Order of Ramez Naam Books
Ramez Naam, born in Cairo, Egypt, and came to the US at the age of 3 who spend 13 years at Microsoft as a computer scientist, leading teams on email, artificial intelligence and web browsing which he holds almost 20 patents in those areas. The 2005 winner of the H.G. Wells Award for his non-fiction book More Than Human: Embracing the Promise of Biological Enhancement he has also worked as a lifeguard and currently resides in Seattle, Washington.
Ramez began publishing science fiction in 2012, with Nexus, from Angry Robot Books. It centers around an experimental nano-drug by that name. Nexus won the 2014 Prometheus Award. The sequel was Crux. In 2014, he was nominated for the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer.
Order of Paige Tyler Books
Paige Tyler resides in Florida with her military husband and their dog and lazy couch bound cat, lovingly referred to as their furbaby. Paige graduated in 2000 from the University of West Florida with a degree in education, however the lure to pursue a career as a writer drew her in, in 2004. Since then she has authored over forty books in a variety of areas including, western, sci-fi, erotica, paranormal and contemporary. (more…)
Order Of Club Destiny Books
Texan and writing under a pen name, the author Nicole Edwards has written many romantic series. None however have proven as popular as the Club Destiny series.
Here are the list of all of her Club Destiny series of novels: (more…)
Order of Nicole Edwards Books
Nicole Edwards is an American author of erotic romance novels. She writes the Club Destiny and Alluring Indulgence series. Nicole (real name Stacy) resides in Texas with her husband and three kids and four dogs. She often hides in her office to avoid the household chaos, her office has been nicknamed “the writing cave” and if she’s not there she can be found hanging out with her kids, dogs or her Kindle. (more…)
Order of Nicky Charles Books
Nicky Charles resides in Canada with her cats and uses Canadian spelling in her writing which sometimes throws off some readers but Nicky finds its a way to support her country. She loves to read, garden and of course write and also loves dark chocolate, taking day trips and finding out of the way places. She is an avid supporter of animal shelters, nature conservancy, food banks and a wide variety of other charities. (more…)
Order Of Bakers Treat Mystery Books
Known as both Nancy J Parra and Nancy Coco, she is the author of the Bakers Treat Mystery series of novels.
She has written many series such as the Perfect Proposal series and the Morgan Brothers. However no series has quite taken off like the Bakers Treat Mystery series has.
It began in 2013 with Gluten for Punishment to solid reviews, and it continues to entertain the audience with each new chapter of the series. (more…)
Order of Nancy J. Parra Books
Nancy J. Parra, also writes under the pen name of Nancy Coco. Nancy resides in the Midwest with her husband, two children and a mixed breed dog named George Bernard who seems to have grown to unexpected proportions. Nancy graduated from the Univeristy of Kansas with a Bachelors degree in Journalism but when she found it was more fun to interview the people in her head she moved to writing fiction. (more…)
Order of Melissa Cutler Books
Melissa Cutler is an American author of romance novels. She is a Southern California native. Melissa has a passion for happily-ever-after stories, blue collar heroes, and intelligent heroines. She divides her time between writing sexy cowboy contemporaries for Kensington Books and edge-of-your-seat romantic suspense for Harlequin. She knows that 99% of food can be improved by adding either hot sauce or whipped cream. (more…)
Order of Maureen Doyle McQuerry Books
Maureen Doyle McQuerry, resides in Richland, Washington near the banks of the Columbia River with her husband and her two children are grown. Their home sees wood ducks, Eagles, owls and raccoons that come to visit their yard. Maureen grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area before it became Silicon Valley. (more…)
Order of Mary McNear Books
Mary McNear is an American author of women’s fiction novels. She writes the Butternut Lake series, and is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. Mary bases her novels on a lifetime of summers spent in a small town on a lake in the northern Midwest. She writes her novels at a local doughnut shop, where she sips Diet Pepsi, observes the hustle and bustle of neighbourhood life. Mary resides in San Francisco with her husband, two teenage children, and a high-strung, tiny white dog named Macaroon. (more…)