Order Of Bluebonnet Books


Author Jessica Clare is the one behind this romance series of novels. She has written multiple series of books, but her most popular are the Bluebonnet series of novels that first began in 2012 with The Girls Guide to (Man) Hunting.

Here is her series of books in the Bluebonnet series: (more…)


Order Of Jessica Clare Books

jessica-clareJessica Clare, is a pen name for Jill Myles who is an incurable romantic and has been since her childhood and resides in Texas with her family, cats and as she says one too many dust bunnies. Jill spends her time playing video games, writing, writing and yes more writing along with reading. Jill admits she reads all the naughty parts of books first and still firmly believes that Little House on the Prairie novels should have been a bit steamier. (more…)


Order of Kathryn Rose Books

Kathryn Rose, born in Toronto, Ontario Canada and grew up in Kitchener-Waterloo area of Southern Ontario she studied literature and philosophy she graduated from York University and she then relocated to Los Angeles, California. She lives with her husband, her constant battling cat and dog, Kathryn loves cooking with her husband, listening to rock music along with reading and writing speculative fiction. (more…)


Order Of Dawn Of Dragons Books

dawn-of-dragonsNot to be confused with Dawn of Dragonfire – a novel in the DragonLore series by the same author – the Dawn of Dragons series of novels is written by top fantasy writer Daniel Arenson. It is a similar series of novels though and you should read the DragonLore series first. The reason is that it follows on from those stories and features the kingdom mentioned in those novels – Requiem.


Order Of Jennifer McAndrews Books

jennifer-mcandrewsJennifer McAndrews, resides in the greater New York Metro area with her husband, children, four cats, three dogs and a dumbo rat named Owen. She has been writing since the seventh grade and refuses to say how many years have passed since then. During high school she served on the newspaper and dabbled in very bad poetry, taking creative writing classes at Nassau Community College and studied the art of essay writing under the tutelage of June Jordan while Jennifer was at SUNY at Stony Brook. (more…)


Order Of Bachelor Firemen Books

bachelor-firemanThe Bachelor Firemen series of novels is written by Jennifer Barnard. They deal with – what else? Bachelor firemen! (more…)


Order of Jennifer Bernard Books

Jennifer Bernard resides in Alaska with her husband and stepdaughter. Jennifer is a Harvard graduate and a former news promo producer but it took her awhile to find her true love in both her personal and professional life. Having grown up in a family of six it was crazy and a bit chaotic. Beginning her love of reading early she ate up books by Victoria Holt, Susan Elizabeth Phillips as well as Shakespeare and Anais Nin just for variety. She graduated from Harvard University with a degree in History and Literature, Jennifer really wanted to major in Creative Writing but was a geek and didn’t fit in with the supercool students. Following graduation she worked for MacMillan Publishing in New York, writing copy for annual encyclopedia updates. Her first book sale was in November 2010 to her dream publisher Avon Books. (more…)


Order Of Roaring Twenties Books

Following on from her success of the Arcadia Bell series of novels, author Jenn Bennett has written the Roaring Twenties series of books.

This series began in 2014 with Bitter Spirits, and has been very well recieved with multiple 5 star reviews of all of the books. It covers the 1920s in San Francisco – a city at the time known for its lust, magic and boozing. (more…)


Order Of Arcadia Bell Books

arcadia-bellThe author of the Arcadia Bell series of books is Jenn Bennett.

Bennett has written multiple series, and the Arcadia Bell is probably her most popular series along with her Roaring Twenties series of novels. (more…)


Order of Jenn Bennett Books

Jenn Bennett was born in Germany and after having received a BA in Fine Arts in Painting from Troy University she has lived a few places and travelled all over she now resides in Atlanta with her husband and two pug dogs. Along with writing she is an award-winning visual artist. Jenn has conjured up more demons than you could imagine and she likes her fairy tales likes she likes her coffee: dark.