Order of Owen Archer Books

Owen Archer by Candace Robb
Owen Archer is the protagonist in a series of historical mystery novels by American novelist Candace Robb. The series is set in medieval England during the late 14th century. Owen Archer works as a spy (reluctantly) for John Thoresby, Archbishop of York. (more…)


Order of Candace Robb Books

Candace Robb
Candace Robb is an American novelist of historical mystery novels as well as historical fiction novels (as Emma Campion). She writes the Owen Archer and the Margaret Kerr series. Candace has been studying medieval history for a long time, having studied for her PhD in Medieval and Anglo-Saxon literature. She splits her time between Seattle and the United Kingdom (where she often researches for her novels). (more…)


Order of Douglas E. Richards Books

Douglas E Richards
Douglas E. Richards is an American author of science fiction/thriller novels for adults and children. He writes the Prometheus Project series. Douglas grew up in Cincinnati, graduated from Finneytown High School and earned his B.S. in microbiology from Ohio State University. He then got his Master’s degree in molecular biology from the University of Wisconsin and his MBA from the University of Chicago. Richards lives in San Diego, California with his wife and two children. (more…)


Order of City Of London Books

City of London by J Jackson Bentley
City of London is a series of thriller novels by British novelist J. Jackson Bentley. This is a contemporary, gritty and believable thriller series set in London, England. (more…)


Order of J. Jackson Bentley Books

J Jackson Bentley
J. Jackson Bentley is a British author of thriller novels. He writes the City of London and Emirate of Dubai series. Bentley is a member of the International Thriller Writers (ITW) and attends literary festivals all around the world. He splits his time between Dubai and Florida. (more…)


Order of Murder 101 Mysteries Books

Murder 101 Mysteries by Maggie Barbieri
Murder 101 Mysteries is a series of cozy mystery novels by American novelist Maggie Barbieri. The Murder 101 Mysteries series follows Alison Bergeron, who works as an English professor at a small Catholic college (St. Thomas) in The Bronx. Soon, Maggie will end up having to go from a professor to an amateur detective… (more…)


Order of Maggie Barbieri Books

Maggie Barbieri
Maggie Barbieri is an American author of mystery and thriller novels. She writes the Murder 101 Mysteries and Maeve Conlon series. During the day, Maggie writes and edits college textbooks. When she’s not working at her day job, Maggie writes mystery novels. She lives in the Hudson Valley area of New York with her husband and two children. (more…)


Order of Detective Greene Books

Detective Greene by Robert Rotenberg
Detective Greene is a main character in a series of legal thriller/mystery novels by Canadian author Robert Rotenberg. The series follows Detective Ari Greene and Officer Daniel Kennicott and is set in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (more…)


Order of Robert Rotenberg Books

Robert Rotenberg
Robert Rotenberg is a Canadian novelist of mystery/thriller novels. He writes the Detective Greene series. Rotenberg studied English literature at the University of Toronto and earned his law degree from Osgoode Hall Law School and earned his Master’s degree in International Law from the London School of Economics. Rotenberg is also a practicing lawyer who is a partner in the firm Rotenberg Shidlowski Jesin. (more…)


Order of Robert Whitlow Books

Robert Whitlow
Robert Whitlow is an American author of Christian fiction and legal thriller novels. He is also a filmmaker, having produced film adaptations of his novels The List, The Trial and Jimmy as well as being a practicing attorney. He earned his Juris Doctor degree from the University of George School of Law. Whitlow never dreamed of becoming an author until he began thinking about how much the past influences the present, and his wife convinced him to turn his thoughts into a book. He lives in North Carolina. (more…)