The Mitchell & Markby Village Mysteries is a series of crime fiction novels by British author Ann Granger. Set in the Cotswold villages of England, the series follows Chief Inspector Markby and girlfriend Meredith Mitchell, as they partner up to solve mysteries. The series is also known as the Meredith and Markby series.
Ann Granger is a British novelist of crime fiction. She writes the Mitchell & Markby, Fran Varady, Lizzie Martin and Campbell & Carter series. Ann earned her Modern Languages degree from the University of London and went on to teach English in France for a year. Next, she worked at British consulates and embassies in […]
Denton is a series of historical mystery novels by American novelist Kenneth Cameron. The series follows General Denton, a veteran of the U.S. Civil War and a former sheriff. He is now living in London, England and working as a novelist during the turn of the century.
Anne Hillerman is an American author of non-fiction books and mystery novels. She is the daughter of mystery author Tony Hillerman and has recently taken over his Leaphorn & Chee series. Before taking over the series, Anne spent over 20 years as a journalist, working for the Albuquerque Journal North and the Santa Fe New […]
Inspector Lucas Rocco is the protagonist in a series of crime ficton/mystery novels by British novelist Adrian Magson. Set in the early 1960s, Lucas Rocco starts out the series in Paris, France, but is then moved to a rural area of Northern France.
The Books by the Bay Mysteries is a series of cozy mystery novels by American author Ellery Adams. Olivia Limoges is the protagonist in this series. She is the owner of the restaurant in Oyster Bay, North Carolina – a town full of unsavoury characters and celebrities trying to catch a break from the paparazzi. […]
Ellery Adams is an American author of cozy mystery novels. She writes the Books by the Bay Mysteries, the Supper Club Mysteries (as J.B. Stanley) and several other series. Ellery grew up on the beach, so after leaving for landlocked towns as an adult, she began to miss the open water and everything that came […]
Roald Dahl (1916-1990) was a British author of fantasy, mystery and horror novels and short stories for both children and adults. He was born in Wales to Norwegian parents. Dahl enlisted to the Royal Air Force where he became a flying ace. Following a crash and some severe headaches, he returned home. It was around […]
Sophie Katz is the protagonist in a series of mystery/romance novels by American novelist Kyra Davis. Sophie is a mystery writer who becomes an amateur sleuth in San Francisco, California.
Kyra Davis is an American author of mystery/romance novels. She is the author of the Sophie Katz series. Kyra grew up interested in theatre, taking part in every school play or community production she possibly could. After travelling throughout Europe, she changed her mind and decided to study Fasion Merchandising and Marketing. Kyra then got […]