Order of Will Robie Books

Will Robie by David Baldacci
Will Robie is a series of military thriller/suspense novels by American novelist David Baldacci. The United States of America has got its enemies – ruthless enemies that not even the police, FBI or military can combat. In order to stop them, the U.S. government must call upon Will Robie. Robie is an ice-cold assassin who takes his orders seriously and never misses a target. (more…)


Order of Finishing School Books

Finishing School by Gail Carriger
The Finishing School series is a series of YA steampunk adventure novels by American novelist Gail Carriger. The series is set 25 years prior to her Parasol Protectorate series in the same world. The title of the series refers to an academy that is inside an airship that resembles a gigantic caterpillar. Inside, the ladies learn how to finish everything and everyone that is required of them. (more…)


Order of Mortality Doctrine Books

Mortality Doctrine by James Dashner
The Mortality Doctrine is a trilogy of YA science fiction/action-adventure novels by American author James Dashner. In this series, a virtual reality world (known as the “VirtNet”) that is intended for gaming has been hijacked. Michael is the gamer who has been chosen to go into this virtual reality world and stop the hacker from taking innocent gamers hostage. (more…)


Order of Bubba Snoddy Books

Bubba Snoddy by CL Bevill
Bubba Snoddy is the protagonist in a series of cozy/paranormal mystery novels by American novelist C.L. Bevill. Bubba Snoddy is a handsome Southern boy who lives in an old small town Texas mansion. After being accused of murder, Bubba must do some detective work in order to clear his name. (more…)


Order of Oliver Sacks Books

Oliver Sacks
Oliver Sacks (1933-2015) was a British neurologist and author of non-fiction books. The subject of most of his works were his own patients, including the novel Awakenings that was adapted to a film starring Robert De Niro and Robin Williams. Sacks was born in North London to two doctors and evacuated to the Midlands during the Blitz. Like his parents, he would also go into medicine and earned his BA in physiology and biology from The Queen’s College, Oxford University. He would later earn his MA and MB ChB from there as well. Sacks would then move to New York, where he lived from 1966 until his death. (more…)


Order of C.L. Bevill Books

CL Bevill
C.L. Bevill is an American author of many different genres and sub-genres, including mystery, romance, paranormal, fantasy and many more. Besides being an author, she has been in the U.S. Army, cleaned floors, worked as a graphic illustrator, a therapist and been a stay-at-home mom. Constantly at work on her next novel, Bevill lives in Alabama with her husband and daughter. (more…)


Order of Lennox Books

Lennox by Craig Russell
Lennox is the protagonist in a series of historical crime fiction novels by British novelist Craig Russell. The Lennox character is a shady investigator who works the streets of Glasgow, Scotland during the fifties. (more…)


August 2015 Newsletter

Welcome to the first ever OrderOfBooks.com Newsletter. Please excuse any issues, errors etc – it’s our first attempt! If you see any problems don’t hesitate to let us know.

Each month we give away 2 prizes. 1st prize is a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate, and 2nd prize is a free book – our book of the month.

To win all you have to do is be a subscriber. Nothing more! When we go to hit “Publish” we take a list of all of our subscribers, throw them into a random draw and those are the winners.

Our $50 gift certificate winner is Sue-Ann from Kansas City, USA and our book of the month winner is Tricia from St Louis, USA. Both of you have been e-mailed. If you haven’t received an e-mail check your junk mail folder!

This newsletter will be short as we just want to test all the technical stuff out and make sure this works okay. Thanks for reading! (more…)


Order of Jan Fabel Books

Detective Jan Fabel by Craig Russell
Jan Fabel is the protagonist in a series of crime fiction novels by British author Craig Russell. Jan Fabel heads the Murder Squad of the Hamburg Police in Hamburg, Germany. He is half-Scottish and was a historian prior to becoming a police officer. The series includes elements of history and mythology. (more…)


Order of Craig Russell Books

Craig Russell
Craig Russell is a British author of crime fiction and thriller novels. He writes the Jan Fabel series as well as the Lennox series. As his Jan Fabel series is set in Hamburg, Germany, Russell is fluent in Germany and possesses an acute interest in post-war German history. His novels often include historical or mythological themes. (more…)