Order of Sons Of Encouragement Books

Sons of Encouragement by Francine Rivers
Sons of Encouragement is a series of Christian fiction novellas by American author Francine Rivers. Each novella follows a different character who was in the shadow of a hero and quietly changed eternity. The characters include Aaron (the priest), Caleb (the warrior), Jonathan (the prince), Amos (the prophet) and Silas (the scribe). Each of these characters gave their all, even though their reward may never come until the next life. (more…)


Order of Lineage Of Grace Books

Lineage of Grace by Francine Rivers
The Lineage of Grace series is a series of Christian fiction novellas by American author Francine Rivers. The series is about five women – Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary – each of whom is faced with a challenge that will define them. Each of the women will play a part in the lineage of Jesus Christ. The series won the 2009 Retailer’s Choice Award. (more…)


Order of Francine Rivers Books

Francine Rivers
Francine Rivers is an American author of romance novels, including Christian fiction and romance novels. She writes the Lineage of Grace and Sons of Encouragement series. Francine had wanted to be an author since she was a child. She got her B.A. in English and journalism from the University of Nevada, Reno and went into a career writing for a newspaper. She started writing historical romance at the beginning of her career and became a born-again Christian in 1986. Francine lives with her husband in Northern California. She has three children and five grandchildren. (more…)


Book Review: The Three Count by Jimmy Korderas

mcgawWritten by Graeme McGaw

I’ve read practically every wrestling related autobiography there is, so when I heard that ex-WWE referee Jim Korderas was reading a book, I was quite excited. I was very curious to see how things would be from a new perspective. I’ve read enough books from wrestlers – it’d be interesting to see a referees take on it.

The book is entitled The Three Count: My Life in Stripes as a WWE Referee. Released at the beginning of April in 2013, it is published by ECW press and comes in at approximately 234 pages. Here is the Amazon Listing.

If you’ve read any wrestling autobiographies, you know that many of them go the big “tell-all” route, where many secrets are spilled both good and bad about wrestlers and things going on inside the industry. The sort of book that provides lots of water cooler talk with your friends after reading.

This is not that sort of book.

Instead, this is the book of a wrestling fan, who happened to get his dream job – working within the wrestling industry. As he wasn’t a wrestler he was never really dragged down with the politics and usual things that go in inside the wrestling business, so he is able to come out of it still full of optimism and happiness, with no bitterness at all.


While this isn’t the type of book I could read often – it was a very refreshing change from the usual wrestling autobiography. It was a very pleasant read, and one that left me with a smile on my face. Korderas is someone who has so much enthusiasm for the business and throughout the book, his enthusiasm never waned. This was someone who lived their dream.

There was no real negativity, either about the wrestling business or certain wrestlers. Often that will occur in a book because the author is still trying to get back into the WWE – but with Korderas, that really wasn’t the case. Early in the book, it’s established that he is a very positive, optimistic thinker who has a strong passion for the wrestling business. While writing the book, it’s obvious that the lack of negativity is not about politicking – but more just because he IS that sort of positive person.

Jimmy takes us through his career from starting, to refereeing such matches as The Undertaker versus Edge at Wrestlemania. He also provides a lot of education into the referees perspective – something most of us never consider when watching wrestling. It was fascinating to read, and really see what it takes to be a referee and what is involved with that.

Jimmy also shares a lot of stories from the road. Again, these are more of the “tame” variety but they are still fun to read. It was good to hear stories about the wrestlers at the hotel and what they do, and the games that they play.

Korderas also doesn’t fade away from the controversial topics. He was the referee in the ring when Owen Hart sadly died, and he dedicates a whole chapter to that. He also has whole chapters dedicated to both Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit.

There was quite a few things about the writing of the book which bothered me, and makes me wish he had a co-author to assist him. Jimmy would often preface a story with “Okay, let me tell you what happened”, “Let me Explain”, or something similar. It was a small thing – but it came up so often that it frustrated me – just tell the story, we know you’re going to tell it. In another spot while talking about bad flights, he later states “Oh I forgot to mention something about Ric Flair on the flight”…why not just go back and edit it in? Maybe that was intentional but it just came off amateurish.

A lot of that is probably to do with Jimmys post-WWE career. Korderas went into both radio and television as a wrestling analyst. The style of writing is the type that would be perfect for telling stories on radio and television, so that’s probably how this sort of style came about. It doesn’t put you off the book at all – it’s just a slight annoyance that occurs.

Overall, this was a very refreshing perspective on wrestling, and one I really enjoyed reading. It’s hard not to get hooked as you can really tell right from the beginning the passion that Jimmy had for the business, and his job. While I much prefer books like Bret Harts, Chris Jerichos and Bob Hollys – I’d recommend reading this because you’ll gain a lot more respect for referees in general, and it’s the type of book that will put a smile on your face reading the writers enthusiasm.

It is available in both Kindle Edition and Paperback. The Kindle edition is just $9.64 – well worth it – available here.


Order of Gallagher Girls Books

Gallagher Girls by Ally Carter
Gallagher Girls is a series of YA chick lit novels by American author Ally Carter. The main character is a teenage girl named Cammie, who Ally describes as having average looks (such as average height, average weight, etc.), but prettier than she gives herself credit for and intelligent. The novels are told through her perspective. Cammie is a student at the Gallagher Academy, an all-girls school that produces spies. (more…)


Order of Ally Carter Books

Ally Carter
Ally Carter is an American author of chick lit novels, including novels for both adult and young adult readers. She writes the Gallagher Girls series, Heist Society series and the Cheating at Solitaire duology. Ally attended Oklahoma State University and Cornell University and then went into the agricultural industry before switching careers to become a writer. Her novels have been published in over 20 countries and have appeared on the New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestseller lists. Ally lives in Oklahoma. (more…)


Order of Martin Beck Books

Martin Beck by Maj Sjowall Per Wahloo
Martin Beck is the lead character in a series of Scandinavian crime fiction novels by Swedish novelists Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo. Martin Beck is a Stockholm police detective. Martin is described as a tall smoker and has a weak immune system. He has two teenage sons. Al of the novels have been adapted to film and/or television in various languages, most notably by Walter Matthau in the 1973 film The Laughing Policeman. The series is also known as The Story of a Crime. (more…)


Order of Maj Sjowall Books

Maj Sjowall
Maj Sjowall was a Swedish author of crime fiction who was best known with her collaborations with her late partner Per Wahloo. Her novels with Wahloo featured Swedish police detective Martin Beck. Their novel The Laughing Policeman won an Edgar Award for Best Novel and was also adapted to film (starring Walter Matthau). In addition to being a published novelist, Maj is also a translator. (more…)


Order of Per Wahloo Books

Per Wahloo
Per Wahloo (1926-1975) was a Swedish author of crime fiction. He is sometimes referred to as “Peter” in English. Per is best known for his work as one half of the writing team of Sjowall and Wahloo along with common law partner and fellow Marxist Maj Sjowall. Together, they wrote the Martin Beck series. Their novel The Laughing Policeman won the Edgar Award for Best Novel in 1971. Before becoming an author, Per worked as a crime reporter. He died at age 48 of cancer in Malmo, Sweden. (more…)


Order of Inspector Maigret Books

Inspector Jules Maigret by Georges Simenon
Inspector (or Commissaire) Jules Maigret is the lead character in a series of detective fiction novels by Belgian author Georges Simenon. Maigret is a French detective who works for the Paris Brigade Criminelle. He is best known for smoking his pipe, his detective style of mixing intuition with method and his love of alcohol. While the character is based in France, he also has ended up working in Belgium, the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Holland and the USA. The series has been adapted into several television and radio adaptations in several different languages. (more…)