Order Of Twelve Kingdoms Books
The Twelve Kingdoms series of novels is written by the award winning author Jeffe Kennedy.
The series of books was started in 2014 with The Mark of Tala, and the second book was released the same year. It is the story of sisters. 3 of them, who have the king as their father. (more…)
Order Of Jeffe Kennedy Books
Jeffe Kennedy, residing in Santa Fe, New Mexico with her very handsome Doctor or Oriental Medicine, two Main coon cats, and a plentiful amount of free-range lizards. Jeffe has been a Ucross Foundation Fellow, was awared a Frank Nelson Doubleday Memorial Award and received the Wyoming Arts Council Fellowship for Poetry. She has authored many items for publications, such as Redbook. Jeffe’s her series The Twelve Kingdoms book one, The Mark of the Tala has recieve a starrted Library Journal review and the sequel, The Tears of the Rose has been nominated for best fantasy romance of the year. (more…)
Order of Jane Smiley Books
Jane Smiley, residing in California with her three children, sixteen (and counting) horses and three dogs. Jane was born in Los Angeles and as a small baby her family moved to St. Louis Missouri where she went to grade school and high school (The John Burroughs School). After graduating from high school, Jane attended Vassar College and in 1971 she attained her BA. She then traveled throughout Europe even working on an archeological dig along with sight-seeing. After her tour of Europe Jane returned to Iowa to attend graduate school at the University of Iowa where she attained her MFA and Ph.D, in 1981 she also started to work at Iowa State University in Ames – teaching until 1996. (more…)
Order Of James Lear Books
James Lear, is the pen name for Rupert Smith who was born in Washington, DC in 1960 but grew up in Surrey and in 1978 moved to London where he has remained ever since. Finding a career in academics was not his forte, he looking into journalism where he remained for about a year where he wrote for a variety of weeklies, monthlies and dailies in the UK and other places.
Rupert James writes blockbuster chicklit literature and James Lear is the erotica side of his writing. (more…)
Order Of Peter Bragg Books
The Peter Bragg Mystery series of novels are written by Jack Lynch. Lynch, a journalism gradute, was a news report before coming an author. He has won various awards and also had an Edgar nomination to his resume.
His books stay similar to real life in terms of character building and background. The private investigator Peter Bragg was previously a reporter. (more…)
Order Of Jack Lynch Books
Jack Lynch, attended the University of Washington where he graduated with a BA in Journalism and went on to be a reporter for several newspapers in the Seattle area, Iowa and Kansas. Jack landed up in San Francisco, California where he worked for a time as a bartender in Sausalito and for a brokerage house he then went on to join the staff at the San Francisco Chronicle. After years at the newspaper he took his leave and wrote the eight Peter Bragg novels which were modeled after many of Jack’s own aspects. He earned two Shamus and one Edgar nominations along with a throng of loyal future crime writers. Jack Lynch passed away in 2008 at the age of 78. (more…)
Order Of Corcoran Team Books
In this listing, we are covering both the Corcoran Team series of books, as well as the Corcoran Team: Bulletproof bachelors series of books.
Both these series are written by the award winning author HelenKay Dimon. The Corcoran Team are an undercover agency which is the upmost of importance for its members. At least it is until they meet some women…. (more…)
Order of HelenKay Dimon Books
HelenKay Dimon, having relocated for her husbands work from Maryland to California, this is where she now calls home. She worked for twelve years as a divorce attorney specializing in unhappy endings. Now she fills her days with romance writing instead of days in court, whiny and complaining clients. (more…)
Order Of Emlyn Chand Books
Emlyn Chand, from the start of her life Emlyn has considered books as some of her best friends and she also believes that she was born with a fountain pen in her left hand. Emlyn has three novels and three children’s books and has no plans of stopping. She also enjoys leading a nearly five hundred classics book group and is also the show runner at Novel Publicity. (more…)
Order of Maiden Lane Books
Elizabeth Hoyt, author of various series such as the Legend of the Four Soldiers, has reached her biggest popularity with the Maiden Lane historical romance series. First penned in 2010 with the novel Wicked Intentions, the series has caught on big time and she is releasing more and more books in the series. (more…)