The Sword and Circlet series, also known as the Irissa and Kendric series, is a series of fantasy novels by American author Carole Nelson Douglas. The series includes the Six of Swords duology (Six of Swords & Exiles of the Rynth) and the Sword & Circlet trilogy (Keepers of Edanvant, Heir of Rengarth & Seven […]
Carole Nelson Douglas is an American novelist of mystery novels (including cozies), suspense novels, thriller novels, fantasy novels and women’s fiction. She writes the Sword and Circlet fantasy series, Midnight Louie series, Delilah Street: Paranormal Investigator series and Irene Adler series. She went to college for theatre and English literature before graduating and working as […]
The Time Quintet is a series of YA fantasy/science fiction novels by American novelist Madeleine L’Engle. The Time Quintet follows Meg Murry and her little brother Charles Wallace (C.W.) and their friend Calvin O’Keefe. The three are working together in order to save the world from evil. The novel A Wrinkle in Time won the […]
Brent Weeks is an American author of fantasy novels. He got his degree in English from Hillsdale College in Michigan. Before becoming an author, he worked as a teacher and a bartender. He writes the Night Angel Trilogy and the Lightbringer series. Brent and his wife, Kristi, live in Oregon.
Patrick Rothfuss is an American author of fantasy novels. He is the author of the Kingkiller Chronicle. Patrick earned his B.S. in English from University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point in 1999. During his time, he wrote for the campus newspaper The Pointer. He then got his M.A. from Washington State University. He then went back to […]
The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel is a series of young adult fantasy novels by Irish novelist Michael Scott. The series begins when a pair of 15 year-old twins, Sophie and Josh, find out that one of their employers (and title character, Nicholas Flamel) is an immortal and is in grave danger without the […]
Michael Scott is an Irish author of science fiction, fantasy, adventure and horror novels and short stories, as well as romance novels when writing as Anna Dillon. In addition to that, he has also edited several anthologies on Irish folklore. Michael has written for adults, young adults and children. He is the author of The […]
S.M. Stirling is a Canadian-American author of science fiction, fantasy and alternate history novels. He writes The Fifth Millennium, Draka, Raj Whitehall, The Change and several other series. He has also written for series he didn’t create, such as Terminator 2, The Ship Who Sang, Riftwar and others. His books focus on military-based cultures, cultural […]
Redwall is a series of children’s fantasy novels by English author Brian Jacques. The series is about the battle between good and evil, where the good animal characters include the mice, badgers, voles, hares, moles and squirrels battling the rats, weasels, ferrets, snakes and stoats. The series is very realistic, which includes characters being killed […]
Brian Jacques (1939-2011) was an English author of children’s fantasy novels. He is best known for his Redwall series. Brian grew up in Liverpool, where as a boy, his father read him the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Robert Louis Stevenson and Edgar Rice Burroughs. Despite his French-looking last name (which is actually pronounced […]