Order of A.C. Gaughen Books

ac-gaughenA.C. Gaughen, debut novel Scarlet in what is the Scarlet series with the third book due for release May 15, 2015. She has a Masters in Creative Writing from St. Andrews University in Scotland as well as a Masters in Education from Harvard University. A.C. Gaughen at Boston GLOW, she serves as Director of Girls Leadership, a non-profit which creates opportunities for teen girls in the Greater Boston area. (more…)


Order of Lost Lords Books

Author of the Fallen Angels series, Mary Jo Putney is back with another epic series which is the Lost Lords Series of books.

With generally one release a year, the series begin with Loving A Lost Lord. The NYT Best Selling Author proves she still has it with this epic series. If you’ve read any Putney before and liked it, you’ll love these. (more…)


Order Of Fallen Angels Books (Mary Jo Putney)

fallen-angelsThe Fallen Angels series of novels is written by Mary Jo Putney. The series initially started in 1993, with the book Thunder and Roses. The initial book features the Demon Earl, Nicolas Davies who moves to a small village in Wales. He just wants to be left alone – but the school teacher Clare Morgan needs him to save the village. (more…)


Order of Mary Jo Putney Books

Mary Jo Putney
Mary Jo Putney born in Upstate New York is a graduate of Syracuse University with a degree in eighteenth-century literature and industrial design, she currently resides near Baltimore, Maryland. Mary Joe was born with an addition to reading sadly there is no cure for this addiction. She has won many awards for her writing, including for consecutive Golden Leaf awards for Best Historical Romance, two Romance Writers of America RITA awards as well as many others including some from online reader sites. Mary Jo Putney is the author of twenty-six novels. (more…)


Order of Timothy Zahn Books

Timothy Zahn is an American author of science fiction and fantasy novels. Timothy Zahn lives in the Pacific Northwest and is the 1984 Hugo Award-winning author of more than twenty novels including the all time bestselling original Star Wars ™ Heir to the Empire. He has the Blackcollar trilogy and seven books so far in his Cobra series, he also has seven novels featuring Grand Admiral Thrawn and ten Star Wars Expanded Universe novels. (more…)


Order Of Edie Harris Books

edie-harrisEdie Harris, lives and works in Chicago, Illonis Edie studied Creative Writing and English at University of Iowa and Grinnell College. Her nights are spend in the world of romance fiction and by day she writes and edit contract proposals. (more…)


Order Of Slab City Blues Books

slab-city-bluesThe Slab City Blues series is authored by Anthony Ryan. Ryan is also the author of the infamous fantasy series, Raven’s Shadow.

They are Science Fiction Detective stories, focusing on Inspector Alex McLeod, who along with being a detective, also has a disfigurment, is a veteran of the war, and sadly a widower. (more…)


Order Of Raven’s Shadow Books

ravens-shadowThe Raven’s Shadow series of novels is written by Anthony Ryan, who also wrote the Slab City Blues series. Beginning in 2012 with the novel Blood Song, it features the story of Vaelin Al Sorna. (more…)


Order of Anthony Ryan Books

Anthony Ryan is a British author of fantasy novels. He writes the Raven’s Shadow and Slab City Blues series. Anthony works full-time as a researcher with a degree in History. Anthony Ryan was born in Scotland in 1970 but has spend most of his life living in London, where he currently resides. (more…)


Order of Jacquelyn Mitchard Books

Jacquelyn Mitchard
Jacquelyn Mitchard is an American author of fiction, non-fiction, young adult novels and children’s books. She is also a journalist. Mitchard was raised outside of Chicago, Illinois – the daughter of a plumber from Newfoundland and a hardware store clerk and member of the Lac du Flambeau Chippewa Cree tribe. Jacquelyn began her journalism career in 1979 and began writing for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. She wrote a weekly column called The Rest of Us: Dispatches from the Mother Ship that was syndicated in 125 newspapers. While writing for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jacquelyn began her first novel, The Deep End of the Ocean. The novel got the attention of Oprah, who helped it sell nearly 3 million copies in approximately two years. (more…)