Beautiful Creatures (also known as the Caster Chronicles) is a series of fantasy novels by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. Set in the fictional town of Gatlin, South Carolina, the series follows Ethan Wate – a 16 year-old sophomore. Ethan soon meets Lena, a Caster (one who has the ability to use magic) who must […]


Kami Garcia is an American author of YA fantasy novels, most notably the Beautiful Creatures books that she co-authored with Margaret Stohl. Although her roots are in the South, Kami grew up in Washington DC, where she wore black and wrote poetry in her spiral notebook. She is very superstitious and a strong believer in […]


Tim Ellis is an English author of several different genres, including crime fiction, historical fiction and thrillers (to name a few). He served in the Royal Army Medical Corps for 22 years and made Regimental Sergeant Major. He then worked in a few positions in education before retiring to write fiction full-time. He writes several […]


The Secret Circle is a series of YA horror/fantasy/romance novels by American author L.J. Smith and later by Aubrey Clark. The series focuses on twelve teenage witches who form a secret coven called “The Secret Circle.” The main character is a beautiful and mild-mannered 16 year-old girl named Cassie Blake who moves to New England […]


Riley Bloom is the featured character in a series of YA fantasy novels by American author Alyson Noel. Riley is the younger sister of Ever, the main character of Alyson Noel’s The Immortals series. Riley has died and is now in the afterlife – a place called Here and a time called Now.


Kate Wilhelm (1928-2018) was an American author of science fiction, mystery and fantasy novels. She was the wife of fellow sci-fi author Damon Knight, who she established the Clarion Writers Workshop and the Milford Writer’s Workshop with. She has been awarded one of the first Solstice Awards (one of three), the Kristen Lohman Award, plus […]


The Imager Portfolio is a series of fantasy novels by American novelist L.E. Modesitt, Jr. The books are set on a fictional world called Terahnar, which is home to a small group of people called Imagers, who are able to create objects through visualization. However, if imaging is uncontrolled, it can end up killing the […]


The Corean Chronicles is a series of fantasy novels by American author L.E. Modesitt, Jr. The series is set on the fictional world of Corus, where strange beasts roam and the people (called the Talent) can use magic to perform astonishing feats. Some of the beasts are rarely seen and are actually made up of […]


The Spellsong Cycle is a series of high fantasy novels by American author L.E. Modesitt, Jr. The series is set in a world called Erde that has a system of magic that is based around music. The main character is a middle-aged music instructor named Anna Marshall from Ames, Iowa that is magically transported to […]


The Saga of Recluce is a series of fantasy novels by American author L.E. Modesitt, Jr. The series is about the changing, often confrontational, relationship between the genetic descendants of two technologically advanced cultures, representatives of which have been marooned on a sparsely inhabited world and regressed to the level of the existing inhabitants’ primitive […]