Reader Mailbag: Where Do You Get Your Books?
Last month we asked readers where they buy their books – or where they get any new books that they read.
We received some amazing feedback. Here it is:
Thomas: I order most from my nook reader just because it is convenient. My second it thru Mysterious Galaxy for Hardback signed or Kobo since it supports Mysterious Galaxy a small wonderful bookstore. Third is Dave’s Old Books my local used book store, again a small independent.
Rhea: I used to buy physical books at bookstores. I loved going to bookstores and buying hardcovers, paperbacks and especially going to book signings so I could meet my favorite authors. But over the past few years, I’ve been suffering from a corneal degeneration and I can no longer read print books. Now I buy all my books from Amazon to read on Kindle so I can enlarge the text. I miss reading actual physical books – my favorite author (as above), Allison Brennan, sent me two of her books, autographed! – but I still had to buy the kindle versions because I could not read the print. I do miss reading a physical book, turning the pages, cracking the binding, using a bookmark, and it being easier to flip back and forth but the upside of kindle books, besides the type size, is that I can carry hundreds of books with me at once.
Oh, my recommendation for this month: Clare Mackintosh’s I Let You Go! It has twists you won’t see coming.
Tisha: I get many books on my Kindle through Amazon. Other books I get from local bookstore Books-A-Million. Some from flea markets or used book stores. Books make me happy. Lol
Tom: Hello…I usually will buy used books online from Amazon, or from the library or from Half Price Books. Also from a local used book store.
Ray: Hi Graeme,
Thanks for the highly anticipated newsletter.
I have read:
Cumming’s “Typhoon”, Mills’ Enemy Of The State”, Brookes’, Night Heron”, Finder’s The Switch”,Lescroart’s “Fatal”.
I am reading:
Nesbo’s “Midnight Sun”, LeHane’s “Since We Fell”, Lescroart’s Ophelia Cut”
To read:
Brown’s “Origin”
and I guess I’ll have to try Brennan’s “Shattered” because Rhea said she didn’t want it to end.
It made me think of a book I read YEARS ago by Paul I. Wellman called “Magnificent Destiny”,
an historical novel about Sam Houston and Andrew Jackson. I remember still that I didn’t want it to end. Haven’t had that feeling since. And, of course, Graeme’s recommend, “The Naturalist”
by Mayne.
I used to buy all of my books, but for the last few years it’s exclusively the library.
It’s walking distance and has a sign in front that says, “Look Smart, Carry A Book. Be Smart Carry a Library Book.”
Vickie: Where do I get books?
I have a favorite indie bookstore for most of my new book purchases. Our library has all the books I can borrow, plus a good used book store. They also have agreements with a statewide system to borrow books from other libraries when the book isn’t available through them. Friends and family loan or give me books. I use Book Bub to find cheap, interesting ebooks. I use Better World Books (online) to find used books that aren’t easily findable. It’s almost impossible to walk by any used bookstore without popping my nose in. When I visit certain cities, there are bookstores I HAVE to visit.
Where do I get books? Everywhere.
Vianna: Hi,
My 78 year old mother and myself love to go to Half Price Books Outlet in Olympia, Wa. We especially like to go when they have their specials where everything in the store is a $1 or less! And they send out emails for your birthday and give you a coupon to get 50% your entire purchase! We have been know to spend several hours there going thru all of the boxes of books looking for our favorite authors and series of books we are reading.
We also love to pick up books at yard sales, just fun to search for what we want.
Monica: I get my books for the local public library. I have already read 128 books this year. I would have to be very rich to buy books. I have had a library card since I was 5yrs old. 40 yr proud library card holder.
Thanks for you Newsletter. Look forward to it every month.
Suzanne: Where I get my books:
I support our local library
OverDrive has been a great link to the library.
There is even a Recommendation section.
Reading together:
My daughter and I love to listen to Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum series will cruising around.
Susan: I usually get my books from the library. Our local library has a feed with books coming out in the coming months. I put a reserve on the ones I really want to read and then wait for them to come out. If I can’t get a book I’ve seen at the library I will buy it from Amazon, but only used books because they are cheaper and just as good as new to me. I also volunteer at a used book store in our city and get first choice of all the books donated. I usually take home at least a bag a week. After I’ve done reading them, I book fold them. It’s something new I’ve found and it’s a good way to re-use a book.
tvb: I am a long time supporter of Alibris. But within their group of “suppliers”. … I have found Better World Books to be extremely reliable and responsive. Would recommend that tandem without question.
Sue: I use the library. My library is a part of a consortium of about 6 or 7 libraries in VT and you can order books from any of your closest library, and they will be delivered to your own library.
If I am involved in a series and the next one up is not in the library group, I use Amazon’s used books. We are retired and on a limited budget, so this is very workable for us -plus we already have three bookcases filled with non fiction books in subjects of interest, so it seems silly to buy books we know we will only read once.
I don’t use my kindle, because I love the feel of a real book.
Love your monthly emails and the Order of Books website.
Sandy: Most of the time I order on Amazon . But if I am near a book store they are like magnets and pull me in . I never leave a book store without a purchase.
I also go to my local Library sale twice a year, so I can find older books.
It’s always exciting to purchase a book on the release date.
I just love having a pile of books always at my side.
Sherry R: Public library
Sharon: I get a lot of my books, both fiction and non-fiction, from the local Friends of the Library sale. They’re almost always $1–cheaper than even Amazon! Many are first editions; some are signed. And if I decide not to keep the book (unlikely, but possible!), then I can just re-donate to the Friends for someone else to buy. It’s a great way to try out an unfamiliar author.
Shanna: After 25 years of teaching, I have a rather extensive collection of YA novels. I have acquired most of these books from thrift stores and used book stores, and some from school book fairs and class book orders. Most of the books I read are from my shelves. Otherwise, I borrow ebooks from the public library to read on my Kindle.
Sandra: I visit the book section every time I make a trip to Walmart which is usually at least once a week.
I make a list of all the new books, by the authors I like the best, & the books that catch my interest. I then go to the library & get on their waiting list for the books. I also go online & order them for my kindle. I usually get the printed edition before the kindle copy as there is such a long list for so few books. If I get the printed edition first I then cancel the order for the kindle.
Sandy: First, a big thanks for your recommendations, last month you recommended Orphan X by Gregg Hurwitz., I advised my guy,who is a total Jack Reacher, Jason Bourne fan, and he loved it, and now has a new series and author to add to his list!
Now to address the question of the month. Being a Nook reader I get emails from them with deals, go to Barnes Nobel website, and if I am in a thrift store look for old books I loved and get a copy. I trade off with my sisters on books and occasionally grab a few old series from the library to catch up on!
rvidomlanski: I always go to the public library. I reserve my books on line then pick them up in the library. Theu hold them for me or ant patrons. I am a voracious reader. I would ho broke buying so many books.
Roger: I buy all my books from Amazon, usually Kindle format, sometimes paperback. I buy Bookbub recommendations primarily.
Sandra: Toward the middle of this newsletter, I decided to write and
say “thanks” for new suggestions for books. I don’t always
agree with your suggestions
where I’m comfortable either not finishing a book or, if it
starts out with stuff I’m not willing to put into my mind, sometimes
I’ll thumb through to pick up the gist, read the last little bit
and toss it into the giveaway pile.
For my county taxes I receive the library and the Sheriff’s
Dept…I support the library and their independent book store.
(I bake shortbread for the Sheriff and his staff.) Thrift stores
are next but I have only a very few authors I’ll buy outright.
Thanks for your newsletter; it’s always a delight to receive.
Sam: I got my books from the two libraries I belong to, Early Bird Books, Book Bub, Kobo, Half Price Books, Riffle, Good Reads, Amazon Kindle, Hoopla, BookShout, Barnes & Noble and Glose.
Michelle: I used to get books from thrift stores and library sales or garage sales. When I found an author I really liked, I would go to Barnes & Noble to buy more of that author’s books. Needless to say,
I ran out of room in my house (I had 1 bedroom completely full of books plus my parent’s attics and yes, I read all of them). So, I sold them at a garage sale and now I do only e-books
(so much easier for storing them). I like the fact that I can get free books from authors I don’t know to find new authors as well as being able to get books from all of my favorite authors.
Plus, it is so much easier to carry to the doctor’s office and when traveling and I can carry my magazines with me also.
Raley: Two local libraries, in Oregon and Hawaii. Both excellent.
Paul: Like you, I am addicted to my kindle. I haven’t bought an actual book since got the kindle.
I get the vast majority of my books from the Hillsborough county Florida library. They have a really awesome selection. As an Amazon prime members I can borrow one book a month from Amazon. Usually something I can’t get from the library. Currently I am working through Gregg Loomis. Finally, I buy anything I can’t get from the library or anything my wife wants to read from Amazon.
Finally, I have read three of the four books you recommended and agree with your critique although I enjoyed ALONE very much. I did read the Bradbury book when it first came out so many years ago.
Paula: In my 40’s I belonged to 5 book clubs. Then it became costly, we lived on a big city with a wonderful library so I started going there. A fes years ago I had to go on oxygen, so I started on Kindle. I have evolved to a samsung tablet and have hundreds of books dowloaded, and read. Best part, I can read in bed because it is lighted.
Max: I read only on my Kindle. At 84 years old, it is nice to be able to choose font size. The down side to the Kindle is that I purchase (from Amazon) more books than I have time to read. My Kindle has over 300 books already read and 74 waiting to be read.
I have no favorite genre. I read everything from Maeve Binchy, Alexander McCall Smith, Louise Penny to Michael Connelly and JA Jance.
So many books, so little time.
Pat: I download most of my books as audio books on my Kindle. I get most my books from Overdrive using our public library. Although I sometimes have to wait quite a while before a book I really want is available.
I do belong to Audible and get a few books there. I love it when they have a two for one credit sale. I’m not so excited about their Daily Deals as many of them are sci-fi which I’m not into.
I have a Hoopla subscription but have issues because so many books don’t seem to download well which means I have to be connected to an internet service in order to listen.
I listen to more books than actually read as I love to knit or crochet and listen while I do my craft.
Pam W: I usually check out books from the library–print and downloadable audiobooks. Sometimes I purchase books from the used books store our library Friends group operates. When purchasing for gifts I shop Barnes & Noble or Amazon. I rarely buy for myself anymore.
Pamela: Happy October, Graeme!
Thought this month I’d answer you right away rather than waiting until the VERY end of the month.
I currently use the library for all of my books, whether the printed version or an e-book. As soon as I’m aware of a new book or one that’s been recommended, I put in an online request from my local library. My days of purchasing books is over (I want to read them, don’t need to own them); but back in the day, Costco was a favorite place to purchase as well as my local thrift store.
LOVE your newsletters and your recommendations as well as the other readers. It’s given me a whole new list of “want-to-read” books!
Nancy: I get about 99% of the books that I read from the local library.
Mildred: If I am purchasing books, I almost always use Amazon. Otherwise, I download free books from Bookbub, or get audiobooks from my local library.
Pam: Oh, my goodness – that question brings back memories. When I was young, I lived in a smallish town in Kansas and there were no bookstores. The business supply store had a few hardbacks, but they were expensive. The local Duckwalls had a few – Trixie Belden I remember in particular. We did have a good public library, and I was a regular customer. “Children” weren’t supposed to want to check out books from the adult section, butter I’d exhausted most of what I wanted from the children’s section, I expanded my horizons.
I was on a trip with my parents to Arizona and had my first encounter with a newsstand where there were – wait for it – hundreds of paperbacks. I was deeply into Tarzan of the Apes at the time so I managed to convince my parents to buy some. I was about ten at the time.
The local “gentleman’s club” was no place for me, but when we were driving on vacation, my dad might take me in to pick up a comic or two before we left.
Scholastic was available at school as well.
My family always believed in books so my aunts were always good for one for a birthday or Christmas.
Eventually when I was sixteen, I worked at the local A&W and had a little money of my own. The family Christmas vacation took us to a suburb of Atlanta and lo and behold there were actual bookstores. Needless to say I stocked up with my younger cousins help and packed away about twenty books in the trunk of the car. My father was rather dismayed when we got back to Kanas to find that he’d hauled all those books home.
I sit here surrounded by thousands of books. Well, 1700 are on my Kindle, but the others are paperback and hardback from over the years. I have donated many more to the schools where I taught and to the local libraries where I hope they have found a good home.
When I was at college I was a regular at the Town Crier bookstore and the college bookstore as well. Eventually I got a teaching job and found Waldenbooks and B. Dalton Booksellers as well. I tried different methods to hold my splurging on books to a minimum, but that didn’t work too well. By the time Barnes and Noble reached Topeka, Town Crier, Waldenbooks, and the others were becoming a distant memory. Borders opened in Lawrence only 60 miles away and when we went that direction, I checked that out as well.
Used bookstores entered the picture along the way and I always had a list of titles I needed to flesh out my collection. When visiting my cousins around the country, they made sure we visited bookstores. They still think I need to do that, but as you said the Kindle has taken the place of most physical books in my home – well new ones anyway. Like I said I have thousands surrounding me like old friends. Many of my students and my friends know that I will loan them books and am a good source for series new to them. (I recommend you and your site as well. I am glad I discovered your
I still go to Barnes and Noble, but I just look for new books with Kindle in hand. I find a likely table and see what books I need to order on the Kindle. I rely on Amazon as well when my favorite authors are releasing new books. I don’t have a lot of books I’ve found from Goodreads or other such sites, but I have been known to strike up a conversation in airports when I see someone reading an interesting work. If a book isn’t available from the library or in e-format, I get it used – usually from Amazon – I don’t go to used bookstores much anymore – as my signature on my email says – So many books, so little time. Depending on whether my friends want to read the books, I request books from the library (they can only be about five months out since the library can’t order them any sooner than that) and wait for them to be released and processed. I am usually the first on the list and am thrilled to get a text that the library has a new book waiting for me.
Great question! Please keep up the good work and making suggestions. (I am totally hooked on Jonathan Maberry’s whose Rot and Ruin series was excellent, which led to Joe Ledger whose exploits are hard to put down to get anything else done.)
Vance Family: Amazon.
Dub: Hi Graeme, first let me say you provide a great service with the order of books feature, and I enjoy your newsletter! Much thanks. I’ve been a lifetime reader but since being retired I read 100-130 books a year Sad to say I keep falling behind as my wish list at Amazon continues to grow faster than I can read! I’m sure you have the same problem.
As far as where I buy books, I get them in different ways. I travel quite a bit and load up my kindle for those occasions. I also use our library, both by reserving (placing on hold) books for pick up and using the digital library. Although no where near as good as Amazon, the digital library usually has something on my list. We have a yearly book sale conducted by the Assoc. of University Women, at which I volunteer to help out. This year we had close to 120,000 books donated which are separated by fiction/non fiction, author, subject matter etc. The benefit of volunteering is we get first choice of the books as they come in during the 6 weeks before the sale. This year I picked up all the Harlan Coban books but 3, several Patterson books I wanted, all the J D Robb books for my wife, most of the Catherine Coulter, and so on. The good news – paperbacks $.50, hardbacks $1.00 I bought close to 165 books!
And last but not least, trusty old Amazon where I still buy a lot of books. And I, like you will hit the thrift stores occasionally.
That’s all from S. Carolina. Just started Eye of the Beholder by Laura Snyder, a very interesting non fiction book set in Delft which I think you would enjoy.
Melanie: I consider myself extremely lucky to live in Little Rock, AR because of the spectacular Central Arkansas Public Library . The CALS system supplies me with 90% of what I read.
In addition, i received a subscription to Heywood Hill’s A Year in Books as a gift from my sister. After filling out a survey of my preferences, the London Bookstore sends me a new book monthly. They are sometimes autographed and always gift wrapped. The selections have been varied and quite successful, introducing me to many new authors. Truly the best present I have had in years.
Myrna: The best place I buy books at is at any stand alone bookstore. Next best is Barnes and
I try to buy at a bookstore to help them stay in business and because I like to browse and look through books, any books.
NO ebooks for this old gal! Thrift stores and book sales will often yield older books by authors I like that I can’t get anywhere else.
Mary: I get books on Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, the library, and especially the used book store run by Friends of the Library. I take old books there for them to sell to support out library.
Lois: I normally buy my books from Amazon, I have a prime account which means that I get all those points adding up to buy my favorite books. I now have over 100 dollars worth of points to spend. I also buy books on Kobo, that way when I’m at the dog park or walking my dog I can read those great books.
Liz: I get most of my books online from library. I can put 10 books on hold and 5,000 books on my wishlist. If a book becomes available on my hold list, I can then go to my wishlist and get book that is available right away. Then I can also move another book to my hold list. I am never out of books to read from my favorite authors. I also add books that are recommended from friends or those recommended on orderofbooks. I also buy books on amazon. I am such an avid reader that I don’t need to get a book the day it comes out. If I recommend a book to the library that has just come out, I am usually one of the first to get that book.
Mark: I get my books from my local library, great selection and they’re out there for everyone else. After reading your column I went back and re-read the Lucas Davenport and Harry Bosch series from the start, great reads!
Marilyn S: I get my books from the library – since April, 14, 2017, when my library upgraded its system, it now tracks the amount you would have spent if you bought all the items you have checked out. As of this date (10/2/17), I would have spent $3, 937.68. Unfortunately, I cannot afford to actually spend that amount to I am eternally indebted to my library. I get on the request list ASAP and usually have the book on release day or shortly thereafter. E-books are also available. I love my library and would be lost without it. If I download a book to Kindle I always go for the “free” books and get from Amazon.
lzh789: Thank heaven for public libraries! If I had to pay for all the books I read, I’d be in the poorhouse.
Marilyn: I get a lot of my books from the bookshops at the local libraries. After I read them I donate them back so the bookshop can sell them again and make more money to buy books for the library.
Linda: Thank you for . I am delighted when it arrives in my email. The frustration is never having enough time and always having more books to read…
This is to request that you add the Blackford Oakes series by William F. Buckley to the listings. I see you have the books by his son Christopher. The BO series is set during the Cold War, the Cuban Missile crisis, and the early years of the Vietnam War, a period of particular interest to many.
Like you, I order many books from Amazon for my Kindle reading (on my iPad). It is so convenient for travel and everyday mobility. It is also great for a book like my current read, Kristin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Undset, the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize for literature. The 2005 translation makes this wonderful saga highly readable, but more than a thousand pages are impossible to tuck into my bag.
Normally, a book that is a prize winner or special because I have met the author or heard her/him speak, is purchased at an independent bookstore. It is a place to meet the most interesting people. My favorites: Chautauqua Bookstore, Chautauqua, NY; Books and Books, Miami, FL; and, Bookstore One, Sarasota, FL.
Keep up your valuable work,
Lea: Oh, where do I get books? Anywhere I can! Usually I get quite a few indie author books form Digital Books Today which is an amazing site. I have found some really amazing writers there. I hit 2nd hand bookstores as I am a mature reader, (66 years young). I am a tactile person and despite how convenient it is to read books on my cell and my kindle app, I love the feel and the smell of books. I get books at garage sales, and also check ebay on a regular basis. I also have been a regular customer at Audible for audio books as I love to be read to, and love to read to others. I just recently finished “The Way of Kings” and “Words of Radiance” by Brandon Sanderson on audiobook but have decided I have to get them in paperback to keep better track of the amazing world building he does. I am now waiting for “Oathbringer” which will be out in November and I will also be getting it in audiobook format AND paperback too. I love your site. I originally started getting your newsletter because I was contemplating starting the “Wheel of Time books by Jordan, (and Sanderson), but have not as yet started on them. That is a real commitment to undertake.
Leo: I get a lot of my books from the library ( I belong to two). I would rather hold and read an actual book, not a digital . A majority of my books come from the Book Bub website where I’ll pay $1.99 or less for each book downloaded. I will also use Overdrive and occasionally Amason.
Linda: I just finished Jeffrey Archer’s “Paths of Glory”…when I first started it, I thought
it might be his first book that I wouldn’t finish but as I got into his story of George
Mallory, the mountain climber and his attempts to scale Mt Everest, there was
no way I could not finish it. Archer is a dynamite story teller and I recommend
all of his books ….in order, of course.
My current book is Charles Todd’s Inspector Rutledge of Scotland Yard, “A False
Mirror”… his books are an interesting twist on crime. This author’s books should
be read in order also. The Bess Crawford series of books is good also.
Most of my books I order online…one of those strange people who likes holding
a book and turning pages.
Donald: In answer to the question, Where do I get my books? Everywhere. I am always looking for books, and when I find one I want I purchase it, Grocery Store, Book Store, Big Box Club, Thrift Store, etc. I even check the local yard sales. When looking for a specific title, I go on line to Amazon – especially out of print titles.
I found this site by accident sometime back, and love the ability to identify books in order and books by Author. Thank you. I will start using this site to look for books also.
Kathleen: Have become a fan of Emily Brightell, somewhat to my surprise. I have enjoyed Stuart Kaminsky’s Russian detective, Robert Parker’s Spenser for years (although I got sick and tired of “Susan”), and similar authors. She is a surprise. But also enjoy Precious Ramotswe.
Buy 95% of my books from Thriftbookd the rest from eBay
Kenica: I work at my local public library, which I patronized as a child. Therefore, that is where I get my books!
Laura: I am a big audio CD fan as I spend a lot of time in my car. I order 98% from Amazon but do like to browse the book store occasionally. One of the good thing about ordering from Amazon is that I can preorder my favorites and don’t have to remember when they are coming out.
L. H.: Where to start? First I made a complete list of all libraries in the dozen or so towns that are are within a half hours drive of me. I check all their calendars for book fairs. Then a complete list of all thrift shops that carry books. I’ll pop in once a month or when in the area for their inventory doesn’t change often. There is also a few used book stores but the prices are high 7.50-13 dollars. I also like to hit some yard or garage sales on the weekends. Once a month I also check out a flea market that I can get books for 3 for $1 hardcovers. Then there is Savers a local discount store that sells books for 3.50 or buy 4 get 1 free. They also send an email every couple of months for a half off sale. Most of my books come from Amazon though because it’s easier to find the older books. Last but not least is Barnes and Noble near me but I usually refuse to spend $25 on a book. Hope this helps? I’m sure I’ve forgotten something?
Katrina: I am now a retired librarian as of two years ago so I am a devoted library user. I seldom buy books anymore as I usually get them from the library. I moderate the website: Youth Services Book Review ( so I receive many, many children’s and teen books from publishers that are then reviewed by public and school librarians across Massachusetts. I have recently started downsizing at home (hoping to get out of the US!!) and that means saying goodbye to tons of books. I try to trade them in at our local bookstore for credit but, if not accepted, I donate them to the library I use, Beals library in Winchendon, Mass.
I listen to a lot of audiobooks both in the car and if I am doing anything in the kitchen. I like any good book, children’s or adult. I am partial to picture books and adult mysteries. I am just finishing up the 8th book in the Outlander series and am not sure what category it fits in: historical? romance? mystery? All three, I guess.
Kathy: I get all my books now from Amazon and load on my I pad. I have thousands of books from favorite authors to new ones and ones I want to try. Just finished Don’t Let Go. I methodically read all Harlen Cobens books. I love the way he writes. Love your monthly newsletter. Thank you
Jim: I get virtually every book I read from Amazon for my Kindle.
I have read every Stephen King book. Some do have less than satisfactory endings, but most don’t. Keep trying. Recently the Mr. Mercedes books (I think there were three with some ongoing characters) were good. Each was kind of self contained but the three connected. The Talisman, It, Insomnia, Misery, The Stand, The Green Mile….I could go on.
Kathleen Church: Where do I get my books? Like you, Graeme, I am concentrating on e-books these days, though not for the same reason. At age 69, I am preparing for a possible future in an assisted living facility or nursing home where my library cannot go with me. I am signed up for lots of newsletters that alert me to e-books on sale or for free (Omnimystery News, Open Road Media, Endeavor Press, Book Bub, to name a few) and I buy from Amazon or B&N/Nook. If I must have a physical book, I go to a little used book store in a nearby suburb and trade in some paperbacks for credit and get other books for half credit, half cash. Or I go to website which sells used books for reasonable prices. Love your website and newsletter. Keep up the good work.
Karen: Hi Graeme,
I read mostly on my kindle so I try to get ebooks from my library first and then go to Amazon. Since getting my kindle, I rarely read physical books unless I need to read a book for my book club that is not available as an ebook.
jan: I read mostly on my Kobo Reader. Most of my books are ordered from kobo but occasionally from the Kitchener Ontario Public Library. There is also a website named Bookbub that features free or low priced ebooks. Many of my ebooks come from this site. Good way to be introduced to new authors.
JM: Until lately I have been buying most of my books from Amazon, preordering those from favorite authors. I still do that but I am also requesting more books from the library. I really got lucky with Coben’s latest and finished it just today! I like not having to spend my money for a book I probably won’t keep but often a book comes in when I am not in the mood, or maybe 3 books come in at once and then I’m under pressure. Such problems, I know!
Judy: All my books are from the library. Luckily I live near Los Angeles; the LA County Library has a vast selection of books. The wait list for red-hot best sellers can be a few months, but it’s a nice surprise when it’s my turn to check them out.
Jody: I wanted to tell you how much I enjoy our monthly reads from you. You asked how I get my books. One, the Library, by putting the new books on Hold, two, the older books from a Statewide(North Carolina) agreement to share books my Library might not have, three, from my local Bookstore if I just have to own them, aka Louise Penny’s new Book “Glass Houses”, and four, the used book stores here in town that just might have a treasure on the shelf. ABE is another source of inexpensive books, even the ones shipped from the UK.
I belong to a Library sponsored Mystery Book Club. Needless to say I love mysteries, both American and Foreign which are becoming more and more available. Mysteries from all over the world give you more than mystery solving but a sense of the country, lifestyles, geography, and more. The Scandinavians came on big with Henning Mankell, Jo Nesbo and Jussi Adler Olsen.
In closing I have to admit that I read books, Hard Cover, Trade and Paperback. I love the feel of the cover, pages to turn and print to savor.
Thanks once again for your website!
Joanna: Hi…
I read a couple of books each week…more when the baseball season is over!
I’ve been buying books from…unless I have a gift certificate from the very fine local bookstore…can hardly think of paying retail for a book these days…when I started buying books a softcover was 25 or 35 cents…spouse and I are both on SSI…barely enough for meds and groceries but will never stop buying books (and passing them on when I’m finished)…I’m housebound and my spouse is over-committed elsewhere, so library not practical.
Past few years involved in English history (mostly fiction…Ken Follett, Conn Iggulden, Elizabeth Chadwick, Sharon Kay Penman), tempered with Janet Evanovich and Katherine Hall Page…
Thank you for your website!
Jane: You made me laugh! Your comments re King are spot on. My complete turn off was the Dark Tower. I stuck with that series since the beginning and when he Finally ended it …well for me, the ending was So Lame, I haven’t forgiven him yet. It was a cop out. So he lost me as a reader out of frustration. So yes, completely agree with your assessment
As for books, library, second hand bookstores..and yes Amazon. books a Million better than others…but library especially now this state has a virtual library for audio and ebooks. Love it!
Just discovered V. Schwab and D M Cornish who I wish wrote more. Good tales!
Judy: My husband and I get a lot of our books from the library. In addition, I am always searching yard sales for books since you can generally get them pretty cheap. One of my sisters and I swap books a lot of the time.
Jackie: Since we are now retired and live on a lesser income, trips to the bookstore have become rare. We are now borrowing books from our local library, mostly on my kindle. We enjoy the books together as we read aloud to each other. Patience is required at times as the newer books are usually on a waiting list, but when we get the newest by our favorite authors it’s always worth the wait. This is a great form of “togetherness” we hadn’t anticipated.
Glenda: I buy nearly all of my books from Several of us exchange books which helps cost wise.
Right now I am reading Exile by Richard North Patterson. I really like his writing.
Herman: Still like the hardbacks. Unfortunately for my credit card I love buying books. Belong to two book clubs, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon. buy, buy, buy. Nuts. Also buy ebooks on my iPad. Will never read them and in my lifetime will never read the books I have. But that is my weakness and love it. Give books to friends, library and and family.
Just finishing Andy McDermott The Midas Legacy, and next one may be James Rollins 7th Plague. I think. So many to pick from. Alas.
Enjoy ur blog and hopefully will win some day.
Sharon: I occasionally order my nonfiction books from Amazon. For my day to day reading I utilize the library, I found I read so much, it got super expensive buying books. When a new book is mentioned in the newsletter, I immediately go to library site and either place a hold on it or if a copy is not owned, I recommend they make a purchase. I also utilize sites that have free or specials on books, like Robin Reads and BookBub.
Greg: Most of the books I read I get through our excellent St. Louis County Public Library system. I do buy some Kindle books because I work nights and like to go out to my car on lunch break and read, and an e-reader is obviously the only way that works best in that situation. I buy physical books through or at a local Half Price Books store.
Felecia: I started collecting books in my teens and bought them from so many places: bookstores, thrift stores, yard and estate sales, etc. I also inherited books from my grandfather and father who were avid readers (Evidently, I inherited that trait!) My daughter, who is a research librarian has also bought me books in their yearly sale of discards. The collection practically took over our home. I switched to the Kindle App on my iPad several years ago, much to the delight of my husband! Now I buy mostly from Amazon and I have Kindle Unlimited. Presently, I really enjoy reading and listening to audio books. Best of all, with rheumatoid arthritis in my hands, using a tablet with the Kindle APP and Audible has enabled me to read pain free!
Thanks so much for the newsletter, it’s very beneficial in choosing new books to read! Thanks also for your time and effort in its compilation!
Gloria: As I am a volunteer for our public library I am able to get new book by my favorite authors.
I read Orphan X. Very good!!
Gay: thrift stores, Amazon, Thriftbooks, library sales, Bookmooch. Kindle and hard copies both. Being in bookmooch, I look for books I know others are wanting and pick those up too. I read and collect across genres–non fiction I plan to read eventually, romance my favorite now, but trying to read through/clear out some of the singles I picked up as ‘interesting/new authors’ that I won’t read any more by and won’t give shelf space to. I read paranormal shifters for a long time but I’m worn out on that now, done with Charlaine Harris Sookie books. Still read Laurell K Hamiltons and some Sherilyn Kenyons. Regency/Edwardian/Victorian/Highlander Romances for me have to have something different and interesting about them– people engaged in the interests of the day, the inventions, the explorations, women demanding independence and interests outside the home, artists, writers, collectors, etc etc. I am not content with ‘just an everyday romance’. I don’t want to read something done a thousand times before.
Genevieve: I am now quite elderly and have reasons I no longer drive. This is NOT good for a book person! Therefore I must rely on Amazon, eBay, and a wonderful bookstore in Galway! (Kenny’s — the staff are almost like family at this point). Until a year or so ago, I frequented our local library sales. (There is one in Falmouth on Cape Cod every summer. It lasts a week and when they whisk off the blue tarps at 10 AM, it is being a kid in a candy store with a dollar in a pocket. (It is held on the library grounds under enormous tents.) Our local post office branch has a Take One-Leave One book case. There are books everywhere, for any budget. No one need be deprived of good reading!
Fredericka: I like ordering online and I don’t think I’ve ever ordered from any place other than Amazon. They always have what I want and I love the delivery. That said, we have a wonderful indie bookstore here in Brenham, Texas – The Book Nook. The inventory includes many used books at very reasonable prices. The best part is that I turn in books I no longer want, get credit for them and use that credit for used books.
Now, I will get back to the second in the Lewis series by Peter May, the Lewis Man. May’s descriptions of the Isle of Lewis are incredible. I am immediately transported and love “being there”.
Hope springs eternal with the possibility of a second drawing for that Kindle.
Eloise: Where do I buy my books: I like to hold my books. I have a Kindle but do not use it much. I enjoy shopping the book dealers that send catalogs through the mail. It becomes a treasure hunt for authors and books I am hoping to find in the catalogs or on their websites. I also like to go to Barnes and Noble to shop for a “Have to Have Now” books. Since I have a membership, I get a little reduction in cost on my finds. The hardest books to find are Religious fact books and reference books from a catalog. I have to order most of those from Amazon or EBay but the savings are tremendous.
Diane: Like you, I now get almost every book I read from Amazon. My reasons may differ a bit, though.
I started buying from Amazon when I found out how much easier it is to hold my iPad with Kindle on it than to fold open paperback books or to hold heavy hardbacks. My elbows and wrists were so happy.
Then, the real kicker; I found I can change the type size. I am now finished with cataract surgery and my eyesight is pretty darn good again, but I still read with a slightly larger font size on most books, and I change the background to a more soothing sepia and drop the brightness. Voila, I am a happy camper. I use a PaperWhite on vacation as it’s even smalle than my iPadr and I can take a big library with me and read in the sun.
I buy a few copies of hard bound books that are unavailable on Kindle – professional stuff mostly, but I often don’t end up reading the whole book. I also occasionally by hard copies of books I want to mark up and dog ear important information – mostly how-to and recipe books.
When I read, I still think and remember passages as to where on the page, which side, and how far into the book they fall. I can picture the open book and find the passage easily in a hard copy. I can’t do that with an ebook, and I find bookmarking not nearly as helpful as my old memory tricks. Still, I chose to read ebooks almost always. So convenient and so easy to haul around.
I started using Order of Books because I couldn’t FIND the next book on Amazon with any ease. I love finding a new author and following a series from the start. Thanks for the great service.
Diane: The library. I find when new books are going to be released and can pre-order them at the Library. Am now reading Column of Fire
Linda: Where do I get my books? I have a few authors that I get their hardback from Amazon as soon as they come out: Robin Cook, Mitch Rapp series and Mary Higgins Clark. Others I wait until I find them on Thrift Books or at our local Book Shoppe. Our local Book Shoppe carries second hand books and has a large inventory. I also have credit there, so I get half off half price. Can’t beat that. I used to work at the library and always got the first pick of my favorites, but don’t do that anymore. I also check out our local Goodwill store and sometimes find very good buys there. Wherever there’s a book, that’s where I will be. Love Order of Books newsletter and have got many new author books that way.
K. Albie:
K. Albie (Guest):
I always start by checking our library, that includes handheld books, Overdrive, Hoopla, etc. print or audio. I always have a few audio books on my phone or ipad to listen to for driving. If I can’t find it there I go to Amazon, usually paperbacks or audio. The only time I buy new books (only paperbacks) is at Indie bookstores. I love visiting little independent book stores wherever I am. I do prefer reading handheld books rather than on a reader, but I commonly do both.
sefcug: I get my books from various sources.
Recently published print books I get from the library mostly. Also, when I find a new author I like, I come here and find their older works and get them from the library.
eBooks in Kindle format are from Amazon Prime Reading and Kindle First. Recommendations from Goodreads,,, and
I also have a backup of paperbacks, mostly westerns, picked up at garage sales and thrift stores.
i have already read 143 books to date, and I try to vary the genre as much as I ca n.
Patti: Waiting is not my strong suit … I follow numerous online sources (, BookBub,, etc) as well as the library’s Book Page circular to keep my “wish” list totally up to date. As soon as I know a new book is coming out, I get on the wait list for it at my library. I read both Glass Houses (Louise Penny) and Enemy of the State (Mitch Rapp) the same week they came out! When necessary, I supplement with I have to watch my money, and I read a LOT of books, so if at all possible, the library is my first choice. Incidentally, my local library just introduced a new digital service – Hoopla – that has over 600,000 titles, many of which are unabridged audibles. Oh my, I am in heaven 😇. No waiting, 21-day checkout, no late fees, don’t have to leave my house to pick them up. Oh, did I mention FREE???
So my really long answer to this month’s question is: wherever I can get it the cheapest and fastest.
Phoenix: Where I get my books: mostly, these days, I get my books from the library. There are a few authors that I will buy as soon as the newest book comes out: Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series, Alexander McCall Smith’s No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency books, Jan Karon’s Mitford series. There are some that can’t get at the library, and I may buy those for my Kindle. I might buy a book at a thrift store, but I rarely buy a new book from a brick-and-mortar store. This has nothing to do with no wanting a “real” book, but with finances. I love the feel and smell of a brand-new book, but I can’t always afford to buy them.
Bev: I check out books from the Tempe Public library, Tempe, Arizona. I did download a couple ebooks from my iPad for a cruise. Never read an ebook before, so don’t know if I’ll like it. Books are my passion. I have to have a book to read and my #1 preference is holding one in my hands and turning real pages. Really glad I found this website. I use Order of Books every time I go to the library so I stay in sequence with my favorite authors. Thanks very much for providing all this valuable information.
David: I try to get most of my books from our fabulous local library. They provide a list of books on order so you can “preorder”. If I can’t find what I am looking for there, Amazon is my next choice. If it is an older book, I check out used book sites. I am a constant reader so there are not enough hours in a day. It is a good thing that I am retired!
Clark: Thank you, again, for this great service. I now buy 99% of my books through Amazon, and the majority are for my Kindle. Once in awhile I will buy paperbacks, such as all of the James Carlos Blake novels … even though I have some of them in my Kindle.
Through your latest newsletter I have purchased five (Kindle) books from authors not familiar to me until now (Stephen Leather, Linwood Barclay), and several more from John Grisham, Agatha Christie. I have many of the Harlen Coben books, all of the Michael Connelly and Greg Isles books, etc. I have yet to read a Stephen King novel.
Connie: I primarily get my books from the local library. Nashville has the distinct privilege of being named TOP LIBRARY SYSTEM IN THE COUNTRY FOR 2017!
My neighborhood branch is in walking distance from my home. I love the friendly, warm atmosphere there.
The staff is knowledgeable and courteous. They will always go the second mile.
At 71 years old and a retired teacher, one of my fondest memories is going to the Bookmobile every week during the summer. I was into mysteries big time. I anticipated “library day” each week with pleasure.
I appreciate your monthly informative newsletters. Lots of good recommendations.
Craig: Where do i get my books from? I used to hot the local Borders Books. It was like Cheers–everyone who worked there knew my name. I’d learn from Amazon when upcoming books were being published, and then I’d be there on that day. Then, if I was out of town for business, i’d check ahead of time whether there were any book stores close to me, and make plans to visit them. Even if i didn’t buy, I loved (and still do) just going into a book store. today, however, after fighting the e-book battle, practically all of my books are e-books and I get them from Amazon. The main exception is when an author is coming to town for a signing. Then, I’ll but his/her book for that event.
Peggy: I get my books at the used book stores, thrift stores, Salvation Army, Goodwill, resale stores, and Ebay if the price is right.
Cheryl: I buy a few from Amazon for my Kindle. Nearly all I check out from the library. I have so many books on my ‘to read’ list I don’t mind waiting.
Christine: Was just so anxious to read The Girl Who Takes An Eye for an Eye by David Lagercrantz that I pre-ordered it instead of waiting for the Half Price Book Store to get it in.
Sorry to say – I was disappointed. The other millennial books I could not put down as they were so great. This one and I am not really sure why – but it just did nothing for me. Did not hold my interest – even lost interest in Elizabeth as she did not come off as the absolutely fascinating individual as in the first books. I would say read it, but don’t expect another one anywhere near as good as the previous series.
Carol: I get my books at my local library. I still live in the same town I grew up in.
I’ve been an avid reader all my life.
My favorite place to go as a child was the library.
It was especially fun during the summer when they held a reading contest for kids.
Every summer I would get a blue ribbon for reading the entire list of selected books.
I have grown up loving that library, and I’m there at least once a week.
If they don’t have a book I want they will get it for me from the county lending library
Cathy: Here in my city of Tallahassee, Fl we have several Goodwill Bookstores and they have a large selection of books. We also have several consignment bookstores. I go to one of these for old books or the library. If it is a new book I will order it like Ken Follett’s Column of Fire, 3rd in his Kingsbridge trilogy. But there is always Amazon.
Beth: I get mine from The BookRack in Jackson, MS. Love the guy who runs it, he’s always helpful when I bring in suggested reads from your monthly email.
My mother turned me on to your website and it’s great! Good job, look forward to all the info!
Beth: Thank you for this web site! I am obsessed with reading books in the order in which they were written. Some of the “lists” on book seller sites are not accurate.
When I read of a new book coming out from a favorite author, as soon as it is available on line, I put my name on reserve at the library. The system lets us reserve books when they are “on order” or “in Process”. I still prefer to hold a book and turn pages! Although, sometime I will get an email from an author’s page with a great deal on one of their books in ebook format and, especially if I really want to read it sooner rather than later, I purchase it/
Anne: First choice is the library. The Sacramento library has an endless e-book catalogue for kindle. I put a a book on hold if it’s not immediately available. Even when there are numerous holds, it never takes as long as I think to be available.
Second choice is Amazon.
Sometimes a book in a series is not available as an e-book. Then I go to my favorite used book store. Sometimes I go there just to browse and talk to the wonderful people who work there. They always have suggestions for good books. I share my favorites as well, That is where I discovered Jussi Adler Olsen and Department Q, the series I’m enjoying now.
Enjoy your website, very helpful.
Beverly: I normally don’t get my books at the local library because there is always a long waiting list. I also collect many authors in hardcover so purchasing is always a definite. I do go to the big booksellers to purchase but I also get books at grocery and discount stores the prices are always lower especially when the book has just been released. I am disabled so I’m not always able to go physically to the stores. I love purchasing online at the booksellers and look forward to getting the packages with my new books it’s like Christmas everyday! When looking for older used books or ones to fill in my collections I
go online to used book sites and auction sites many times you can find a book that has been read once and is in like new condition at a really great price. I do read some books
on Kindle but it’s usually new authors I’m checking out. I still prefer to have a book in
my hands holding it close. There is nothing like the smell of a new book crisp and clean
and waiting to be enjoyed by you!
Barbara: When I was a kid, my parents would not allow me to buy books. Which meant I could not read Nancy Drew–since the library did not carry “series” books for kids. I finally borrowed one off a classmate and was dreadfully disappointed, but that is beside the point. We had a good branch library near by and I read ALL the children’s mysteries they had and then started on the Adult collection. When I was older I did BUY books at Garage and used books sales…..and then never read them! There was always a library book waiting to be read and returned so I rarely got around to the OWNED books even as they took over my room.
Now, I have little room for books that I own, so I keep a BARE MINIMUM of them and get the rest via the local Public Library. Now that I have moved to a near by suburb I am in Hog Heaven: I have a branch of the Chicago Public Library to get books from AND a suburban library (with its own network of other suburban library collections) to borrow from. I am STARTING to consider a Kindle: I have a craving to read ALL of Nero Wolfe again and it would be easier on Kindle, but so far I have resisted.
I don’t want to look at a Screen in bed at night, I hear it can keep you up and I read to fall asleep.
Barbara G Meyer
Life is an elephant.
Check out my blog: Follow me on Facebook: Psychic Entertainment by Barbara G Meyer Follow me on Twitter: BG_Meyer
PS: I love your site! I love to read books in order and this is a WONDERFUL tool. I have passed you on to a number of readers also. And at this point, with your help, I have read ALL the Charlotte and Thomas Pitt books (I stopped in the mid-nineties, so I went back about 8 books, and read ALL of them.) Now I am up to date on the William Monks, and trying the Christmas books–not as good, but OK.
Elizabeth: I get 99% of the books I read from the public library. I request most negotiations they are released. Occasionally I will get a free ebook
Diane: The library. I find when new books are going to be released and can pre-order them at the Library. Am now reading Column of Fire
Rhea: I used to buy physical books at bookstores. I loved going to bookstores and buying hardcovers, paperbacks and especially going to book signings so I could meet my favorite authors. But over the past few years, I’ve been suffering from a corneal degeneration and I can no longer read print books. Now I buy all my books from Amazon to read on Kindle so I can enlarge the text. I miss reading actual physical books – my favorite author (as above), Allison Brennan, sent me two of her books, autographed! – but I still had to buy the kindle versions because I could not read the print. I do miss reading a physical book, turning the pages, cracking the binding, using a bookmark, and it being easier to flip back and forth but the upside of kindle books, besides the type size, is that I can carry hundreds of books with me at once.
Oh, my recommendation for this month: Clare Mackintosh’s I Let You Go! It has twists you won’t see coming.
Ali: I believed no to 4 libraries and get ebooks from
Them. Make much use of the hold lists if a title is not available
Alison S: I get all of my books (or audiobooks), from my local Library!
Anita: Hello,
My favorite place is always a bookstore. When I’m out shopping or on vacation, I never pass a bookstore and not go in (to the annoyance of whoever my companion might be). I will also order books from either Amazon or Barnes and Noble. I’m old school when it comes to books. I like the feel and smell of a book, so do not have a Kindle or Nook. I do have a couple of books on my iPad, but that’s not typical for me. One Christmas my son was going to buy me a Kindle, but his fiancée talked him out of it by telling him “Your mom likes to hold a book in her hand.” I didn’t realize she knew me that well, but she was absolutely right.
Always enjoy the column.
Barbara: At my advancing age I now go to the library or to the used book store (which is a good place to recycle books read) to find the books I want to read. Am also going through all my books that I never had time to read.
Ann: I live in New Zealand and books here are expensive so I get the majority of my books from charity book fairs. There are maybe half a dozen each year (Red Cross, Rotary etc.). These book fairs are very popular here.
April: Like you, I used to haunt my local bookstore at release date – but we no longer have independent bookstores and it’s not the same buying from a big chain. I’ve also switched almost entirely to digital – I use the Nook and so order from Barnes and Noble. If I’m starting a new series that is older, I will go to my local used bookstore to load up on any they have, but then anything missing I get on my nook, rather than trying to find it anywhere else. I do have a kindle that I use at times since they have the unlimited reading for less popular books and since I have amazon prime I get a free book from a selection of 6 each month.
Sharon: Excellent question this month!
My new “go to” for books is I honestly, truly, absolutely LOVE this website! They have the best assortment of used books and the prices and rewards program are just perfect for me.
Being retired, I am always, always, always looking for the best deals on every single thing I purchase. Thriftbooks is the best fit for me when it comes to my ever increasing hobby of reading.
I’ve even expanded my reading of novels to revisiting my 8th grade Algebra 1 course and through this website, I’ve purchased the textbook, the workbook, and even the teacher’s edition to help if I reach an area I need extra help with. Being a college graduate, might seem silly to take Algebra 1 again almost 40 years later, but I like the challenge! I am tapping into a part of my brain that hasn’t been used in a while, which is a bit scary and fun at the same time. The best part – there’s no tests to “cram” for as I am taking the course at my own pace and just doing it for enjoyment. My adult children can’t imagine doing math for “fun” and they shake their heads when they see my Algebra books on the kitchen counter!
Now, for newly released books that I just can’t wait any second longer to purchase – like the Jan Karon’s Mitford series books or the Linda Castillo’s Kate Burkholder series – I head to Barnes and Noble where I have a membership card, so at least I save a little off of the full retail price.
Oh, my, how I love my books!
Max: I get my books, whenever I can, at our local library’s neighborhood book sale, which happens once each month. It’s a tradition in my town for readers to donate their used books to a group of volunteers closely affilliated with the library, who arrange the book sale. The selection is huge, and the books are well categorized and alphabetized. They sell for 50 cents to a dollar, and all proceeds go to the library. It’s a great place to browse books and authors, and make a charitable “donation” as well.
If I’m looking for a specific book that I can’t find at the book sale, I usually buy a used copy used on Amazon.
Whenever I discover a new author that I want to explore, I will look for used book “lots” on eBay. A dozen-book lot typically can be had for $2 per book, or less.
By the way, I just read an excellent thriller by a new (to me) author, Patrick Lee. This one has a small element of science fiction. The book is called “Runner” and I can recommend it highly, especially for fans of Jack Reacher-type heros! I picked up a nice hard cover copy at our local book sale for 50 cents, and I plan to look for more by Patrick Lee!
Deborah: I have about 500 books on my wish list from the Palm Beach County library. For my book club, I like to buy the actual book, though, as I page through it to prepare form our meetings. I used to buy them from which has now become another feature on I continue to wander in any new or used bookstore or thrift shop and will pick up books I’ve been wanting to read. I go to the library rarely but will do so if I can’t find a book if I want to read an author in order.
I love your website and have refereed many people who like to do what I do – read an author in order. Thank you!!
Peggy: It depends on how quickly I want the book. I use all of the outlets for purchasing books. I also use the public Library and the Library at church which has a really good selection of books. Not all books in the church library are “preachy books”.
Love to read the “order of books” newsletter.

Since I have an extremely limited income, a voracious appetite for books, and a need for constant and immediate access to many of them in order to do what I do, I depend on free and low-cost sources. The library, though it’s far too small and always “weeding;” Amazon, ABEBooks, Alibris (the “Three Big A’s”), Thrift, Betterworld; eBay; and any library sale or used-book store I can find! I proudly boast that I never buy a book (or a movie or CD) at market price.