Order Of Kowalski Family Books
Author of many series, Shannon Stacey really hit it back with the Kowalski Family series.
It begain in 2011 with Exclusive Yours, and has spawned many more novels. Here is the list: (more…)
Order of Shannon Stacey Books
Shannon Stacey is an American author of contemporary romance, paranormal romance and romantic suspense novels. She writes the Devlin Group and Kowalski Family series. Shannon resides in New England with her husband (her Prince Charming) who she married in 1993 and is the Mom of two amazing sons and has a lovely Shih Tzu that is always near her side and two cats that keep her warm while she writes.
Shannon also has another passion besides writing and that’s from May to November, the whole family going four wheeling, riding ATV’s and of course having lots and lots of muddy laundry so she is always busy when she’s not writing at her computer. (more…)
Order Of Tales From The Shadowhunter Academy Books
Sarah Rees Brenanan has written an absolute ton of books, but her most popular series is written with Cassandra Clare, and is known as the Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy.
These two authors have combined to tell the story of Simon Lewis, who is beginning his training at the Shadowhunter academy. (more…)
Order of Sarah Rees Brennan Books
Sarah Rees Brennan was born and raised in Ireland and after living briefly in New York after college, she went onto Surrey, England working on a Creative Writing MA and doing library work she landed up back in Ireland. Growing up in Ireland by the sea during school her teachers tried in vain to get her to speak fluent Irish but Sarah preferred to read the books under her desk in class. Most of these books were Anthony Trollope, Robin McKinley, Diana Wynne Jones and Jane Austen and she still loves these authors till today. (more…)
Order of Sarah Fine Books
Sarah Fine, born on the West Coast, grew up in the Midwest she now resides with her husband and two children on the East Coast. She was born in California and has lived in Maryland, Texas and Toronto, Canada before per parents settled in Indiana. When she’s not writing she works as a child psychologist, having earned her BA in Psychology from Hope College. PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Delaware. Pediatric Psychology Internship at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Postdoctoral Fellowship, specializing in early childhood, at Brown University School of Medicine.
Order of Ryk E. Spoor Books
Ryk E. Spoor is an American author of science fiction, fantasy and space opera novels. He writes the Boundary series. Ryk hails from Omaha, Nebraska, but he has also lived in Georgia, Albany, Pennsylvania and South Dakota. His parents were both teachers one a professor at medical and pharmacy colleges and another at public schools. He is married to Kathleen Moffre and they have four children. Ryk has obtained degrees in mathematics, science, psychology and information science. He has worked in a burger spot, as a bookseller and is currently the R&D Coordinator at International Electronic Machines. When Ryk isn’t writing he enjoys reading, fishing, hanging out online and has been online since 1976 using “Sea Wasp” as his online name since 1977. (more…)
Order of Ruth Cardello Books
Ruth Cardello was born and raised in a small city in Northern Rhode Island. She has lived as a young adult in Boston, Paris, New York, Orlando all moving as far away as she could from her large extended family, being the youngest born of 11 children. She came full circle and resides back in Rhode Island one town over from where she was born because for her family trumped the international scene and the warmer weather. (more…)
Order of Ronie Kendig Books
Ronie Kendig is a wife and mother of four children. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. She hold speaking engagements and also is a volunteer with the American Christian Fiction Writers and is a monthly contributor to the Novel Journey blog and is an ongoing columnist for the International Christian Fiction Writers Blog.
Order of Robin Lee Hatcher Books
Robin Lee Hatcher is an American author of Christian fiction and romance novels. She resides just outside Boise, Idaho with her husband, sharing it with Poppet, the high-maintenance Papillon, and Princess Pinky, the DC (demon cat). Her children are grown with children of their own and Robin loves being a Mom and Grandmother. When she isn’t writing she enjoys movies and her favorite hobby knitting, making prayer shawls. (more…)
Order Of Nexus Books
The Egyptian author Ramez Naam has really hit it big with the Nexus series of novels. He could write non-fiction – his H.G. Wells Award tells us that. But in 2012 he decided to try his hand at science fiction. The Nexus series has really taken off, with the first book winning the Prometheus award. (more…)