Order of Alice McDermott Books

Alice McDermott is an American novelist and the Professor of the Humanities at John Hopkin’s University. She has written a number of novels in her career including Charming Billy which won the US National Book Award for Fiction as well as an American Book Award. (more…)


October 2018 Newsletter

Hi all and welcome to October!

Sorry for the delay in the newsletter this month. I always aim to get it out the first of the month but we were away on the weekend and that put me behind. End of the month/beginning of the month is always a busy time for me and this fell down the priority list a bit unfortunately.

It probably didn’t help that I was feeling a bit overwhelmed on Tuesday, the night I was planning to do the newsletter. I thought to myself “I’ll just make myself a cup of tea and read a book for 20 minutes to reset”. (more…)


Reader Mailbag: Books / Book Series You Re-Read

In the September 2018 Newsletter we asked our readers what books our book series they re-read.

Here are the responses: (more…)


Order of Alex Bledsoe Books

Alex Bledsoe is an American author who specializes in urban fantasy and sword and sorcery tales. His popular series include Eddie LaCrosse, the Memphis Vampires, Tales of Tufa, and Tales of the Firefly Witch. Bledsoe has written over 20 novels as well as over 50 short stories. (more…)


Order of Whatever After Books

Whatever After is a series of children’s novels by Canadian author Sarah Mlynowski. In the Whatever After series, Sarah Mlynowski takes classic fairy tales and puts her own modern spin on them. Abby and her brother Jonah discover that the mirror in their basement can transport them into fairy tales. But when things go wrong, it’s up to them to fix the trouble they caused so everyone can live happily ever after. (more…)


Order of Sarah Mlynowski Books

Sarah Mlynowski is a Canadian author of children’s, YA, romance and women’s fiction novels. She writes the Whatever After series. She is a New York Times bestselling author. Originally from Montreal, Quebec, Sarah graduated with honours in English literature from McGill University. She then went to work for Harlequin Enterprises in Toronto. She would take what she learned from the romance publishing world and use it to write her debut novel, Milkrun. Sarah lives in New York City with her husband and two daughters. (more…)


Order of Alan Carter Books

Alan Carter is an Australian author best known for his Cato Kwong series. The series follows a Detective Senior Sargent named Cato Kwong as he works in the Western Australian town of Fremantle. (more…)


Order of Terry Fallis Books

Terry Fallis (Photo Credit: Tim Fallis)
Terry Fallis is a Canadian author of political satire novels. He earned his Bachelor of Engineering degree from McMaster University, and was elected President of the Students Union. Following graduation, he joined future Prime Minister Jean Chretien’s staff for his Leadership campaign in 1984, and for years would work on various political staffs. He’s also worked for international PR firm Hill and Knowlton and founded Thornley Fallis, a full service communications consulting agency. Terry lives in Toronto with his wife and two sons. (more…)


Order of Cecil Younger Books

Cecil Younger is the protagonist in a series of detective fiction novels by American novelist John Straley. Cecil Younger is a cynical, self-centered P.I. with a drinking problem. The series is set in Sitka, Alaska. (more…)


Order of John Straley Books

John Straley is an American author of crime fiction novels, in addition to being a poet. He writes the Cecil Younger series. John grew up in Washington State, and went to high school in New York City. He attended Grinnell College before moving onto the University of Washington for his writing degree. He moved to Alaska in 1977. Aside from his writing, John has worked as a secretary, horseshoer, wilderness guide, trail crew foreman, millworker, machinist and private investigator. (more…)