The Outlanders is a series of science fiction novels written under the house name of James Axler and created by Mark Ellis. The series is set in the same universe as Axler’s Deathlands series, a century later. Chaos rules no longer on Earth and has been replaced by a government run by nine mysterious barons. […]
The Deathlands series is an action-adventure/science fiction series by James Axler. The series is set in a post-apocalyptic United States. Very few survived, and many who did were horribly mutated. A group of survivors led by Ryan Cawdor planning to escape the barren wasteland, meanwhile encountering terrifying mutated lifeforms and other beings with their own […]
James Axler is a house name created by Gold Eagle Publishing, an imprint of Harlequin. Axler writes the Deathlands, Outlanders and Earthblood series. The books written as James Axler are action-adventure/sci-fi novels. Until 1996, the James Axler pseudonym was used exclusively by Laurence James. From then on, the house name was used by numerous authors, […]
Steven Erikson is a Canadian novelist of fantasy and science fiction. He is a trained archaeologist and anthropologist. He is best known for his Malazan Empire novels, including his Malazan Book of the Fallen, Bauchelain & Korbal Broach and Kharkanas Trilogy series. As a writer, Erikson’s trademark is turning the conventions upside down and going […]
John Birmingham is a British-Australian author of science fiction, alternate history, crime fiction and non-fiction. His first taste of being published was in a student newspaper at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, where he wrote stories. He then began writing articles for Rolling Stone and the Australian edition of Penthouse. However, he would gain […]
Darkover is a series of science fiction/fantasy novels by American author Marion Zimmer Bradley. Darkover is a planet that is habitable by humans – the only of the seven planets that orbit a red giant star known as Cottman that humans can inhabit. The humans that colonized the planet were mostly Celtic and Spanish. The […]
Marion Zimmer Bradley was an American author of fantasy, science fiction and speculative fiction, as well as some gay & lesbian pulp fiction novels (which were controversial at the time) under various pseudonyms. Feminist views were a common theme in Bradley’s fiction. Bradley is best known for her Darkover series and to a lesser degree, […]
His Dark Materials is a series of high fantasy/sci-fi novels by English author Philip Pullman. The series follows two children, Lyra Belacqua and Will Parry as they travel across parallel universes and encounter things such as witches and armoured polar bears. The series was written for young adults, but can also be read by adults. […]
Greg Rucka is an American author of mystery, thriller, suspense and science fiction novels. He is also a comic book writer. He has written for several popular comic book series and characters, including Batman, Superman, Wolverine, Wonder Woman and several others. He is the creator of the Queen & Country series. As a novelist, he […]
Jonathan Maberry is an American author of horror fiction, thrillers, comic books and non-fiction. He is best known for his Pine Deep Trilogy, Joe Ledger series and his Benny Imura series. He has also written several non-fiction books about the paranormal, such as vampires and zombies.