Private is a series of thriller novels by American author James Patterson (and various co-authors). The series follows protagonist Jack Morgan, who runs an organization called Private – a detective agency that will get a job done with maximum force and discretion (even if they have to break a few rules in the process).


Nancy Bush is an American author of romance, romantic suspense, mystery and thriller novels. She is the sister of fellow novelist Lisa Jackson, who she has collaborated with on multiple novels. Nancy is a bestselling author in her own right and has been writing for over thirty years.


Les Norton is the central character in a series of crime thrillers by Australia author Robert G. Barrett. Les is a likeable redheaded Australian working-class bloke who lived in Durranbandi until he got in a pub fight and had to leave for Bondi before the police could question him in a murder investigation. He also […]


Robert G. Barrett (1946-2012) was an Australian novelist of crime fiction. Barrett was raised in Bondi, New South Wales, where he worked as a butcher for many years. He later moved to the Central Coast of New South Wales, appearing in many films and television commercials while writing his Les Norton novels. He died in […]


Jet is a series of suspense-thriller novels by novelist Russell Blake. Jet is the codename of a 28 year-old who was once Mossad’s most lethal operative before faking her own death and burying that identity forever.


Assassin is a series of thriller novels by author Russell Blake. The series is an epic assassination thriller series. The books contain jarring imagery and situations and is not for the faint of heart.


Russell Blake is an author of suspense and thriller novels. He is the author of several different series, including the Dr. Steven Cross, Assassin, Delphi Chronicle, Jet and Black series, plus several standalone novels and the satirical non-fiction book How To Sell a Gazillion eBooks in No Time. Russell likes on the Pacific coast of […]


Jericho Quinn is the central character in a series of action thrillers by American novelist Marc Cameron. A special agent, Air Force vet and trained assassin, Jericho Quinn answers to the Director of National Intelligence and the President of the United States. His codename tells you all you need to know about his methods: The […]


Marc Cameron is an American author of thriller novels. He writes the Jericho Quinn series. He spent over 25 years in law enforcement and 20 of those years with the federal government. He’s been sent to Alaska, Manhattan, Canada, Mexico and more all in the line of duty. He has a second-degree black belt in […]


Caitlin Strong is the protagonist in a series of thriller novels by American author Jon Land. Caitlin is a fifth-generation Texas Ranger who, after being wounded in a shootout, now works as a psychological therapist. After she learns her husband, who she thought was killed in Iraq, turns up alive, she dons the uniform once […]