Order of Wild Riders Books

Wild Riders by Jaci Burton
Wild Riders is a series of erotic romance novels by American novelist Jaci Burton. The series follows a government agency disguised as a biker gang, its various members and their romantic lives. These bikers were recruited by General Grange Lee, who took troubled teenagers and converted them, giving them a sense of honour. (more…)


Order of Demon Hunters Books

Demon Hunters by Jaci Burton
Demon Hunters is an paranormal romance series by American author Jaci Burton. (more…)


Order of Storm For All Seasons Books

Storm For All Seasons by Jaci Burton
Storm For All Seasons is a series of erotic romance novels by American novelist Jaci Burton. Each novel in the series follows a different member of the Storm clan, including Aidan Storm, Shannon Storm, Kaitlyn Storm and Logan Storm. The series is connected to Jaci’s Devlin Dynasty series through the novel Fall Fury. (more…)


Order of Devlin Dynasty Books

Devlin Dynasty by Jaci Burton
Devlin Dynasty is a series of erotic romance novels by American novelist Jaci Burton. The series follows the Devlin family in their romantic endeavours, including Max, Conner, Jason and Chantal Devlin. (more…)


Order of Jaci Burton Books

Jaci Burton
Jaci Burton is an American author of erotic romance. She writes the Devlin Dynasty, Storm For All Seasons, Demon Hunters, Wild Riders, Play-By-Play and other series. Jaci fell in love with reading romance novels while she was raising her kids. Once they grew up, she found some extra time and was encouraged by her husband to giving writing a try. (more…)


Order of Sheriff Chick Charleston Books

Sheriff Chick Charleston by AB Guthrie Jr
Sheriff Chick Charleston is the protagonist in a series of western/mystery novels by American author A.B. Guthrie, Jr. The series follows the title character and sidekick Jason Beard as they must solve murders – a crimes that were seldom committed in small Montana towns such as theirs. (more…)


Order of A.B. Guthrie, Jr. Books

AB Guthrie Jr
A.B. Guthrie, Jr. (1901-1991) was an American novelist of western fiction in addition to being a screenwriter. Guthrie grew up reading, and tried to write fiction in high school. He went on to major in journalism and then started working at the Lexington Leader – a job he held for 22 years before he started writing fiction, which he started to do during his afternoons off. He wrote one series, the Sheriff Chick Charleston series. Guthrie was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for fiction for the novel The Way West and was nominated for an Academy Award for the screenplay to the classic film Shane (based on Jack Schaefer‘s novel). (more…)


Order of Joe Copp Books

Joe Copp by Don Pendleton
Joe Copp, Private Eye is a series of hardboiled detective fiction novels by American novelist Don Pendleton. Copp is a 6’3″, 260 lb. private investigator. A common theme in the series is the novel opening with Copp on tailing a criminal, then Copp (in the first person) tells the story of how he got into the scenario he is in presently, in flashback form. (more…)


Order of Ashton Ford Books

Ashton Ford by Don Pendleton
Ashton Ford is a series of mystery novels by American novelist Don Pendleton. Ashton Ford is a former intelligence officer with the U.S. Navy, a top-notch psychic and a Renaissance man. He uses his psychic powers in order to assist those who are in crisis as a detective, able to see back into the past or into the future. (more…)


Order of Mack Bolan Books

Mack Bolan Superbolan by Don Pendleton
Mack Bolan is a fictional character created by American author Don Pendleton who appears in the Mack Bolan (aka SuperBolan) action-adventure series, which is a spin-off of his earlier series, The Executioner. The character also appears in the Stony Man series and others. Mack Bolan is Vietnam vet and an expert sniper who recorded over 90 kills during his time serving, earning him the nickname “The Executioner.” With that said, he treated Vietnamese civilians with respect and care, giving him the nickname “Sgt. Mercy.” He is also the leader of the Stony Man organization. (more…)