The Hunger Games “Challenged” By ALA

Written by Brandon Williams on Sunday, April 8th, 2012

For the second consecutive year, The Hunger Games books have been labelled among the most “challenged” books by the American Library Association.

A challenge means “a formal, written complaint filed with a library or school requesting that a book or other material be restricted or removed because of its content or appropriateness.” (more…)


Nora Roberts Celebrates 200th Novel

Written by Brandon Williams on Sunday, April 8th, 2012

Nora Roberts will celebrate her 200th full-length novel, The Witness, at a book signing at Turn the Page Bookstore. While the book won’t be released until April 17th, those who attend the book signing will be able to purchase a copy before the general public does. (more…)


Order of Chelsea Cain Books

Chelsea Cain is an American author who writes thriller novels as well as humour books. Cain grew up on a hippie commune and wrote her master’s thesis based on her memoirs. From there, her thesis became Dharma Girl and got published. (more…)


Order of Max Holt/Full Books

The Full series (also known as the Max Holt series) is a series of novels by American authors Janet Evanovich and Charlotte Hughes. They feature the main characters Maximillian Holt and Jamie Swift. The series is set in South Carolina, where Hughes grew up. (more…)


Order of Stephanie Plum Books

Stephanie Plum is a fictional character and series of books by American author Janet Evanovich. The character is portrayed by Katherine Heigl (pictured above) in the new movie One for the Money, based on the novel of the same name. Evanovich got the idea for a bounty hunter character from Robert De Niro in Midnight Run. (more…)


Order of Janet Evanovich Books

Janet Evanovich is an American novelist best known for her Stephanie Plum mystery novels. Before she started the Stephanie Plum series, Evanovich wrote romance adventure novels under the pseudonym Steffie Hall. After writing a dozen romance novels, she got tired of writing sex scenes and decided she would rather write action, thus moving on with her career. (more…)


Order of Kirk McGarvey Books

Kirk McGarvey is a fictional character and techno-thriller series created by American novelist David Hagberg. McGarvey was a CIA agent who was trained to fight communism at all costs. During the Carter administration, he was forced into retirement in favour of a kinder, gentler bureau. Now he is in his mid-40s, helping run a bookstore in Switzerland. (more…)


“Fifty Shades” Parody Gets Publisher

Written by Jenny Brady on Thursday, April 5th, 2012

Well, we should’ve seen it coming. Publisher Da Capo Press has signed a deal with Andrew Shaffer to publish Fifty Shames of Earl Grey. (more…)


E.L. James Weighs In On “The Hunger Games”

Written by Jenny Brady on Thursday, April 5th, 2012

Incase what you were wondering what British author E.L. James thought about The Hunger Games, here is your answer… (more…)


Order of David Hagberg Books

David Hagberg is an American novelist who writes techno-thrillers. Some consider him to be a cross between Tom Clancy and Ian Fleming. His main series features spy Kirk McGarvey, who tracked Obama bin Laden down in urban Pakistan long before it was done in real life, and shot him in the head. Hagberg co-authored a novel about alternative energy alongside Senator Byron L. Dorgan. (more…)