that is offered by one of the libraries I belong to. I also subscribe to ‘Mystery Scene’ magazine and read it cover to cover, using it as a resource to then go to Amazon to read the reviews of a particular book.
I am also a cookbook reader/collector. When a cookbook author is mentioned in any of the publications I get, I always go searching to see what they have written, get it from the library for review, and then decide if it should become part of my collection.
Thanks again for your wonderful newsletter – I look forward to it each time it is published.

Brenda: I look up my authors in their websites or my local book stores website then I have a phone book, so I can keep my favourite authors in alphabetical order. Then I write in the title of their new book coming out & the date it is expected, then if I preorder I will cross that book off the list & thats how I keep track.

Carmen: In answer to your question re: new books by a favorite author, mine usually come as emails from Amazon since I have purchased a few for my kindle. And as I’m sure you are aware it spins off into ” if you liked this, you might like that..” Which they are great at, so I get to discover more authors…So it’s not a bad thing I guess and smart business. The second way was thru my Public Library. They had a service that you could fill out a page with your favorite authors and they would let you know when they received the book and put it on hold. Alas, they are discontinuing this service as of next month, so that is a big bummer.
I’m a huge fan of Louise Penny though and was lucky enough to meet her when she was touring Chicago a few years back, and amazing lady! She has a monthly newsletter, so that’s how I keep track of her gems!

Carol: I find that following them on Amazon is an easy way to receive notice of new books.

Carole: I go to Wikipedia and look up the author. They list the “to be published” date by the name of the new book at the end of the author’s bibliography (so I know there’s a new Reacher coming out in November).

Connie: I was just getting ready to write and ask if it would be too much work to add the authors website link to their pages, please. Since I have discovered your site I add the author’s page to my bookmark list to try and make sense of the hodge podge you sometimes find on the authors “artistic interpretations” of what they have written. Dates are too hard to add for the authors’ web designers..right? Anyway having the link to the authors’ home pages would be very helpful.

I keep a bookmark folder titled :Authors, then add their pages as I find new ones. Periodically I will arrange them alphabetically and when I am looking for new books I will open the bookmarks and go down the list. Then if you click on the authors’ name in the bookmark list it will let you (it being the computer) write in the line with the name, I then add the date and name of the upcoming books in capitals with the date, or the book that I have just read or put on hold at the library in that space with the authors’ names. I can then skim down the list to see where I am.

My biggest problem is that without checking your pages first I find that the library keeps letting me check out books I’ve already read, why do they do that? I don’t usually buy the books any longer unless the library doesn’t seem to have the good sense to get all of the good ones, i.e. the ones I want. I also have stopped checking out the actual book and only read eBooks, saves me having to go to the library, books are never overdue because the electronic readers just take them away from you at the end of the check out period, sort of like living on TV dinners, open, read, toss.

Thanks for your obviously hard work and also those links to the booksellers, you have become my first “go to” place for checking out authors.

Dennis: That’s easy I text them frequently and vice versa. I always know when a new book is out and I usually get early drafts prior to release.but I always buy the book too! Cheers Dennis

Donna: I keep abreast of new books that are coming out through social media with Twitter and Tumblr being my go-to spots.

Melissa: I always find new releases from your site first. And top of my list to look for is Preston and Childs. Many of my other favourites made your top18 list.

Gwen: I just started reading your newsletters and they are so much fun to read! This is my first time giving feedback so I hope I do it right.

I’m not great at keeping up with tons of authors but the ones at the top of my list I do pretty well with.
My method is goodreads. All my favourite authors are in there and they post blogs. I read there blogs to see if they talk about any new books they are working on. If I go on their goodreads page and there is a new book I put it on a list on my account. The list is titled “coming soon.” I check it every once and a while to update it and buy books!!!

Jan: I actually buy my books through Amazon for my Kindle. They keep me informed when a new book comes (or is coming) out. Plus, I check each author’s web page every so often.

Janet: I have signed up to get emails from my favorite authors. I have also bookmarked all the ones who have websites. Every few weeks I click though them all to see what’s coming or if they will be visiting the North Denver area.

Janie: I keep updated of my Favorite authors new releases through Amazon.

Judith A: I check fantasticfiction, a UK site available in the US.

Type in favorite author name and there are lists of books, series in order, and new books with release dates indicated.

I also check for my sister and some friends, and once I know when favorites are coming out I put a marked post-it on my calendar.

Judith W: I not only love to read, but I foster and rescue kittens and cats. They take up a lot of my free time and are a lot of work and care,, but I do it because I love them.

Because I am so busy, I let do the work for me. When you sign up with, you can name an animal rescue or organization to which Amazon will send a percentage of your purchases. AND Amazon always send me emails about when a new book is coming out by my favorite authors. I often add them to my Amazon Wish List and then everybody knows what to send me at gift time.

Love your website and newsletters!!!

Kacey: I follow my favorite authors on Amazon and I subscribe to their newsletters. I have several series that I’m reading. THANKS for the top 18 in the newsletter this month. I’m always looking for new authors who writes series books. I read to fast, then I’m waiting for the next book. Thank the Lord for whomever invented online books. Otherwise I’d have to build a warehouse to hold all of mine.

Karen: I normally find out about new book releases by authors I follow through their websites and blogs.

Kathy: I order all my books thru Amazon. Every week I look at my favorite authors and preorder everyone’s new
Books. I keep a list of everything I have on order.

Kathy B: I get emails from Barnes & Noble and Book a Million about new releases from my favorite authors. I also check Amazon.

Kenicia: I subscribe to 2 authors’ mailing lists. I also have a list of my favorite authors. Each month, I go to the WorldCat database on my public library’s website to see if any authors on my list have new books coming out.

Laurie: I will see them in newsletters if they are popular, but most others I find by looking for them when I am strolling through bookstores or by following up on-line if there has been a hint of something new coming. By strolling through bookstores I can find new, favourite authors!

Letha: Love your website and comments.
Amazon sends me alerts on my favorite authors which includes blog entries and new series installments.
If I’m impatient, I visit authors’ websites.
My guilt pleasure are signed books from my favorite authors.

Lisa: I use the Goodreads app. You can keep track of books you have read and books you want read. You are also able to follow authors and receive an email when a new book is released by an author you are following.

Liz K: I get release notices from both Goodreads and Bookshout. I already have a list of new releases coming out until as late as October. I write the authors down that I read and mark the release date of their books. I must admit I have a long list for this year already. Of course, I also get new release from your site. I have given Order of Books to many friends as I have been using it for years. I can’t tell you how many times I am on it weekly — sometimes daily. Great site. Thank you.

Loretta M: Most authors have newsletters. I check their website and request their newsletter. Also, most authors are on Facebook.
I have a few authors to add to the “blindly buy” list: Linda Castillo, P. L. Gaus, Ann Patchett and Leila Meacham.

Loretta C: I also use Amazon for recent mystery publications, then I check my library to see if they have ordered it.

Lori: The way I find out about what new books are coming out is when they have a pre-order on

Whenever I find a new author I enjoy, I either check their website or to find new books.

Mark G: Brandon Sanderson is my favorite author and his website does a phenomenal job of showing the status of his upcoming books: In the top right corner it shows a list of his works in progress, a percent complete status, and a stage (draft, proofread, copy edit, ect). I definitely check his site on a monthly basis to see how things are progressing and I will update my preorder cart accordingly.

Mary McC: I keep track of new releases via the Barnes and Noble website’s “Coming Soon” feature. Books are listed by their release dates for the current month and usually the next two months. I have far too many favorite authors to check on their individual websites. The Barnes and Noble website includes all my “must-reads”.

Nanci S: Regarding the question of the month…

I rely most heavily on the monthly oversized BookPage “flyer” which my librarian sets aside for me, knowing I don’t want to miss a single issue — my library is small, and only gets a few in each month. I also get their daily book recommendation email.

Entertainment Weekly is another source, along with recommendations from friends. Luckily, I have a lot of friends who are avid readers, as am I. 😉

Pam B: I check newspapers and the local library. Amazon has pretty much become my go-to for new book releases as well. Some authors are on a fairly regular schedule and I know when to expect a new release.

I am fairly new to Goodreads and they send out notice of new releases, but mostly I already know about them.

Thanks for a great newsletter.

Peter R: two ways to keep up. First is Fantastic Fiction which has all my favorites. And for ‘want to read, but not buy’, the San Francisco Public Library does a good job of figuring out which new title I will want.

Pam R: I use the web site I’m notified of new books that are being released, especially in the genres I like, and I’m able to keep track of what I’ve read in the past, currently reading, and want to read. I’m able to review a book (or not) and see reviews of other readers.
Thanks to you, Graeme, for your newsletters. I thoroughly enjoy them and it’s helped me discover new authors.

Becky J: I find out about new releases for my favorite authors by following them on Face-book or look at there web sites.

I also rely on your web site for new authors. I read a free handout from the local library with review of new book. Then it is the occasional weekend newspaper for the big cites with a great book section.

Thanks for a great web site and I love reading each months newsletter.

Rhea P: I keep track of when my favorite authors have new books coming out by signing up for their newsletters. Why not let them tell me themselves, right? Plus, every once in a while, I just search them all on Amazon to see what’s new and coming soon.

So glad you added Denise Grover Swank to your site!!

Sandy K: Here are the ways I find out what is new and when it is coming out
First I go to the Author’s official page and check out “What’s New” or PR info
Since i’ve already signed up for their news letter, I also get that.
Also should get notification from Face Book
Second I go to Barnes and Noble to check out New Releases
Third I read the Book Reviews in Sunday’s newspaper (yes the newspaper) to see what’s coming out and who is in my local area
Fourth I check out the library website and have signed up for their news letter on new releases

I have a spreadsheet that I keep updating and checking for release dates.
Always on the look out for my favs and for new ones to become my favs!!

Tracy G: Thanks for the newsletter! It’s always enjoyable for me to receive this.

I’m glad you added L. Ron Hubbard to your list of authors. I personally love his books and have read so much of his fiction!

To answer your question, I check my favorite authors once a m I nah or every couple of months from my Kindle. Anyone who has a new book coming, I either pre-order it right then or I throw the title onto my Kindle wish list.

I also subscribe to Rt Book Reviews magazine which announces monthly what’s coming out in just about every genre imaginable.

As well, I’m on Goodreads and I see what my friends are reading, get notice emails from them, etc.

Lastly, every so often I go into Barnes & Noble and see what’s new on the shelves. I have a rule that I never leave without making at least one purchase, just to help keep them in business not to mention my own obsession with buying books!

Sheryl B: My daughter used to be a manager at B&N so she would keep me updated on release dates of my favorite authors. Now I just periodically check Amazon.

Sandy P: I google coming soon books, Amazon books and barnesandnoble.
I use a calendar and each month I make a list of which books are coming out and put the date and month down and author and title of the book.
I use Amazon a lot because of the pre order and most of the time you get a lower price.

Monica C: I like the page of my favorite authors on FB, they always let you know when a new book is coming out. I also receive BOOKPAGE in the mail. They let you know about new books as well as new authors. I check the local library, also. They put a list out in the local paper, when they get new books, which is usually, every week,

Sue M: My way of keeping up with my favorite authors is to print out a list of their books, either from their website or order of books. Once this printed, I check off the books that I have read and note any new books and publishing date. Since I get most of the books I read from the local library, I note both the print-out from each author and a “sticky” that I use to write down the author, title and date. The stickies go into my calendar to remind me to check with the library about 2 months before the book is published to get a hold placed on the book. I go through my stack of authors (now very large) about every 4-6 months to note new books read, books coming up, and in some cases, older books that I have now read. This way I’m caught up and I always have a long hold list at the library. I won’t run out of reading material soon.

Dave S: I subscribe to my favorite authors websites and get notified by email and, Of coarse I subscribe to “Order of Books.”

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Order of Books » Newsletter » Reader Mailbag: Keeping Updated on Favourite Authors

One Response to “Reader Mailbag: Keeping Updated on Favourite Authors”

  1. Sue Mullins: 9 years ago

    I came here since it looks like one of my ways to keep current on fav authors,, has gone belly up. Here’s my list of fav authors —

    Current Series

    1. Thomas Chaloner. Susanna Gregory
    2. Sir Gregory Mappestone, Susanna Gregory
    3. Sebastian St Cyr, CS Harris
    4. Rachel Markham, P B Kolleri
    5. Adam Lescaut, Tracy Grant
    6. Malcolm and Suzanne Rannoch, Tracy Grant
    7. Angela Marchmont, Clara Benson
    8. Maggie Hope, Susan Ella Macneal
    9. Matthew Bartholomew, Susanna Gregory
    10. Brother Athelstan, Paul Doherty
    11. Georgianna Rannoch,Rhys Bowen
    12. Bless Crawford, Charles Todd
    13. lady Darby, Anna Lee Huber
    14. Lady Julia Grey,Deanna Raybourn
    15. Ian Rutledge, Charles Todd
    16. Charles Finch, Charles Lennox
    17. Hugh Corbett, Paul Doherty
    18. Amerotke, Paul Doherty
    19. Gabriel Lacey,Ashley Gardiner
    20. John Pickett, Sheri Cobb South
    21. The Bridgertons,Julia Quinn
    22. John Shakespeare,Rory Clements
    23. The Underwood Mysteries,Suzanne Downes
    24. Owen Archer,Candace Robb
    25. Posey Parker
    26. Daisy Dalrymple


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