Reader Mailbag: Last Read, Currently Reading, Next to Read
In the March 2016 Newsletter(subscribe to the right) we asked our readers 3 questions.
What did you last read?
What are you currently reading?
What will you next read?
Here was their answers:
Earl: The last book I read: THE CROSSING by Michael Connelly…Harry Bosch and Micky Haller work together for the first time…Great pairing…
Current book: THE KILL ARTIST by Daniel Silva…Rereading Silva’s books in between other authors…Really enjoy his work
Next book: OFF THE GRID by CJ Box…Can’t get enough of Box…One of my all time favorites; I’ve read some books two or three times…
Ann: Last book – Cold Betrayal by J. A. Jance. I really like this author but this was definitely not my favourite of this particular series. Too much time spent explaining relationships.
Current book – The Guilty by David Baldacci. Like the Will Robie series and enjoying the insight into his background provided by this novel.
Next book – Speaking in Bones by Kathy Reichs. Intend to be incommunicado for the next while!
Ron: What was the last book you read? – The English Spy, Daniel Silva
What book are you currently reading? – NYPD Red 4, James Patterson
What book are you planning on reading next? – Sycamore Row, John Grisham (Somehow I missed this one.)
FWIW: 2 writers that I love and I have read every single thing that they have written: Follet and Forsyth. They are slowing down. Can anybody “Tout” a writer that is similar?
Janet: What was the last book you read? Prodigal Son – Danielle Steel
What book are you currently reading? One Mile Under – Andrew Gross
What book are you planning on reading next? Not sure. Maybe The Stranger – Harlan Coban or I might go back and reread the Jack Reacher books starting with Persuader. It will depend on my mood when I finish with Andrew Gross. It could be something else completely different.
Rich: Last book: The Twelfth Card by Jeffrey Deaver
Currently Reading: The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith
Next book: A Desperate Place for Dying by Scott William Carter
Brenda: Last book I read: A Room Full of Bones by Elly Griffiths
Currently reading: The Killing Hour by Paul Cleave
My next book will probably be: Orphan X by Gregg Hurwitz
Brenda S: I have to say I was going to write to you last order of books, to tell you how much I enjoyed reading Mark Greaney, truly.
I have read all his books Back Blast was great & he Gray Man series is so exciting! I have picked up but not started as yet his new book Commander in Chief – he has taken over the writing for Tom Clancy since his passing & is continuing his Jack Ryan series – fingers crossed.
I also stopped reading John Grisham a few years ago because all his stories seemed to have the same kind of theme but I have started to read him again. I am on a Lisa Jackson high right now the two women detectives Akvarez & Pescoli very good series. Linda Castillo writing about the Amish & a woman sheriff who looks after them all very very interesting & exciting stories.
I also really enjoy Peter James the “Dead” series of stories, Stuart MacBride & Jo Nesbo. When I want to get away from my love of murder & mayham I read Jeffery Archer & Ken Follett.
Thats it for me I’m back to Lisa Jackson only 1 & 1/2 books left in that series, mmm good reading.
I’m so glad you also found Mark Greaney he is amazing!
Ann C: What was the last book you read? SuperFreakonomics by Steven D. Levitt. This was my 2nd time reading this. I enjoy the voice, and invariably learn something.
What book are you currently reading? Enough Rope by Lawrence Block. He is perhaps my all-time favorite author. I’ve read some of the stories in this collection before, and am reading this now because it’s easy to put down an anthology. Important right now because I’m next in line at the library for….
What book are you planning on reading next? Make Me by Lee Child, the most recent in the Jack Reacher series.
Sue: Currently reading an old classic a Charles Dickens novel; David Copperfield. I am quite enjoying it! Different from my usual reading choice.
Just read a Sandra Brown novel, Unspeakable.
Next Book: I am going to start the Scarpetta series finally. I have read a few but I finally own the series and can read it in order. Excited!
Hopefully by then I will have finally collected the Eve Duncan series and can read those in order.
The next couple months I will be into crime, forensics, my favorites!
Larry: Just read your March newsletter, and your comment about the politics in John Grisham novels reminded me of one of my favorite authors of the time: Alan Drury (Advise and Consent, Capable of Honor, etc.) I found his books fascinating, thoroughly enjoyable — after the first 100 pages, or so, which were primarily devoted to his political positions. One of my current favorites, James Lee Burke, also gets in his liberal philosophy, a lot. But, again, it’s easy to deal with the politics (even politics with which I disagree), when the writing and the storytelling is top calibre.
To this month’s topic: My last read was The Gray and Guilty Sea, by Scott William Carter, a decent enough mystery, though not a superior read.
My current read is The Second Longest Night, the first in the 1950’s Chester Drum private eye series, by Stephen Marlowe. (As a kid, Marlowe, Richard S. Prather — Shell Scott P.I. series –, and Mickey Spillane were my favorite authors.)
I haven’t settled on my next book, but, now that I have thought again about Alan Drury, I think I’ll see which of his tomes is available on Kindle, if any.
Pam: Hi – I do enjoy John Grisham books – don’t pay attention to the politics. I like his style and character development.
Last book read – The Signature of All things by Elizabeth Gilbert. Very interesting book. It was for a book club. Otherwise I would have gone right past it but I’m very glad I read it.
Current book – In a Dry Season by Peter Robinson. I love this series and am re-reading it- alternating them with other books.
Next book – probably The Road to Little Dribbling by Bill Bryson. Another favorite author.
Vivian: The last book that I read was BLOOD HOLLOW by Wm. Kent Krueger; I love all of his books in the Cork O’Connor series, but his stand-alone book ORDINARY GRACE is outstanding. If you have ever lived in Minnesota, you will love these books.
Currently, I am reading MERCY FALLS by the same author. It is already a page-turner and one that I do not want to put down!
Next I will go back to my Kindle and read A TIME FOR TRUMPETS: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge. Why? My father-in-law was in that historic battle, and he was one of the survivors. He never spoke about his war experiences because they were too painful for him.
Julia: Last Book: Room by Emma Donaghue. I could not put this book down.
Current Book: While You Were Mine by An Howard Creel. (Amazon prime freebie. Not my favorite thing, but I haven’t abandoned it.) & Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne, with my 10 year old.
Next book: Whatever takes my fancy, but I’m thinking it might be time for a re-read of the Hook, Line and Sinker series from Len Deighton.
Barbara M: Hello,
I just finished reading ‘Oprhan X’ by Gregg Hurwitz, now reading/listening to ‘God’s Eye by Berry Eisler and will next read ‘Black Blast’ by Mark Greaney. I have several more on my ‘to do’ list – ‘The Capitalist’ by Peter Steiner, ‘Saving Jason’ by Michael Sears, ‘Keep Calm’ by Mike Binder and ‘Blackout’ by David Rosenfelt.
Thanks for all of the information you provide in your newsletter. I use it as one of my resources to review books. I read only hardcover or audio material – try to get both editions so I can continue to read when my eyes will not focus and permit me to read.
Jay: I wanted to chime in with the books I’ve been reading. I just finished saucer by Stephen Coonts and just loved it. It was recommended by a friend and not the type of book I would’ve normally read based on a summary description it was quickly intriguing and fun, jumping from A Middle East archaeological site to world Missouri and other places around and off the globe. I am almost finished re-reading the secret history by Donna Tartt. This, too, was recommended by a friend when I first read it about 20 years ago and got me hooked on Donna Tartt. I loved it and also enjoyed Donna Tartt’s second book, the little friend, but I am saving her last book, Goldfinch. Sometimes I’ll devour the new book by an author I like, but with Donna Tartt’s track record of a new book every eight or so years, I enjoy having it there waiting for me. For my next book, I think I will also revisit John Grisham. I read his first five or six books years ago, then got away from his books. You reminded me why I enjoyed them so and want to get back to the ones I’ve missed. As I mentioned above, it’s nice to know that there are books waiting for me out there by an author I enjoy.
Sandy: Absolutely love reading Order of Books. I don’t care if it’s early or late as long as it is sent out😊
Last book………Murder House by James Patterson. Only one clue that reveals the murderer Great book
Current Book………OrphanX by Greg Hurwitz. Love his writing. Lots of info that connects at the end.
Planning…….. Well You put a curve ball into that decision by talking about the author Mark Greavy I think that’s his last name……Back Blast…….I am courious and love new authors.
I was going to read Linwood Barclays new book but now I have to make a decision.
Debra: Last book was Compound Fractures by Stephen White. This book was the last in the Alan Gregory series.
Current book is Heat by Stuart Woods.
Next book is New York Dead by Stuart Woods. This is the first of 37 in the Stone Barrington series. Lotta books to read this year!
Irene: What was the last book you read? Memory Man by David Baldacci. I would highly recommend this book It is such a cliche but I literally could not put it down once I started reading it.
What book are you currently reading? The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins. Actually I have not started to read it yet. I just bought it and received it. I really like to have the hard cover or paperback to hold and read. I have an PC, Ipad, etc. but there is just something about smelling the pages and reading the words!
What book are you planning on reading next? Like you said in your newsletter, which I think is amazing 🙂 thank you for that, about not reading a particular author for awhile. A couple of summers ago I decided I would read all the books by Lee Child. I certainly liked the character of Jack Reacher. So this summer I will catch up on Jack Reacher’s world.
Thanx to your newsletter I have so many books on my Books to Read List.
I really appreciate your efforts in putting this newsletter together.
S R: Just finished reading Tom Clancy Commander in Chief.
Currently reading Mark Dawson’s John Milton series…
Planning on working my way through the series. J
So far, it’s pretty good. He is comparable to Mitch Rapp and Jack Reacher, which I LOVE those books. I’ve read both series several times. Each time I re-read a book I pick up something new yet it’s like greeting an old friend again. LOL I feel the same way about Louis L’Amour books….
Jackie: Last book read. Girl in the Spiders Web. Excellent. Didn’t notice that it wasn’t the same author as the other 3 books
Reading. Murder in the South of France. Great book
Next book. The Girl in the Ice
Rhea: The last book I read was “The Lost Girls” by Alexa Steele This is book 2 of a 3 book series written by a NY attorney. They are really good. The first didn’t he such great reviews which I disagreed with but the second is amazing!
The book I’m currently reading is “Cold Snap” by Allison Brennan
The book I’ll read next is “Dead Heat” by Allison Brennan In the past few months, I have read 19 books by Allison Brennan and am on my 20th. When I try to read someone else, I just can’t wait to get back to her.
Martha: Last book: Private Down Under by James Patterson
Current book: Ghost Night by Heather Graham
Next book: Private Las Vegas by James Patterson
Kathleen: Last Book Read: Rough Day by Shelley Coriell. Stories about Colorado Springs Detective Lottie King, grandmother and all-around badass. Loved it. Can’t wait for the next book to go on sale. And the next!
Currently Reading: The Case of the Woebegone Widow by Jim Stevens. Richard Sherlock, former Chicago Police detective and currently underpaid special investigator for Richmond Insurance. He hates his job. I love this series.
Read Next: Empire of Deception by Dean Jobb. True story of Leo Koretz, the Bernie Madoff of 1920s Chicago.
Kristine: What book last read? Not part of a series. Brooklyn by Toibin. Not much different from the movie.
Reading now? The Ruth Galloway series, The Dying Fall book 5 in the series. I love Ruth – she is a well-rounded character with strengths and flaws. A great sense of humor.
Read in future? Maybe next Ruth Galloway book or Wind River book (Book 14 is on the shelf waiting for me)
As an aside, I read the entire Orchard Mystery series (Books 1 through 9) by Shelia Connolly last fall. Overall, I liked the series and would give the series 4 out of 5 stars. There were a few characters that I wish had been explored more and were more front and center.
Thank you!
Richard B: Last Book Read: “A Good Killing” – Allison Leotta
Currently Reading: “The Bone Farm” – Patricia Cornwell
Next to Read: :”Fool Me Once” – Harlan Coben
Also have read “Rogue Lawyer” and enjoyed it very much.
Karl P: Last book I read: Abra Cadaver by James Tucker
Currently reading: Role of Honor (a James Bond book) by James Gardner
Book I plan to read next: Dune: The Machine Crusade by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson
Sandra K: Last Book Read The Guest Room by Chris Bohjalian.
First of his I read, may have to go back and binge read them. love his style
Current Read My Name is Lucy Barton by Elizabeth Stout
First of hers I am reading, based on reviews. So far so good..
Next Read Midnight Sun by Joe Nesbo
Can’t wait Loved Harry Hole, wish he were back, but am also loving his stand alone books
Don’t read them, inhale them!!
Sharon C: Thanks once again for the inspiration to keep reading and maybe go back and start to read authors I have left behind a few years ago. I too, stopped reading Grisham novels for other reasons, but now you have made me rethink my decision.
Currently I am reading the William Kent Krueger series with Cork O’Connor.
The Last book I read was Heaven’s Keep and now I am reading Vermillion Drift; I love CJ Box and Craig Johnson and through your website it gave me this author so I started reading and am committed.
I find your monthly newsletter interesting and informative and have just told my sister-in-law about it and she will be joining hopefully.
Amy: In answer to your question this month:
What book am I reading next ? The Rogue Lawyer by John Grisham
One of my relatively new favorites so I was happy to see you feature him in this months newsletter!!
What book did I just finish reading? A Hidden Secret by Linda Castillo
Love Love Love the Kate Burkholder series – I have flown through the series and
am anxiously awaiting the next to be available on audio! Love the narrator for this series!
What book am I currently reading ? Missing You by Harlen Corben
Have enjoyed a few of his — Caught , Just One Look – so I am sure I will like this as well!!
Wave: what I read last was Crown of Slaves by David Weber. I’ve read just about everything he has written and reread many of them. What I’m reading now is the new Mercedes Thompson book Fire Touched by Patricia Briggs and am only a few chapters in. As for next I will either reread one of the Virgil Flowers by John Sandford or one of Lisa Shearins.
KR: Last read: Heartbroken by Lisa Unger. I rated 3 on a scale of 1-5. Very slow until way past halfway. Overused circumstances, unhappy marriages, who was cheating on whom. Probably won’t read another of hers.
Current: The Devotion of Suspect X by
Leigh Higashino. Rate this a 5. Very interesting, unusual story set in Tokyo. Well developed characters, good twist in plot of murder mystery.
Next: Spirit of the Hills by Dan O’Brien. Published in 1988, it’s set in rugged South Dakota. Three people who become dramatically intertwined: a Vietnam vet, a wolf trapper and a woman returning to her Sioux origins to become a peaceful political activist.
Donald K: The last good book I read was by Dan Brown “The Lost Symbol” a very good book that keeps you moving and thinking.
The current book that I’m read is by Scott Turow “Pleading Guilty” and this book makes you sit on the edge of your seat about a ex-drunk and his past.
The next book I can’t wait to start is by Phillip Margolin “Wild Justice” this book looks and sounds brilliant by a very good author.
Kenicia: The last book I read was Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library.
The book I’m reading now is God & Churchill.
The book I’ll read next is Raven Black by Ann Cleeves.
On audio, the last book I listened to was Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix.
On audio, the book I’m listening to now is The Messenger by Dan Silva.
On audio, the book I’ll listen to next will probably be The Secret Servant by Dan Silva.
Beth G: I work very odd and long hours and have a commute, so the majority of my reading is done by either Audible while on the road or CD’s at home while I clean and cook.
Last Book Read: The Utterly Uninteresting and Unadventurous Tales of Fred, the Vampire Accountant by Drew Hays. It was a quick easy read. Was looking for something light. It was OK, I give it a 6 out of 10.
Reading Now: Foreign Influence by Brad Thor. I am a new reader to Brad Thor but I really do enjoy the Scott Harvath books I’ve read so far. Reminds me a lot of Robert Ludlum.
Next book: Iron Kissed: Mercy Thompson Book 3.
Brenda Cl.: What was the last book you read?
Vanishing Act by Thomas Perry
What book are you currently reading?
Friction By Sandra Brown
What book are you planning on reading next?
Dance for the Dead by Thomas Perry
Horace: The last book I read was Cross Justice by James Patterson.
The book I am currently reading is The Jericho Sanction by Oliver North
My next book to read will most likely be one by David Baldacci. I also am planning to get back into books by Dale Brown.
Ann Mu: What was the last book you read? ‘Russka’ by Edward Rutherford – a huge saga following the lives of several families over 1,000 years in Russia.
What book are you currently reading? ‘Tea Time for the Traditionally Built’ by Alexander McCall Smith – one of the books in the No1 Ladies Detective Agency series – a heart-warming, gentle series based in Botswana
What book are you planning on reading next? ‘Tennison’ by Lynda LaPlante
Karole: Last Book: Daniel Silva, The English Girl
Current read: Patrick O`Brian, Post Captain, Book 2 in The Aubrey/ Maturin novels
Next read: Steve Hockensmith, Cracked Lens, Holmes on the Range series.

Last read: Golden Prey
Now reading: SinKiller
Next book: Firestarter
I’ve only recently begun reading fiction again, after decades of non-fiction, mostly technical, and finance. So I’m in the enviable position of finding a “new” author, and discovering they have a whole series available. Thanks to for helping me navigate the titles. I prefer to go back and read from the beginning.
The problem with binge-reading is getting so absorbed, and then BOOM, they’re finished, and I’m like everyone else, waiting for another installment. I tame the process by rotating through a small group of authors. Currently:
Connelly – Harry Bosch
Johnson – Walt Longmire
Da Silva – Gabriel Allon
Sandford – Lucas Davenport, Virgil Flowers
and some lesser known WWII stuff that’s just wonderful:
Frederik Nath
William Peter Grasso
Jack Badelaire
Ronn Munstermann
David Healey
Dan McMartin
I just finished Sandford’s Winter Prey, which I thought was his best so far in that series. I read the Flowers series first (yes, much later stuff, but Flowers is how I “found” Sandford). Winter Prey seems like the template he employed for the Flowers books. I hope the rest of the Prey series is this good.
I’m trying to add to my rotation list, so I can delay the sad day when I no longer have a Harry Bosch novel waiting for me.
So I started my first Inspector Banks book — Gallows View — last night. Too soon to tell. British, Yorkshire: GOOD. As long as it’s not too cerebral. I saw a testimonial that compared Robinson to PD James. Her books are a rare case where I liked the TV adaptation much better.
I have to recommend Peter Robinson (need to be read in order!); also, Michele Diener (based on real people, set in the time of Queen Elizabeth I);
Also: Mark Edwards (again, read in order!).
Robinson and Edwards write British police procedural mysteries, very realistic, set in small towns in England……ALSO Peter Grainger and J J Salkeld……similar settings as Robinson & Edwards.
Another good author thats new to me is Adrian McKinty, born and raised in N. Ireland at the peak of the “troubles” there, and writes about that time and place, and makes it very, very real……eye-opening!
AS for Audible Books, I don’t listen to those, but my husband is hooked on them, and ONLY “reads” that way now! (owned by Amazon/Kindle) gives you free points very frequently so its no where near as expensive as you’d think…….
As an avid reader and book collector. I have read hundreds of very good books. This week I discovered a new writer and a new series. Ted Bell is a very good writer. The Alex Hawke series is one of the greatest series ever written. I just finished reading book 1 of the series. Hawke is an unforgettable and amazing story. I loved the book so much, i went online and purchased the entire series. I recommend this series to all readers. It a great series.