The Blanco County Mysteries is a series of satiric mystery novels by American novelist Ben Rehder. The series features a Texas game warden named John Marlin, who is often brought into homicide investigations – and not by choice. He works with Blanco County sheriff Herbert Mackey.


Ben Rehder is an American novelist of comic crime fiction and mystery novels. He writes the Blanco County Mysteries featuring John Marlin. Rehder always wanted to write, and as he grew older, the desire to become a novelist only grew. He ended up working in advertising instead, but got bored with it and decided to […]


DCI Monika Paniatowski is the protagonist in a series of police procedural/mystery novels by British author Sally Spencer (Alan Rustage). Monika Paniatowski is the successor to another character of Sally Spencer’s, Chief Inspector Woodend.


Inspector Sam Blackstone is the protagonist in a series of historical mystery novels by English novelist Alan Rustage (better known under the pen name of Sally Spencer). The series is set in Victorian England.


Chief Inspector Woodend is the protagonist in a series of mystery novels by English author Sally Spencer (Alan Rustage). Charlie Woodend is a detective chief inspector for Scotland Yard. His specialty is his expertise on the North of England.


Sally Spencer is the pen name of English novelist Alan Rustage, who writes mystery novels (both contemporary and historical). He writes the Inspector Woodend, DCI Monika Paniatowski, Inspector Blackstone and Inspector Ruiz series. Rustage grew up in the North of England. He has taught in England as well as in Iran, but now lives in […]


Brady Coyne is the protagonist in a series of mystery/thriller novels by American novelist William G. Tapply. Brady Coyne works as a Boston lawyer, although the novels are not set in the courtroom. Brady is often gets involved in messes, either due to his job, as a favour to a friend or out of curiosity. […]


William G. Tapply (1940-2009) was an American author of legal thriller/mystery novels and non-fiction books on fishing, the outdoors and writing. He is best known for his books featuring Brady Coyne. Tapply earned his Bachelor’s degree in American studies and his Master’s degree in teaching from Harvard. Before he became a full-time writer, he worked […]


The Amish-Country Mysteries is a series of mystery novels by American novelist P.L. Gaus. The series centers on Professor Michael Branden – one of the few from the mainstream who can work on cases involving the Amish people. The series was formerly known as the “Ohio Amish Mysteries.”


Paul L. Gaus is an American author of Amish-themed mystery novels. He writes the Amish-Country Mysteries series. He was born in Ohio, where he has lived for most of his life. Gaus got his B.S. from Miami University and his Ph.D from Duke University and had a long career teaching chemistry at the freshman, junior […]