Order of A.S. King Books
A.S. King is an American author of young adult novels. When she began writing, her novels began earlier in a character’s life and moved onto adulthood. She was unaware of the young adult market at the time. King was having trouble getting published, as it was difficult to categorize her work. When an editor asked her “something weird,” things came together and she ended up getting published. Her novels are not planned, but instead she starts with a character and develops them as she goes. King spent several years living in Ireland, where she and her husband renovated a farm and she worked in adult literacy. (more…)
Order of M.L. Stedman Books
M.L. Stedman is an Australian author. She is a New York Times bestselling author. Originally from Western Australia, Stedman has lived in London for many years, working as a lawyer. She gave writing a try for the first time in 1997, looking for a tutor. She completed a few writing courses and had some short stories get published in anthologies. (more…)
Order of Jeffrey Cranor Books
Jeffrey Cranor is an American author of science fiction, horror and mystery novels. He co-authors the Welcome to Night Vale series with Joseph Fink. The series started out as a podcast in 2012, which the two authors write. The series is being adapted for television by Gennifer Hutchison of Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad fame for FX. Jeffrey also creates theatre and dance pieces with his wife, choreographer Jillian Sweeney. (more…)
Order of Shirley Jump Books
Shirley Jump is an author of romance and women’s fiction novels. She is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. Shirley began her career in journalism, and sold her first article when she was only 11. She dreamed of being the next Jane Pauley. She hosted two locally broadcasted shoes on her own, plus a late-night comedy show she co-hosted. Eventually, Shirley decided that a career as a freelance writer would suit her better. She sold a couple of essays to anthologies, and then switched to being a romance novelist. Shirley enjoys seeing her books in stores, but confesses that she mostly writes because she’d rather write than clean the toilets, and helps her buy more shoes. (more…)
Order of Malazan Empire Books
The Malazan Empire is a series of fantasy novels by Canadian novelist Ian C. Esselmont. The series is part of the Malaz world along with the Malazan Book of the Fallen series by Steven Erikson. The series expands on occurrences in Erikson’s series, and uses some of the same characters. (more…)
Order of Ian C. Esslemont Books
Ian C. Esslemont is a Canadian author of epic fantasy novels. He writes the Malazan Empire series, and co-created the Malaz world alongside Steven Erikson. Esslemont and Erikson created the world as a role-playing game backdrop, and eventually it became a novel. Ian was born in Brandon, Manitoba and grew up in Winnipeg. He has lived in Southeast Asia. Ian lives in Alaska with his wife, fellow novelist Gerri Brightwell. (more…)
March 2018 Newsletter
Hi all,
Welcome to the March newsletter. Hopefully March brings in some better weather up here in Canada – been constant snow the past couple of months.
It’s one of those things that I don’t mind at first – heck I love it to be honest as it’s an excuse to sit at home with a mug of hot chocolate and a good book – but eventually it just wears me out. (more…)
Reader Mailbag: Reader Mailbag Ideas!
Last months topic was for reader mailbag ideas – topics for future reader mailbags. Here they are: (more…)
Order of Gilly Macmillan Books
Gilly Macmillan is an English author of crime fiction, mystery and suspense novels. She grew up in Swindon, Wiltshire, England, and also spent time in Northern California (where she worked in a cafe across from a bookshop). She studied History of Art at Bristol University and then did her MA in Modern British Art at the Courtauld Institute of Art in London. Gilly lives in Bristol, England with her husband and their three children. (more…)
Order of Jocelyn Davies Books
Jocelyn Davies is an American author of young adult novels. She writes the Beautiful Dark series. Jocelyn is also a book editor of children’s fiction. She studied English and theater at Bates College in Maine. Jocelyn lives in Brooklyn, New York. (more…)