Bryant and May is a series of crime fiction/mystery novels by English novelist Christopher Fowler. The series follows Arthur Bryant and John May, two detectives who are part of the Peculiar Crimes Unit, a fictional unit in London. The series is set between World War II and present times. The series often includes flashbacks to […]
Roma Sub Rosa is a series of historical mysteries by American novelist Steven Saylor. The main character is a fictional detective named Gordianus the Finder, but over the course of the series, he interacts with several historical Roman figures like Julius Caesar, Mark Antony, Pompey, Sulla, Cicero and others.
The Ruthenia Quintet is a series of historical thriller/mystery novels by American author Olen Steinhauer. The series is set in Eastern Europe. The series starts in 1948 and ends with the fall of communism in 1989. One book represents a decade. Each book follows a different main character. The series is also known as The […]
Bernie Gunther is the central character in a series of historical mystery/thriller novels by British novelist Philip Kerr. Bernie fought on the Turkish Front during World War I and was a cop before becoming a private eye in Berlin before World War II. His business is heating up due to the rise of the Nazi […]
Easy Rawlins is the protagonist in a series of historical mystery novels by American author Walter Mosley. Easy is a WWII vet-turned-hardboiled detective based out of Los Angeles. The books are set in the 1940s up to the 1960s. The series takes a hard look at racial inequities experienced by African-Americans. The character was portrayed […]