Order of Abigail Roux Books

Abigail Roux (Photo Credit: Adam Rouska)
Abigail Roux is an American author of LGBT-themed romance, mystery and thriller novels. She writes the Cut & Run series. Born and raised in North Carolina, Abigail was once a volleyball star who now coaches high school volleyball. Her specialties in her writing are her sarcasm and historical accuracy. Abigail enjoys following the Atlanta Braves and Carolina Panthers. She lives with her daughter and many pets. (more…)


Order of A.M. Dellamonica Books

AM Dellamonica
A.M. Dellamonica is a Canadian author of science fiction, fantasy and alternate history novels and short stories. Aside from her writing, she also teaches creative writing online at UCLA and reviews science fiction books and websites for SciFi.com and Tor.com. Dellamonica lives with her wife and two cats in Toronto, Ontario. (more…)


Order of Strain Books

Strain by Guillermo Del Toro Chuck Hogan
The Strain Trilogy is a series of horror novels by Guillermo del Toro and Chuck Hogan. “The Strain” refers to a vampiric virus that has infected the passengers of a jet that arrived at JFK Airport in New York City. The virus quickly moves onto the streets of New York City. The series has been adapted into a comic book series by Dark Horse Comics and into a TV series on FX. Guillermo del Toro had originally brainstormed the story as a television series before turning into a book series with novelist Chuck Hogan. (more…)


Order of Guillermo Del Toro Books

Guillermo Del Toro
Guillermo del Toro is a Mexican filmmaker and author. He has made movies in both Spanish and English, including mainstream films such as Blade II, the Hellboy films and Pacific Rim. After making his mark in film, del Toro added “Novelist” to his resume, writing The Strain Trilogy alongside Chuck Hogan. He lives in Agoura Hills, California with his wife and two daughters. (more…)


Order of Soul Screamers Books

Soul Screamers by Rachel Vincent
Soul Screamers is a series of YA fantasy novels by American author Rachel Vincent. The story follows Kaylee Cavanaugh, a high school student who discovers she can predict people’s deaths that have yet to happen. Kaylee’s abilities pit her, her friends and family up against hellions, reapers and a host of other monsters who belong to the Netherworld, a warped reflection of our world. (more…)


Order of Shifters Books

Shifters by Rachel Vincent
The Shifters is a series of urban fantasy novels by American author Rachel Vincent. The series follows an all-American grad student named Faythe Sanders, who is also a shapeshifting werecat. The series is followed by the Wildcats series, which shares some of the same characters. (more…)


November 2015 Newsletter Mailbag

Every month in our monthly newsletter(subscription link to the right) we pose a question to the readers. We get a lot of great responses – too many to include in the newsletter, so we post them all here.

In October, we asked readers if they have ever given up a book series because of the drop in quality. For example – I gave up on the Alex Cross series and the Womens Murder Club series due to how poor I felt the books were getting.

Here’s the feedback we received:



Order of Rachel Vincent Books

Rachel Vincent
Rachel Vincent is an American author of YA and urban fantasy novels. She writes the Shifters and Soul Screamers series. Rachel has her BA in English, which she combined with her overactive imagination make her a natural born writer. She lives with her two black cats in Oklahoma. (more…)


Order of Black Cat Bookshop Mysteries Books

Black Cat Bookshop Mysteries by Ali Brandon
The Black Cat Bookshop Mysteries series is series of cozy mystery novels by American novelist Ali Brandon. The series follows new book store owner Darla Pettistone, who must solve mysteries alongside a black cat named Hamlet. (more…)


Order of Ali Brandon Books

Ali Brandon
Ali Brandon is the pen name of American author Diane A.S. Stuckart. She writes cozy mystery novels like the Black Cat Bookshop Mysteries under the name Ali Brandon, historical romance novels as Alexa Smart and historical mysteries under her real name. Diane is a native Texan who was born in Lubbock, Texas and grew up in Dallas. She also spent time in Oklahoma City. Diane has a Journalism degree from the University of Oklahoma. She lives in South Florida. (more…)