The Kingdom Keepers is a series of young adult adventure novels by American author Ridley Pearson. The series follows a group of kids called the Kingdom Keepers. Led by Finn Whitman, other members include Charlene Turner, Terry/Donnie Maybeck, Willa Angelo, Dell Philby, Amanda Lockhart, Jessica Lockhart, Wayne Kresky and Wanda Alcott. The antagonists of the […]
Ridley Pearson is an American author of suspense and thriller novels as well as children’s adventure books. His adult novels include the Walt Fleming series, Chris Klick series and the Lou Boldt and Daphne Matthews series. When asked by his daughter how Peter Pan met Captain Hook, Ridley teamed up with Dave Barry to start […]
The Peter and the Starcatchers and Never Land series are two series of children’s adventure books by American authors Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson. Ridley came up with the concept for the Peter and the Starcatchers series when his young daughter asked him how Peter Pan met Captain Hook, which became a prequel series to […]
The Famous Five is a series of novels by British novelist Enid Blyton. The series features a group of kids who go on adventures that most kids could only dream about. The group consists of Julian, Dick, Anne and George (a tomboy) and her dog Timmy.
Percy Jackson is a fictional character created by American author Rick Riordan who is featured in the young adult fantasy adventure series Percy Jackson and the Olympians and also appears in the Heroes of Olympus series. Percy is a 12 year-old (and ages throughout the series) who suffers from ADHD and dyslexia, who is attacked […]
Wilbur Smith was an Anglo-African novelist of historical adventure novels. Having been born in what is now Zambia (and was once Northern Rhodesia), he largely writes about his former home continent. He is the author of three series – the Courtney Family series, the Ballatyne Family series and the Egyptian series. Smith lived in London, […]
Alpha Force is a series of young adult adventure novels by British author Chris Ryan. The name “Alpha” comes from each protagnists’s first name; Alex, Li, Paulo, Hex and Amber. Each teenager in the group has his or her own talents, which helps out when they’re forced to work together as a team.
Chris Ryan is a pen name to an English author who was once a British Special Forces operative and soldier. Ryan was part of the Bravo Two Zero patrol that was captured in Iraq during the First Gulf Far, alongside fellow novelist Andy McNab. Ryan was discharged from the SAS in 1994.
Louis L’Amour (1908-1988) was an American novelist, or as he would say, “an American storyteller.” The majority of his work was western novels (which he referred to as “Frontier novels”), although he had some science fiction and historical fiction books in there as well. Several of his books were adapted into films, including Crossfire Trail, […]
Dirk Pitt is a fictional character created by American author Clive Cussler. The Dirk Pitt series is not only widely considered Cussler’s best work, but it is his largest series of novels. Currently, the series spans over twenty books and two movies. Dirk Pitt is an adventurer with a rangy build and quick wit. The […]